Hi...I'm new

I'm new and just stopped by to say hello. I hope tracking, weighing, measuring, watching my nutrient content, drinking water and exercising will help me lose some weight. I've been trying to eat less and exercise more but that didn't seem to be working. I've gained 20lbs since Christmas. That's on top of my already overwight regular fat self. I've never been this heavy in my life. I've had some major stress issues happen since Chrismas with the sudden death of my brother and my husband losing his eye sight (he's had surgery and as of last Friday can see again!) So I'm trying not to be too hard on myself but..... I've only been using myfitnesspay for a week but like I said, I've been trying....to no avail. It's like the needle on the scale is stuck! I'm allowed 1200 cal and that's more than I usually eat in a day. Should you really eat all your extra exercise calories? Drinking water is so hard for me but I'm doing it. I hope this works!


  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    What type of exercises are you doing to burn calories? I would eat all of my calories. If you don't, it can cause your weightloss to stall.
  • www_getfitrx_com
    Hi Vinkariz!

    You are making the first step ... and that is being here ... so good for you! I know exactly how you feel. My journey began about 8 years ago - and I said the same exact words. There is no magic phrase I can say ... but I am here if you need any advice - to ask questions - seek guidance ... I have a thousand and one tricks up my sleeve to win this fight ... so call on me - and I'm there!

    Never give up,
  • luvly4sure
    Yes! Yes! Yes! Eat all of your calories. You will not lose if you don't. I had to learn the hard way which was a major setback for me.
  • Paigergirl
    Paigergirl Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome! I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. I've been on here for a while, but I can never manage to stay on track for more then 2 weeks at a time. Anyway, I hope you find the support you are looking for. The people on here are great! GOOD LUCK!!
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    Welcome! I would say that MyFitnessPal has been a great tool for me in my weight loss journey! If you add some friends on here, it's a lot easier to be held accountable for everything that you do. My friends get on me about things and I do the same for them. It's definitely a motivator! Regardless of my exercise, I try to keep my calorie intake equal or less to my "goal" for the day. As you log food and such, you will become more aware of what you are putting into your body and it will help you make smarter choices. On top of this, I've also been keeping a blog that tracks my progress with check-ins and photos. Another motivator! Good luck!!!
  • ymechelle22
    I'm with you. I just started a couple of days ago. My fitness pal is really helping me. It's so hard trying to do it alone. I have 60 lbs to lose and it seems impossible, but like me, you just have to have faith and stay committed. We'll do it! We all just have to keep encouraging each other!:smile:
  • jparsons27
    jparsons27 Posts: 61
    So glad you are here!

    ~Jane :)
  • ymechelle22
    Yes! Yes! Yes! Eat all of your calories. You will not lose if you don't. I had to learn the hard way which was a major setback for me.

    You r so right! If you don't eat enough calories your body will begin to store the fat!
  • vinkariz
    vinkariz Posts: 17
    Thank you all so much. I didn't think anyone would reply...
    Eating all the calories is so counter to what I think but so wonderful. I feel like I've been starving myself but yet I gained. I'm 53 so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know. I'm going to eat "the right way", drink my water, weigh and measure etc. etc. and exercise. Right now I am doing water aerobics (1 hour) twice per week, and walking. Probably not enough...I'll try to add more. I LOVE the water aerobics. I go to the YMCA. You have the resistance from the water but it doesn't stress the body too much because the water supports you. I always feel sore the next day (the good sore). I love being in the water. I hope to add swimming laps. I could do that every day! It just makes me feel better. I had surgery on my achilles tendon last year so water exercise is perfect for me. Again, thank you so much...