Is gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again a



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Do me a favor, go to the below link and calculate your estimated body fat. If you can give me that number and your weight (over private message if you would prefer) and let me know your workout routine, I can calculate a good number for you. Also, I might suggest doing a custom setup on your carb/protein/fat ratio to help things. Once I get that info, we can go from there.

    20.6% (relatively close to my skin fold number...but it says I'm 25lbs overweight too :p), 184#. I exercise 3-5x a week, 3x intense bodyweight strength training (30-45min for 350+cal), and short duration interval training on off days. Sat and Sun are dedicated rest. The actual workout routine is listed on the first page of the link in my signature.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    What other people have said. Don't be afraid to do something different and go over your calories once in a while. I did this weekend - if I was really meaning just to zig zag, I would have gone over by a couple hundred. However, I was on vacation, so I freakin' POLE-VAULTED over that 1200 calorie limit! When I got back I'd lost 2 pounds. [Hm...I think I should look into marketing the MGD diet...KIDDING, reaally! :laugh: ]

    But I think our bodies adjust and get used to what we feed them day in and day out so the zig-zag thing does have merit. Keeps us on our own toes, so to speak.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My suggestion is to change it up. I've had very good success with eating at maintenance for a week (every three months) and then abruptly dropping back down to 1200, along with changing my workouts.

    If you've been doing treadmill, try the elliptical or HIIT's with a kettleball. If you've been doing elliptical, try running outdoors or full-body boxing. If you always run 3 miles, do 5. If you spend 45 minutes on the treadmill on medium intensity, try 15 minutes at full blast, alternating with running stairs. Check out Tabata Protocol's and maybe do that? The cross training one uses different exercises - 20 seconds of max effort exercise >>10 seconds rest>>20 seconds of another max effort exercise>>10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes (8 rounds). The idea is to challenge your body and force it to give up the weight.

    I overcame a 6 week plateau doing the above two things and have not had another one since.

    Hey Stormie, I missed your post =D.

    This is awesome advice btw...and tabata anything is BRUTAL. You can even download a tabata timer (search HIIT) right off the android marketplace for free. I use it for planks, heavy bag work, hell even jumping jacks at max effort tabata style can be rough lol.

    They work though.

    The food thing is important too. You can't be scared to eat, and to reset your metabolism eating really well one week.

  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I have never eaten over 1600 calories but once or twice. MFP says my bmr is 1616 though, I do exercise 5 days a week about 70 minutes and do strength too. I wonder if I am undereating? My daily goal is 1500
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    Based on the information you provided me, I would suggest bumping your calories up to 1950-2200. You are really on the board between moderately and very active. Also, there is a lot of good info in this thread. Changing up your routine is crucial. Your body will adjust to a routine within 30 days. So if you don't change it, your body can plateau. So just keep adding fuel to the fire and your metabolism will thank you.

    BTW, each time I have plateau'd, I have add an additional 200 calories and it has helped me out with continuing my body to change composition. In fact, this week I am bumping my calories from 2600 up to 2800. I had to do this because over the past 90 days, i lost 3% body fat so I now have more LBM which needs more fuel.

  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    My suggestion is to change it up. I've had very good success with eating at maintenance for a week (every three months) and then abruptly dropping back down to 1200, along with changing my workouts.

    If you've been doing treadmill, try the elliptical or HIIT's with a kettleball. If you've been doing elliptical, try running outdoors or full-body boxing. If you always run 3 miles, do 5. If you spend 45 minutes on the treadmill on medium intensity, try 15 minutes at full blast, alternating with running stairs. Check out Tabata Protocol's and maybe do that? The cross training one uses different exercises - 20 seconds of max effort exercise >>10 seconds rest>>20 seconds of another max effort exercise>>10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes (8 rounds). The idea is to challenge your body and force it to give up the weight.

    I overcame a 6 week plateau doing the above two things and have not had another one since.

    Hey Stormie, I missed your post =D.

    This is awesome advice btw...and tabata anything is BRUTAL. You can even download a tabata timer (search HIIT) right off the android marketplace for free. I use it for planks, heavy bag work, hell even jumping jacks at max effort tabata style can be rough lol.

    They work though.

    The food thing is important too. You can't be scared to eat, and to reset your metabolism eating really well one week.


    Cris, what an amazing transformation you've made! You look GREAT!!! :)
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I just startd eating more. I cant go gorcery shopping until this weekend pay day, and will buy more food but I was always so tired no matter how much sleep I got. Since eating more in two days, and eating more carbs whole grain. I have energy and I am not sleepy on my non workout days.

    I sometimes workout 6 days if I am subbing a class and I do change it up. Kickboxing, yoga, elliptical with intervals, arc trainer, running or walking on an incline, Bob Harper DVD's. I was always starving when I forst woke up but Sunday after I ate 1900 calories Saturday, I was not.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Cris, what an amazing transformation you've made! You look GREAT!!! :)

    Aww, thank you!! I still see the old me, gotta keep working on it lol =D.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I agree Chris great transformation