Lost 100lbs and Need Motivation..

I've lost 100lbs the last 2 years and these last 20lbs are not coming off. I've lost motivation and find myself yo-yo ing up and down the same 10lbs. I'm looking for friends in the same boat and even friends with lots to go. I'm in this for the long haul!! Females only though please!! :)


  • AliciaBerries
    AliciaBerries Posts: 52 Member
    I know what you mean. I've lost 80, finally under 200 and I keep screwing up! I do good for a few weeks then start to slip
  • mnvicke
    mnvicke Posts: 103 Member
    I've got around 150 still to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • Somebrina
    Somebrina Posts: 15 Member
    Sent a request. I lost 130 but have put 15ish back on. Working to get most of that back off!

    I really think there's something about losing or needing to lose that much weight that no one who hasn't been there will ever understand. They mean well and tell you how good you look but it's a constant struggle, at least for me, especially lately, and I think about it all the time. Some days I feel like I was happier when I was larger, at least I wasn't analyzing all my food, but I know that's not really true. That's the thinking that trips me up!
  • emilyyytuckerrr
    emilyyytuckerrr Posts: 45 Member
    Add me!
  • Chele_Belle_
    Chele_Belle_ Posts: 65 Member
    I have lost 95 and still need to lose 35 more. Feel free to add me as this is definitely the hardest leg so far.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Use your progress pics as continued motivation. The last 10-20 is hard because you can't create such a large deficit. Just keep whittling away at it. Don't throw away all your hard work now!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Add me. I need motivation and support big time. Anyone can add me on here as well
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    Somebrina wrote: »
    Sent a request. I lost 130 but have put 15ish back on. Working to get most of that back off!

    I really think there's something about losing or needing to lose that much weight that no one who hasn't been there will ever understand. They mean well and tell you how good you look but it's a constant struggle, at least for me, especially lately, and I think about it all the time. Some days I feel like I was happier when I was larger, at least I wasn't analyzing all my food, but I know that's not really true. That's the thinking that trips me up!

    That's exactly how I've been feeling lately! I love being thinner but I was "happier" feeling heavier. Or more carefree I should say. I sent you a request!
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    I feel your pain...i lost 135...and gained back 50! Now I am working on getting that 50 off and then losing the 70 to get to my ultimate goal. It is almost harder to stay motivated after a big loss I think. With me, I got busy...I was in grad school, working full time...I stopped really paying attention to what I was doing and got complacent. My brain slipped right back into old habits..and the result showed up on the scale! Sometimes I think that the more weight I lost, and the more people complimented me for it..the worse I felt about it. That totally makes no sense, I know. Its a process.
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    I lost 90 since January but recently had a set back and gained back 10 in the last month. For some reason it was easier for me to keep a weight loss calorie deficit when I first started. Now I'm still hungry when I eat maintaience calories - I used to be able to ignore my hunger but it's not as easy anymore.

    I have been back on track the last four days, we all need to keep focused and remember the motivations we have for being healthy and fit!

    Good luck to the OP and everyone else :)
  • Never2Bz
    Never2Bz Posts: 90 Member
    Wow! Reading your post will be my motivator today! I'm on MFP almost 1,800 days... I know a gazillion ups and downs during that time but it never makes me "cut the chord" from MFP or my Fitbit! Today I will eat right in your honor! Remember to tell yourself "TGIF... Thank God I'm Fabulous"!