DS Mamas!!

DS-TwoDarlings here :) My goal is to lose 64 lbs total and I'm working to lose half of that by my ODDs 3rd birthday at the end of September. I'm doing 30 min of circuit training M-F and eating as clean as possible. That's the plan anyway ;) What are your goals?


  • newmama0110
    My ultimate weight loss goal is to be at 150 lbs (73lbs away) which may seem large to some but since I'm big-boned, it's actually the perfect size for me; anything smaller and I'll look like a walking stick lol.. I've already lost 20lbs since DD was born 17 months ago. I walk, do portion control, and do a Biggest Loser DVD 3x/week. I would love to be fit and trim by DD's 2nd birthday :)
  • Crystalftw
    Crystalftw Posts: 4 Member
    My ultimate goal is to be at 150 too! But I'm 105lbs away =(. I have lost this much weight before, so I know I can do it again. I am 11weeks pp so I have to eat strategically bc I need an extra 500 cals for EBF. I'm using slim in 6 every day!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I'd love to lose 15-20 lbs by December. My family is going to the beach for Christmas and I'd love to rock a cute swimsuit. I'm currently doing 30 day shred and walking when I can.
  • Crystalftw
    Crystalftw Posts: 4 Member
    Bump for the influx of ladies who joined from DS. =)
  • mividabella
    Oh, and I'm using Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 or Jackie Warner's circuit training dvd (I forget the name of it) everyday. I've been doing it for a week now and I feel stronger and can already see a difference in my energy levels, now to drop the poundage!!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Hello everyone! :)

    I have basically been counting calories and exercising. My goal is to eat four four-hundred calorie meals per day (~1,600 per day). I do a zumba class 2 to 3 hours per week, supplementing with swimming, elliptical and treadmill if it falls below 3 hours.

    I currently weigh 237.0 lbs. (as of this morning) which is down 13 lbs. This past Monday, I weighed 235.8...
    My end goal is to lose a total of 110 lbs. (including what I have already lost). My first goal (short term) is to be 215 by mid-October, when I am taking my son to the beach. I would like to be out of the 200's by January 1st, and would like to be less than 150 by next June (this will be 1 year after my lifestyle change).

    I have been in a slump this week, but AF just arrived, so I am praying that this is the cause... I have been doing everything for the last week that I was doing the two previous weeks, but this week I gained and have not lost back down to my Monday weight yet. I am hoping to at least be down enough to net zero tomorrow. That would be better than showing a gain, but I am not holding my breath...

    I keep just pushing through the disappointment on the scale. Usually, this is where my diet stalls and I gain back what I have lost and then some because I give up. However, I am determined not to give up!! I just feel like my morale is taking a beating...
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    another DS mom

    my goal is to be around 145-150 then maintain so around 42pounds to loose yet
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I'm here too! I'm corinne76 on DS

    edit-I want to lose the baby weight so bad. I had my 2nd 5 months ago and I can fit some of my pre-preg clothes but I'm not where I want to be. I'm 154-ish and a size 6. I want my tummy to be nice again and not jiggly. I dont even have a specific weight in mind, I jsut want to look and feel better.

    I'm so lazy. I need to get in the habit of working out daily
  • mividabella
    @ Shydaisi Do not be discouraged!! Keep going, we're all here to support you. I've got my weigh in tomorrow and I don't think I'll have lost anything but it feels good to know I'm doing something about it. Just keep on keepin' on and you'll see results again!!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    @ Shydaisi Do not be discouraged!! Keep going, we're all here to support you. I've got my weigh in tomorrow and I don't think I'll have lost anything but it feels good to know I'm doing something about it. Just keep on keepin' on and you'll see results again!!

    Thank you! I am definitely trying not to be discouraged. It has been a rough couple of weeks scale-wise, but I have stuck to it in spite of what the scale has said. That in and of itself is a large victory for me!
  • Slightlyoffbalance
    Slightlyoffbalance Posts: 20 Member
    Hey folks! mamakerry from DS.

    Ultimately, I want to lose about 120 lbs. I was down to about 230, but now I am back up to 268, except when I was pregnant with DS, this is definitely my all time high. This has got to stop and the weight has got to go!

    I'm not doing any specific diet, but really trying to be an all around healthier eater and get regular with exercise. Attempting to stay within calorie range of 1200-1400 for the time being. Also trying to cut out a lot of the processed foods, and eat a balanced diet. I have many different dvds to exercise along with including 30 day shred and some yoga videos. I'll probably stick with those mostly. I keep saying I'm going to do them, but haven't yet.

    Glad to be here with you ladies!
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    Hi DS mamas! My goal is to be 150 lbs too! Before i discoverd beer in college, I was 143lbs. but this was also almost 10 years ago. I know htat I can get to at least 155lbs, but the ultimate goal is 150lbs.

    I have a really hard time with snacking. I'm hungry all the time and I need some suggestions for healthy snacks that i can munch on during the day at work and not have to worry too much about the calories. I love all kinds of fruits and vegetables, so it shouldn't be that hard. I do avoid corn in all forms if possible, so if you have any ideas, let me know!
  • Underwood2011
    Underwood2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Okay. I'm Tiffsnest from DS.

    My goal is to get "old me" back. My first goal was to get my weight back under "normal" for my BMI. Which I got, then started a weight program, gained muscle mass and 2 lbs, and flat refused to weigh in at a gain. *giggle* Realistically, I know that I am still okay because my pants fit well, if not better, even with a gain...

    "Old Me" used to exercise for the fun of it. Old Me had energy and vitality. I miss that. That's why I'm here. I am planning to do a 38 mile inline skate marathon in October and to get in my cute, 2-kids-ago jeans. I can finally get them on, they just don't look good yet. From my start of trying to rescue Old Me in January, I have wrestled off 13 pounds.

    I don't really have a goal weight...I wanted to be under 165 because of BMI, now I'm going on how I feel and how my pants fit. It'll probably be in the mid-150's. I'm 5'8", so any less than that and I start to worry people.

    I am also trying to eat more naturally and stay away from the naughtiness I was indulging in before. I am trying to eat more fresh and from scratch food and overhaul my entire family's eating habits. My oldest daughter has Downs, so I especially want to set a good example for her for eating and exercising. And for all my kids, it's easier to set an example than to have to fix it later. ANY recipe ideas that y'all want to share, I would LOVE to see!!! I even started a thread on DS just for that! http://diaperswappers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1241461
  • Underwood2011
    Underwood2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, and I'm using Chalean Extreme, TurboFire, Inline Skating, Stationary Biking, and I'm about to add a Couch-to-5K to the mix. I don't like to get bored. Keeps me honest. ;)
  • aleesh_mom
    Hi, Mamas!!!!! I'm glad I found you! I'm Aleesh_Mom on DS, and I think I'll be using MFP to check in and stay accountable for these next few months.

    I started C25K yesterday, counting calories, doing yoga...BF'ing my daughter...
    I'm also going to be starting a "30 by 30" thread to lose 30 lbs. by my little sister's 30th birthday...come join us if you want! :)
  • mividabella
    Alright ladies-check in! How's everybody doing and progressing?? Need help with anything? What do you need? Let's hear it so we can get back to business!!!!!
  • Slightlyoffbalance
    Slightlyoffbalance Posts: 20 Member
    Alright ladies-check in! How's everybody doing and progressing?? Need help with anything? What do you need? Let's hear it so we can get back to business!!!!!

    I'm down 7 lbs so far!! I'm pretty excited about that, but I still haven't been eating as well as I should be. I must admit that it is a big transition for me. As I've posted on DS big mamas weight loss thread, I LOVE to eat. I enjoy it so much and all the food around here (from Lafayette, la) is so yummy and soooo bad for you! I'm also an emotional eater, and I eat when I'm bored. It's taking some serious will power to push through some days without binging, but somehow I'm managing. I still consume less food and calories, even on the days when I have little slip ups.

    I haven't gotten into the exercise, yet. I just can't get motivated enough to work out. I did a couple and I do feel so much better when it's done. I just don't like to get started!
  • sophnickaly
    sophnickaly Posts: 5 Member
    HI Mamas ;)

    Im Sophiasmomma on DS (was my user name back when I had only 1...now I have 3 :) ) Anyway... My goal is to lose 10 lbs and tone tone tone.. Im a flabby mess and am actually have a higher precent of body fat than most people 2 times my size :(
    My Plan was to do WW but thats not working right now for me so I plan on going to a cleaner diet without tons of sugar which I seem to be inhaling every night. Im doing Zumba 2 classes a week and trying to do 2 dvds or the elliptical each week. I find that if I just keep my goals small each week I do keep with them . Last week was my DDs 1 st birthday so I was super busy with party stuff and relatives so now its time for me to ge ton track. Id love to lose 5 lbs by september I currently weigh 138 and Im 5'3
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    What is DS?
  • mividabella
    What is DS?

    Diaper Swappers