What made YOU smile today!?

ShelbyLB Posts: 431
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Yes peope, its time to play another round of 'what made you smile today'.....it always boosts my mood....so TRY IT! :D

What made ME smile....
the SUNSHINE streaming into my office window
the DELISH shake I'm slurping on
friendly comments and messages from all of YOU fabulous people!! :D


  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    i beat a colleague twice at table football today .. especially nice since it was a guy & it's apparently "a shame" to lose to a girl! ;-)

    with you on the sunshine too, summer's SO NICE!
  • I smiled when I had butterflies in my tummy as I got on the scale to see what progress I had made. 2 and half pounds in 2 weeks. Yay me!
    I smiled when I got home from the gym this morning and my dog was super happy to see me even though I'd only been gone an hour.

    Great topic suggestion!
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I just had some AMAZING watermelon, and I had to wear a belt with my jeans that used to be the.. "too tight jeans". :)
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Seeing a group of boys(aged 10) at school dancing when they thought no-one was looking :smile:
  • kdesign007
    kdesign007 Posts: 3 Member
    Today is the start of my self-employment. I started out with worship and a walk outside. beautiful sunny day. I was quickly reminded how jealously I looked at the morning runners I used to see on my commute to work. I smile because I am now one of them and I feel great starting my day like this. :)
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I spent a couple hours at my mother's and we didn;t argue!!! Oh she tried, but i tried biting my tongue........man does my tongue hurt!! LOL
  • cgd67
    cgd67 Posts: 188 Member
    Encouragement from my MFP friends!
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    I listened to the most recent "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" podcast this morning on my walk and I was literally laughing out loud. People probably thought I was nuts!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    This video made me smile today


    I'm still giggling... tee hee.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    ~ My puppy - he's funny, loving, and disobedient.
    ~ My outfit - I'm wearing a navy pencil skirt and a hot pink (the color makes me happy) spaghetti strap lace trim tank. The best part is I don't need a belt to cinch my waist and hide my gut!! I'm finally seeing a difference in my weight loss!!!
    ~ Elvis Duran - love that show. Greg T cracked me up.
    ~ Oh, breakfast!! I had plain oatmeal, but I stirred in a packet of Justin's Maple Almond Butter (look it up). Sooooooo gooooood!!!
  • Just crawled back on the wagon today and all of the encouraging comments I have gotten upon my return make me realize I need to be here and these amazing people are here to help me along on this journey.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    YAY!! Love it!!
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Oh, Shelby. I'm addicted to those banana pancakes!! I'm trying them with honey, trying them with almond butter, trying them using sweet potatoes instead of bananas, trying them with oats... I'm on a healthy pancake frenzy thanks to you! Please share any other delish and low-cal recipes!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I smile when I drive to work and see the still-snow-capped mountain peaks against a big blue sky! I love where I live!

    I smiled when I got a video of one of my good friends from across the country showing her belly bop when her baby kicks!!

    I smiled at a couple of messages from my bestest mfp friends this morning!!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    My fiance and my cat made me smile today. I have been getting up early to go to the gym before work 3 days a week lately and he has been getting up early too just to say goodbye to me (and he doesn't work until 2 so he could sleep in if he wanted to). And my cat is always waiting for me outside the bathroom while I do my morning routine and he always greets me when I'm finished with a meow-purr and some rubbing up against my leg. And then he goes off to eat his morning food. He's so cute.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Oh, Shelby. I'm addicted to those banana pancakes!! I'm trying them with honey, trying them with almond butter, trying them using sweet potatoes instead of bananas, trying them with oats... I'm on a healthy pancake frenzy thanks to you! Please share any other delish and low-cal recipes!

    Ahhhh THIS made me smile!!!! I'm SO glad you love them...aren't they awesome!!!?? I sprinkled cinnamon and a dash of vanilla extract in my 'batter' before i made them...YUM.....I've always put in a tsp of flax seed for more fiber......and can't wait to try them with oats!! woot wooot!!! :D I will definitely share more low cal recipe finds!!! Have a fab day!
  • dkt20d
    dkt20d Posts: 1 Member
    Riding my bike into work, burning an extra 607 calories. I find myself smiling like a kid on a new bike :)

    Thanks for asking the question.
  • ~ My puppy - he's funny, loving, and disobedient.

    I have one just like that!
  • the fact i feel like i am my NORMAL self again today!!
    just talked to my mom and she is losing a LOT of weight on the 17 day diet plan for Dr Oz and she is SUPER excited to keep going with it... (totally not like my mom to talk like that)
    friends like SHELBY!!! :) make me smile almost EVERY day!!
    2 cute little girls i got to kiss before i left for work this am
    A FABULOUS husband that is so darn SWEET and handsome.. HE Makes me smile A LOT!!!!!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Annnd..I just visited a local nursing home....which I do often, to visit with the elderly and bring smiles to their faces....and in reality, they make ME smile!! :D
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