60 Minute Plank Challenge - October 2016

b3achy Posts: 2,167 Member
This is a pretty simple challenge thread for those that want to have some accountability with their plank workouts. This plank challenge thread is meant to be flexible enough that people of various fitness levels should be able to successfully complete it using their own schedule.

Challenge Goal - 60 minutes of planks for the month. That's about 2 minutes of planks daily, or 3 minutes of planks for 20 days or 5 minutes of planks for 12 days...or...what ever you want to do to reach the challenge goal.
>>If you are already a planking superstar or start to consistently hit the challenge goal, feel free to post your own goal at the beginning of the challenge that is higher than the one for the posted challenge.
>>If you join us late in the month, feel free to post an alternate goal that is in the spirit of the original challenge (for example, joining around the 15th would be a 30 minute plank challenge to finish out the month).

How many sets? As many as you need. If you can do a 5 minute plank in one set, that is amazing!! If you want to do a few sets of 1 - 2 minute planks, that's cool! If you need to break up your planks into multiple sets of 15-30 seconds, that's okay too!

Types of planks? ALL planks and their variations count! Straight arm planks, bent arm/elbow planks, side planks, reverse planks, etc. This allows you to vary your planks depending on your personal workout goals.

How to join / participate? Just post the total minutes of the planks you did for the day and your running total for the month. No spreadsheets, no groups. Easy peasy.

For a tougher challenge, see this plank, squat, pushup and crunch challenge thread:

Alternate 30 day plank challenge (20 to 300 sec):

Last month's 60 minute plank challenge thread:

Welcome and start planking!!


  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'll join again! It keeps me motivated!
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in - brink on the planks!! he he
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    I failed miserably in Sept, will try again.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,167 Member
    rwbug wrote: »
    I failed miserably in Sept, will try again.

    I can totally relate. I think I've tried this challenge 3 or more times on another site, and never finished it. This past month was the first time I got all 60 minutes done, and it was questionable at the end there. But just remember you only really fail if you don't try again. So October will be your month! :)
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    Right then - 1st oct - 4 mins!!! 56 mins to go!!! bring it on October!! lol
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I m in
  • Jailo11
    Jailo11 Posts: 1 Member
    Cool I'm in!
  • trailrunner81
    trailrunner81 Posts: 227 Member
    im in
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks.

    Total 2 minutes
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,167 Member
    Welcome back @DebbieNeedham1, @Spliner1969 and @rwbug !!!
    Welcome @Dhathri, @Jailo11 and @trailrunner81!!
    Good starts @DebbieNeedham1 and @Spliner1969.

    I'm going to do my usual taking the weekends off from planking, so today and tomorrow are rest days from planking (I actually have a paddleboard race tomorrow morning, so I'll still be busy). I'll be posting my planks starting Monday. :) Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    Oct 2 - 4 mins - time left 52 mins
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks.
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks.

    Total 4 minutes
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Color me intrigued... I think I may do this. Starting tomorrow before work. 60 minutes, you say? I'll try.
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    Oct 3 - 4 1/2 mins - 47 1/2 to go....
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,167 Member
    Great start @Spliner1969 and @DebbieNeedham1!! Welcome to the insanity @JustSomeEm!!
    Was sick last night and slept most of the day today, so took it easy with short duration planks. But wanted to get something done to kick start the month.

    1 October: Rest Day
    2 October: Rest Day
    3 October: 3 minutes (6 x 30 sec - straight arm)

    Total: 3 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 57 minutes

    September - 60 minutes
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    Oct 4 - 5 mins - last day of 30 day plank challenge - so time to ease off a bit for a while I think lol

    42 1/2 mins to go!!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 3, None, Rest Day
    Oct 4, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)

    Total 10 minutes, 50 to go.

  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Oct 1 and 2 - zero
    Oct 3 - 1.5 mins
    Oct 4 - 2 mins

    Total 3.5 mins
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,167 Member
    @DebbieNeedham1 - well done on your 30 day plank challenge! Congrats on getting it done!

    1 October: Rest Day
    2 October: Rest Day
    3 October: 3 minutes (6 x 30 sec - straight arm)
    4 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)

    Total: 6 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 54 minutes
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 3, None, Rest Day
    Oct 4, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 5, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)

    Total 16 minutes, 44 to go.