

Did any of you start taking them as soon as you started exercising? How long before you felt a difference? I think I need to start taking a multi vitamin a long with my b12 injections cause i'm feeling tired a lot even though I am eating and sleeping well and I believe my diet is pretty balanced.


  • 52wingman
    52wingman Posts: 4
    I take a multivitamin, a Vite-B complex, and fish oil. I feel a lot better, sleep more restfully, and don't get tired during the middle of the day.
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    I take a multivitamin, a Vite-B complex, and fish oil. I feel a lot better, sleep more restfully, and don't get tired during the middle of the day.

    Thanks for your advice. I wonder how long it took for you to notice a difference?
  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    I take a multivitamin, a Vite-B complex, and fish oil. I feel a lot better, sleep more restfully, and don't get tired during the middle of the day.

    I agree with ^

    I noticed that after I started taking my multivitamin and calcium tablets my bones stopped aching and muscle soreness was relieved faster as opposed to when I wasn't taking anything. Check you diet, maybe you don't need to add suplements. But since you're not able to get good sleep you might, also try going to bed completely relaxed. I notice that if I watch tv and try to go to bed right after I CANT sleep, so I just put on something soothing, (even do light cleaning) and I fall asleep right away.
  • Kiwi_09
    Kiwi_09 Posts: 65
    I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil and cayenne pepper. I feel most rested as well and also that I don't get as hungry as quickly after meals. I used to get shakey feeling after an hour or two of not eating. That also might be because I'm eating a bit healthier than I was before too.
  • misslynn23
    misslynn23 Posts: 31 Member
    I'd encourage you to check out JuicePlus instead of vitamins. It is whole food nutrition in a capsule. It contains 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains. 95% of it absorbed into your bloodstream as opposed to 9-13% from multivitamins. It is also backed by 18 published clinical gold-standard research. It's definitely worth checking out.
  • PersianFlower
    PersianFlower Posts: 27 Member
    I take fish oil, vitamin d (this helped me SOOOO MUCH), and superB complex. I didn't notice it right away but withing a few weeks I noticed I didn't need naps/feel sleepy and felt much happier.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I take a multi-vitamin and fish oil. I noticed a drastic difference in my nails (I used to have very brittle nails--now they grow quickly and have white tips) within two to three weeks of starting them both. I can't say I notice any other changes, though.
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Thanks everyoner :) as for the pills backed by research companies.. be careful.. i have studied the lack of ethics involved with the pharmaceutical companies and it isnt good.... be cautious aswhat they tell you isnt always truth.x
  • mehmig
    mehmig Posts: 55 Member
    I take a lot of things. First, let me say I started taking a lot of these sups because we use them in my son's recovery from autism - it is called biomedical interventions. I did a lot of research and found that I fit certain subtypes and needed to supplement the same as my son.

    I take krill oil for my omegas and for astaxanthin, probiotic, magnesium, b-complex, zinc, curcumin, oil of oregano, D, C, cinnamon extract, coconut oil, adrenal cortex extract. The mag and omegas helped with depression almost immediately.