anyone want to check my diary out and give pointers

stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
I have been very good since joining about logging in everything. I have my weight loss set currently at 1.5 pounds a week not sure if thats where it should be or not. also other than my logged in workouts I`m not super active mostly playing on the floor with the kids or watching TV (but I do get 60min or more workout time in and I really do push quite hard during those times).

I`ve never tried to loose weight before so this is all very new to me and I`m not really careing so much what my weight in the end is just that I would really like to fit in size 10/11 jeans again lol currently size 13/14 depending on band. I am a pear shape body so most of my weight is in my thigh area

I think I`m doing ok since I`ve lost 21 pounds since May1st but since I only weigh in once a month and I`ve never really done this before I wouldn`t mind some pointers if you see a potental problem area

thanks in advance :)


  • How is your sodium? I noticed high sodium caused lots of water weight for me.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Less processed stuff, more clean foods. Replace a lot of your processed food with fruits and veggies. Are you drinking enough water? I've noticed once I got rid of all the 'crap' food and replaced it with fruits and vegs I've not only felt better but the pounds have fallen off. take a look at my diary if you'd like and see.

    Also, added afterwards..........processed food contains tons of sodium (And not really many nutrients) and may be helping you retain water.
  • dezignz4u
    dezignz4u Posts: 26 Member
    you lost 21 pounds and you not in your jeans ... what are you doing to tone up your body along with losing the weight ...
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    You burn a lot of calories exercising, keep in mind if you are using MFP's numbers a lot of people noticed they are very high and MFP gives them to many calories burned for the exercise they are doing.
  • The only thing I would do differntly is not eat back your exersize calories. Once in a while is fine but not all the time. I think you are doing great. you are losing weight and working out and that is showing you results. Keep at it anf make sure you are taking your vitamins. Oh I would also cut out the ice cream.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You need to cut down on the salt. Your eating way too much salt and all it is going to do is cause you to retain water.

    You also need to cut back on the fast food, and the processed food.

    If you are going to eat out go to an actual restaurant were you can request your food be prepared a certain way.

    Try to put in more fruits and veggies, increase your fiber intake, and cut back on the sugar as well.

    If your going to eat processed food, icecream, wendys, whatever, save a day for that, such as Friday. Make Friday your free day to eat junk and all the not so good for you stuff, and Saturday, get right back up on the horse and ride it till Friday again.
  • You should look for light versions of the things you drink. I know there's a tropicana orange juice with half of the sugar and calories as the regular version. Also, using a sugar free coffee creamer in your coffee saves tons of sugar and about half of the calories. If the taste of the sugar free creamer bothers you, Silk brand coffee creamer is a good choice too.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    Try to put a lot more fruits, vegetable and lean protein in there too. Try to not eat a lot of processed foods. Yogurt is good, but try to get a high protein nonfat one. Try to eat more fresh. It's hard, but it' worth it. You'll see results.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    thank you I had no idea about the sodium

    for ton I have just started using the weigh machines at the gym
    my plan was to use them one day then take two days off and then repeat (to give myself sometime to rebuild since I have hurd its not the best to weight train daily)

    also just got a heavy bag to work out on after 15 min of that I never new I could hurt so much lol

    the calorie burn entered in the diary are from the crosstrainer itself since it takes my HR , gender , weight , time , speed , and resistance of program all into acount ( I figured it was more accurate than what the forum had down for me)

    walking and other exercise I have just used the standard from here
  • maggieschuck
    maggieschuck Posts: 174
    I just took a peek at your foods. Your doing good with fruit but maybe try balancing it out with more veggies. Your sugar limit should be 35g a day and with so much fruit in your diet your going way over. Natural sugar is better for you so just try to balance it out. Like if I have fruit then no juice today or yogurt. Fresh, natural and non process is the best for you.

    Your fiber is really low. You can have about 35 g a day and you are hovering around 15g. Add slow cool oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. It will hold you over for longer and add more fiber into your diet. Plus tons of green veggies.

    Check out your sodium levels. This site sets the sodium limit to 2500 but the heart assc. recommends 1500. When you eat process foods or eat out you'll go over your limits. Lunch meats are high in sodium as are crackers, sour creams, cottage cream, all sauces, cheese and most spreads. You can custom your log to fit your needs. Try making fiber and sodium available to view.

    Go to food- settings - use the drop down bar to view more categories. Also change the titles of your meals so its in better order. Ex: Breakfast, AM Snack, Lunch, PM Snack and Dinner. This way you have a better idea of how often you are eating. Try shooting for 5 - 300 cal meals.

    You can look at my meals but Ive been busy and not logging every thing. Best of luck to you!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    anyone want to suggest some high in fiber low sodium food options.
  • maggieschuck
    maggieschuck Posts: 174
    Homemade beans, oatmeal and I love High Fiber tortillas.
  • I would stop eating the Yoplait. While they claim that it's healthy it's really full of horrible ingredients. If you substitute for Lifeway Kefir you will cut out the crap, and add probiotics and extra fiber into your diet.

    Low sodium, high fiber..... raw or dry roasted nuts, esp almonds. Granola (make sure you get something not filled with hidden unhealthy ingredients). Kashi 7 grain crackers. Dried fruit.

    Overall I would take a look at the ingredients in the things you are eating. Alot of the brands are highly processed and have hidden, really, really bad for you ingredients.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I would say you’re doing pretty well! But I do have some suggestions. It looks like you’re not eating enough of your exercise calories back. This was my problem when I started exercising without a heart rate monitor and wasn’t using MFP. You are certainly eating enough for nutrition purposes (whereas I was not), but I would recommend trying to eat 75% of those exercise calories. That said, I do agree that it looks like you’re eating a lot of processed foods that are high in sugar and sodium.

    I recommend more veggies, whole grains, beans, and nuts. Nuts are a great higher calorie snack with good protein and fats. They will also help you eat those exercise calories back. Also, I would recommend not drinking your calories (fruit juices). It is much different than eating a piece of fruit. The fiber in fruit prevents a lot of that sugar from raising your glucose levels ( However, fruit juices often don’t contain that fiber, so you’re really just getting the sugar.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    grabbed some baby carrots , celery , pears and eggs at the store tonight in hopes to make tomorrow better :) thanks again and if anyone has other food suggestions please let me know I have such a hard time reading lables with 3 kids under age 6 in the store with me
  • azdmelani
    azdmelani Posts: 17 Member
    your breakfast is lacking. Skip the OJ and have some cereal with the yogurt and fruit instead.

    Also, next time you go to Pizza hut, maybe you can try thin crust with veggies and get a salad from the salad bar
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    and it was hard this morning eatting lol but I started out with egg , toast , strawberries and some blueberries instead of my normal yogurt

    Thursday is my large shopping day for the week so I`ll be able to get some better foods in the house On Thursday.
    I love nuts and almonds
    dryed fruit - but not sure if they add sodium to dried or not?
    fresh fruit
    most vegies (though I HATE peas and beans its a texture thing)
    I`m not super big on carbs but LOVE protein I`ve gone over on protein a few times now
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