Healthy Chicken Quesadilla

Flat Out - Healthy 5 Grain Flax Flat Bread, 1 flat bread 1

Chicken - Boneless Skinless Breast - Baked Chicken Breast, 4 oz

Fresh Natural Salsa - Salsa, 2 tablespoon

Cheddar Cheese - Shredded 2% - Kraft, 1/4 cup

green peppers and onions, sauteed in Pam

Bake chicken, then shred with a fork. Sautee the onions and green pepper in Pam. Spay large frying pan with Pam, and put the flat out on the heated pan. Sprinkle cheese, green pepper/onion mixture, and chicken. Cook until cheese is melted and flatout bread is golden brown. Fold in half, cut into 2-3 pieces and use salsa for dipping!

Only 350 calories!
