Full Body Routine For Men and Women

tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Day 1:

5 minute initial warmup
a) Quads - Barbell back squats
reps: 5/5/5/5
b1) Chest - Incline dumbbell press
reps: 7/7/7
b2) Calves - Standing calf raise
reps: 7/7/7
c1) Hamstrings - Stiff leg deadlifts
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Abs - (Weighted) decline sit ups
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Back - (Weighted) wide grip pull-ups
reps: 10/10
d2) Shoulders - Seated dumbbell shoulder press
reps: 10/10
e1) Triceps - Dips
reps: 5/5
e2) Abs - Reverse crunches
reps: 2 x As Many As Possible (amap)
f) Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
Day 2:

25 minutes of full body HIIT (push, pull, calisthenics, jumps, sprints, kickboxing, etc…)
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of push ups as fast as possible, 90 seconds of moderate-speed jump rope (6 minutes)
• 60 seconds rest
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of rowing as fast as possible, 90 seconds of squat thrusters (6 minutes)
• 60 seconds rest
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of skipping lunges as fast as possible, 90 seconds of kickboxing drills (6 minutes)
• 5 minutes of stretching
Day 3:

5 minute initial warmup
a) Chest - Flat bench press
reps: 5/5/5/5
b1) Quads - Step ups onto a bench or box holding dumbbells
reps: 7/7/7
b2) Abs - Lying leg raises, get your lower back and butt off the floor, try to touch the ceiling with your toes
reps: 10/10/10
c1) Back/Hamstrings – Standing bent over barbell rows
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Calves - Seated calf raises
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Shoulders - Standing dumbbell raises to the side
reps: 10/10
d2) Biceps - Standing alternating dumbbell curls
reps: 10/10
e1) Hamstrings - Glute-ham raise
reps: 10/10
e2) Abs - Fold ups
reps: 2 sets x amap
f)Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
the glute-ham raise – lock your heels under something with the instep of your foot facing down and, starting upright with your thighs perpendicular to the floor, lower your upper body forward and down towards the floor then use your hamstrings to pull yourself back upright.
Day 4:

25 minutes of lower body HIIT (jumps, sprints, etc…)
• 5 sets – 30 seconds of sprinting, 90 seconds of jogging/walking (10 minutes)
• 60 seconds rest
• 2 sets – 30 seconds of rapid squat jumps, 90 seconds of moderate-speed bodyweight squats (4 minutes)
• 30 seconds rest
• 2 sets – 30 seconds of sprinting, 90 seconds of jogging/walking (4 minutes)
• 30 seconds rest
• 2 sets – 30 seconds of jumping rope as fast as possible, 90 seconds of jogging/walking (4 minutes)
• 5 minutes of stretching
Day 5:

5 minute initial warmup
a) Hamstrings - Deadlifts
reps: 5/5/5/5
b1) Shoulders - Standing overhead shoulder press
reps: 7/7/7
b2) Abs - Standing side bends holding dumbbells
reps: 7/7/7
c1) Quads - Alternating barbell lunges
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Chest/Triceps – Decline close grip bench
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Back/Biceps – (Weighted) close grip chin-ups
reps: 10/10
d2) Calves – One leg standing calf raise on a 2 inch block or plate holding a dumbbell
reps: 10/10
e1) Chest/Triceps - Clapping push ups
reps: 2 sets x amap
e2) Abs - Sit ups with straight punch
reps: 2 sets x amap
f) Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
Day 6:

25 minutes of full body HIIT (push, pull, calisthenics, jumps, sprints, kickboxing, etc…)
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of bodyweight rows as fast as possible, 90 seconds of jumping jacks (6 minutes)
• 60 seconds rest
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of bodyweight step-ups as fast as possible, 90 seconds of kickboxing drills (6 minutes)
• 60 seconds rest
• 3 sets – 30 seconds of explosive push ups (clapping, up onto a box, etc…), 90 seconds of moderate-speed walking lunges (6 minutes)
• 5 minutes of stretching
Day 7:

Completely off, no exercise at all.


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