01MissFit Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
I need help to keep going, I haven't been on this app for 4 months but when I stuck to it I really stuck to it and lost over a stone! I really want to lose at least another 2 and a half as this belly is disgusting! Hate my body right now and I just want to be fit and healthy! HELP!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    All or nothing mentality will ultimately get you no where...lose that
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    Start slowly, maybe just log what you are eating. For me, I forget stuff I eat unless it really stands out and then eat more than I need. Logging is key for me.
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    You can do it.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    Good luck. I've been kind of off the wagon too. Still logging in but not logging all my food like I should be. I'm lucky I've been maintaining but I need to get my butt back in gear
  • mattro7703
    mattro7703 Posts: 33 Member
    Climb back on it. Remember it's a marathon not a race and a full lifestyle change. You can do this!
  • bmaw01
    bmaw01 Posts: 40 Member
    Log in what you are going to eat the night before. You need a plan. For me, this works. Takes a few minutes and get easier as you move on.

    Think about what you'd like to eat.
    When you've used MyFitnessPal it stores what you've eaten.
    We are creatures of habit so copy paste what you'd like to eat for the next day.
    Check the nutrition tab to see where you stand in regard to fat, carbs, etc.
    It's great because you get an idea.

    I just planned what I'm going to eat for Monday. I work in a school. I'll hot the gym in the morning and have my meal ready to go when I leave at 8am.

    Good luck.