Broke the brick wall

I'm not sure what wall to post, but thought this may be motivational to some who may have hit a plateau.

For weeks; I'm talking 5+ weeks I was at a stand still. Eat whatever, not gain anything, but work my *kitten* off and not lose anything. I became very frustrated. I tried low carb, low fat, eating under 1200 (over 1000) calories, tried not eating my exercise calories back, tried eating over 1200 calories, but with more fruits and veggies. Seriously nothing worked. Well I had a good friend come to visit about a month ago and she is a personal trainer and amatuer nutritionist. She has won many competitions, so I do trust what she has to say. She told me to stop dairy. She said try for 3wks and if you don't see a change then you know its not dairy that is causing the weight to stay. First I had to Detox my body adn then I've been dairy free for 3 weeks. I did have a cheat day when my dear hubby made his famous Cheesecake, :love: but I Detox'd again - so I guess its been 2 weeks dairy free. Well in the time I started to watch my dairy/no dairy intake I've lost 5lbs. I have not recorded the 2.5 that was lost at this mornings weigh in b/c I'm scared its not true. LOL So technically my ticker should say 7lbs lost. :happy:

What I did:
1st day - one day of full detox. I drank LOTS of water and drank 5 glasses of detox tea. Okay I did cheat on my 2nd detox, but I think it was b/c I had just done it 8 days prior. So I ate celery and watermelon. :laugh: So if you feel the need to actually eat something - celery, watermelon are not going to spoil the detox.
2nd day - ate only fruits and veggies. I ate alot, but always felt full.
3rd and beyond - no dairy and I've also been really watching sodium (staying under 2000). Must read labels. There is milk in many products I had no clue about. SHe told me "You are allowed cheat , but preferably just one day. Pick one day and make that day a day to eat whatever to include dairy"

I also spoke with my accupuncturist about my weight and she thought it was maybe a wheat allergy or possibly dairy. but until last month I never really took that advice to heart. Many people have food allergies and do not realize it and it may come in the form of added weight and or plateau.

Not sure if anyone will use this info, but I felt really good getting on teh scale this morning and thought some people may need another option if they've hit a wall.

Good Luck everyone! :wink:


  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    thanks for the advice might have to try this!
  • ktbarker
    ktbarker Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks! I'm definitely trying this beore my vacation!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    I am SO going to try this! Thanks so much for the idea!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    YW. :wink: I don't consider it to be the ultimate fix, but it could at least help make the numbers move in the down direction.

    Good luck everyone!