First century ride! Advice?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    sarabushby wrote: »
    I'd be taking caffeine pills or caffeine drink/gels

    But probably not for a century.

    Better to get some extra sleep the couple nights prior to the event rather than resorting to a lot of caffeine stuff.

    You want to be really careful with things like caffeine pills ... from my experience using them on really long rides (much longer than centuries) they can make a person quite nauseated and jittery which is not the effect you're going for on a long ride.

  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    Having not done much cycling in a few years I'm working my way slowly up to doing a 100 mile ride, which I'm not expecting to have a go at until next year. I've done a 50+ mile ride already though and if I was to do a 100 mile ride now I'd probably be able to do it, but don't expect I'd enjoy it. The biggest issue I'd expect is just staying comfortable in the saddle that long as my longest ride this year is only 3.5 hours or so. As for stuff - the only things I'd change compared to what I'd expect you're carrying on a 40 mile ride (i.e. puncture repair stuff etc.) is a decent number of energy gels (one an hour). I wouldn't recommend any change in riding kit or the likes at this late stage as you're not going to get much chance to confirm it'll work for you.
  • gojaqs
    gojaqs Posts: 471 Member
    edited October 2016
    Yesterday I did 100.17 miles around the five boroughs of NYC.
    Drink water, eat enough protein and carbs. I brought three hard boiled eggs, a pbj sandwich, two protein bars, a bag of chips for salt, chicken liver salad, two fruit bars, and bought a quarter pound of tuna salad on the way. :)

  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    What @niblue said... Enjoy the ride, make some new friends, you might surprise yourself how far you can go with all the comradarie and support along the route. Then prepare better next time for your first century even if can't achieve it this time.

    Always a good idea to bring a gilet or light windbreaker for changeable weather. I travel light even for century rides, several bars and a caffeine gel in case i need an extra kick nearing the end. I prefer bars coz they are light and compact and there is only so much I can fit in 3 jersey pickets lol. Maybe some electrolyte tablets as well, unless you are taking isotonic water already.

    Have fun take more pics ;)