Not new, new but back again.

Hi all I have been a long time member but I was inactive for way too long. Just getting back into everything.


  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    Me too. It seems like it's changed on here though. There used to be a lot more friends and chatting.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Same here. I am back to it.
  • 603PIPER
    603PIPER Posts: 115 Member
    Same with me, not sure why I stopped using the app previous times, I always make progress when I use it
  • spinwam
    spinwam Posts: 6 Member
    Me too! Back after a hiatus. Hoping to get those final 15 pounds and NOT gain any more
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    dcm886 wrote: »
    Same with me, not sure why I stopped using the app previous times, I always make progress when I use it

    Right! I did so good. I used it for about 2 years. Then I was like "I don't need it anymore". WRONG
  • StillBreathingFitness
    StillBreathingFitness Posts: 1,916 Member
    Hello there. I've been on a couple of months but refocusing. How is everyone tonight?

    I'm Jason from Florida.
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    This must be a common story! I did the same thing... Once I got to a place where I felt like I had my routine down, I stopped logging in... And the pounds started packing back on. Ugh!
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    Me too. It seems like it's changed on here though. There used to be a lot more friends and chatting.

    I agree. If you're a chatter than add me!
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome. I like to chat. Add me if you like
  • ekess25
    ekess25 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also back after about a year hiatus, and the year hasn't been good to my weight lol! Trying to lose about 50 lbs altogether and would love some motivational support also!
  • LoseItWithTamra
    LoseItWithTamra Posts: 7 Member
    I'm back as well after being gone for about 10 months. Gained back all the weight I lost before leaving this...
  • bigmuney
    bigmuney Posts: 284 Member
    Me to
  • Newlyfit111
    Newlyfit111 Posts: 15 Member
    Me too, and looking for more support this time around.
    Chat me up!
  • ScoobaChick
    ScoobaChick Posts: 185 Member
    I always fall off the workout wagon in summer. Between the heat and having Legos all over my gym floor (which is also the kids' playroom) it's just a losing battle every year. Still I have started to get somewhat back onto the wagon 2 weeks ago with Zumba but I still have to re-start my lifting routine. And I should really start logging my food again... Nice to meet everyone!
  • OnceAgainIvette
    OnceAgainIvette Posts: 11 Member
    I'm back as well after 3 years! Need to lose over 100lbs (sigh) need friends for motivation and support. Anyone feel free to add me