Lady Runners

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
Any runners really but I think women should definitely think about this. When I run I usually run alone and with headphones on. Now I live in a very populated health concious area where everyone is always out running or biking, however I still carry mace and a fold out knife. The knife I keep in my secret pocket and the mace is Joggers mace that has a strap that fits on my hand so I easily carry it while I am running. My friend laughs at me and thinks it's overkill but whenever I hear of women going missing it seems like they were always out for a jog. I am not saying it will happen but to avoid being found in a bush somewhere with one shoe missing and half naked, please consider mace, a taser, or a small knife (not my first choice but better than nothing). Also mace is good if a dog is going to attack you. I got my joggers mace at a sporting goods store called ****s, you can problem find them all over the place though. Just a thought because I care.

hahaha it blocked my sporting good store name, It's another word for penis haha hope it doesn't block that too.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am building to defend off those predators too. I run with someone and if i do run alone it will be in open space or out on the street, not going alone on a deserted path with lots of bushes around. I hear yah, I think the same as you and people think i am crazy fro it but there is always the what ifs to worry about and we should!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    A self defense class is probably best, even with all of that stuff.

    I know people who would go blank if it happened to them.

    Knowing how to react, that is the ticket.

    I now know how to throw a man 3x my size, how to react if someone tries to stab me, know how to disable the person(break arms), take the knife and am pretty comfortable with kicking in their chest and face.

    Sorry, it's graphic, but no more graphic than someone coming at you with a knife.
  • celtickarasu
    I'm a martial artist, and I firmly believe that every woman should take at least a self defense class, even if they don't want to get all the way into martial arts. There are so many easy moves a woman can do to protect herself that don't require any martial arts training. We just need to know what those options are and when to employ them.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    So true - safety first. It's good to run with a buddy and not have your headphones on full blast to where you are not aware of your surroundings.

    Also, avoid paths with several bushes and trees because those are perfect areas to be snatched without anyone knowing.

    Thanks for posting this! Running is important but safety and going home unharmed is more important.
  • canadianchick11
    I definitely agree with you! Better safe than sorry, and taking self-defense classes like someone mentioned is also worthwhile
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Self defense classes are definitely a great Idea, I actually have already taken self defense classes, but I still recommend adding the mace and a small knife it just makes you that much safer and more dangerous to them. Some attackers see those and don't even want to bother with you.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    This is a good post. There have been many assaults and a few murders in my area on jogging trails over the past few years. I practice martial arts and know how to defend myself if attacked with my knowledge, but often these murders have been committed from behind with a blunt object to the head. Not much I could do against that. Also, there are cougars and bears in the area, so trail running alone is a bad idea. I always stick to busy streets, let my husband know my route & return time ahead of time and use crappy headphones that allow me to hear the world around me. I also vary my schedule so that I'm not predictable and always carry my cell phone fully charged. Trail runs are for buddy runs only for me. :(

    It frustrates me to no end that we live in a society where we have to deal with all of this. I just want to be able to go for a flippin' trail run without fearing that the whole world is going to murder me. Sometimes I really wish I had been born a dude.

    Concealed knife carry is illegal in my country. Just as well in my opinion, as a lot of my martial arts training has been about how easy it is to disarm someone carrying a knife (all their focus is on the weapon and they lose track of the rest of the body). I also wouldn't want it used against me. Mace is definitely something I've been planning to get on hand, though. Like you said, a lot of it is looking like you're too much effort...kind of like putting a club on a car's steering wheel. Chances are they'll wait for an easier target.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Any human predators out there wanna give us some advice..........we won't tell on ya honest. hahaha is that a bad joke?
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    The mace is good, but IMO, from what I learned in ju jitsu, a knife is fairly useless. Especially, if you don't plan on using it or know how to get in a close combat situation. Since I've learn to disable knives, and how easy it is, I personally wouldn't mess with it. Your hands, feet and leverage, are good enough.

    EDIT: Besides, it's not like someone is going to know you have the knife, for pre-emptive protection, unless you're carrying one around Crocodile Dundee style.

    And don't count on it, if you don't know how to use it. The BEST way to get out of the situation, is to stun, disable and then run like hell away from the assailant.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    LOL - perhaps a female running around with a machete hanging from her waist would be a good deterent, also.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i always think if someones going to attack someone, its not going to be someone whos already running away.

    I rarely feel worried when im out running. It would be illegal to carry a weapon in the UK anyway, but id be more worried if i had one that it could be taken off me and used against me anyway.

    Im not going to live my life in fear of something there is only a miniscule chance of happening. Whenever ive heard of people being attacked, its usually women coming home from clubs in the early hours of the morning, not a woman out for a jog in broad daylight.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    i always think if someones going to attack someone, its not going to be someone whos already running away.

    I rarely feel worried when im out running. It would be illegal to carry a weapon in the UK anyway, but id be more worried if i had one that it could be taken off me and used against me anyway.

    Im not going to live my life in fear of something there is only a miniscule chance of happening. Whenever ive heard of people being attacked, its usually women coming home from clubs in the early hours of the morning, not a woman out for a jog in broad daylight.

    Crimes a little different here in the US, I just heard of a woman who was raped in broad daylight in the street, by the time people got the cops the guy was just then zipping up his pants leaving. Oh and there are plenty of murders that happen here where the women were out jogging and never came back.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    Its funny that you mention dogs.....i have been lucky and never had a problem (knock on wood) but my roommate has been chased down by pitbulls twice while out running. It's good to be prepared, and i will definitely be more careful in the future!!