27 F UK - over 50lbs to lose!

Bellatrix89uk Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys!
Looking for fellow fat fighters to keep me motivated!
I was at my heaviest 3 years ago, at 238lbs. I managed to get down to 196lbs, but since having an operation 3 months ago, and going on holiday I'm back up to 220lbs.
I feel pretty crappy for gaining 24lbs in such a short space of time! My clothes are tight and I generally feel sluggish and gross. I'm only 5 ft 3 and wear a dress size UK 18.
If I could get back to 196lbs by xmas I would be estatic!

I've never been slim, but I would love to get down to a dress size 12-14, this is what I was when I left school and I was happy with the way I looked. Still soft and curvy but not BIG. I've started going swimming and I'm on a healthy eating plan - I hate the word DIET! So I'm giving myself 3 months to lose 24lbs and get back into the 100lbs category! It's dooable right?!

My long term goal is to get down to 168lbs (12 stones) I think this a healthy weight for myself personally, and if I lose more then great!

If you're looking for motivation or a general chit chat please drop me a message x


  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    I like your realistic approach. 160ish is my ultimate goal as well. I have had some success but lately re-gained due to plain overeating. Started at 267ish and I am at 215 right now. Looking for some extra motivation as well! I will send you a request!