Just Dance -video game

srvaz12 Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone! I found that playing just dance 2 for wii( xbox kinect also has it)has really helped me keep motivated to exercise because it's fun and it gives you a goal and burns tons of calories.

I added the game to the data base today but here are some tips,

When playing, play in Just Sweat Mode. It lets you choose a program, I do intense mode.
Which is six songs a day or 2000 sweat points. 14000 sweat points for the week.

Six songs takes about a half hour so it's great if you don't have too much time to work out.

Now down to the nitty gritty:

My biggest tip is to play the songs that have 3 sweat drops on the right of the title of the song, it means it will make you work harder! (on the left it indicates the difficulty of the moves).

When you dance, dance ALL OUT. Pour your soul into it, it really helps. If you're just waving around the remote you are doing nothing for your self except making your arm sore.

Do every move to the best of your capability. When the figure on the screen is doing a solo that you don't really have to do for points just move and dance on your own.


for every 4.2 sweat points you get you have burned a calorie.

so when I am done dancing I divide the mount of sweat points by 4.2 and voila! I have my calories burned.

The only problem is that the game adds the points on over the week. So i just write down the sweat points before I dance and then when I am done subtract it from the new number and then divide it by 4.2 for example:

It is the second day of my work out, the previous day i earned 2156 sweat points.

I work out for thirty minutes and the total is ow 4455

4455 - 2156 = 2299
2299 / 4.2 =547.3

I have burned 547.3 calories!!!

I hope this is helpful to you all!

Have fun sweating it out!!!


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    well it will be different for everyone, male and female and weights. you need a hrm to know for sure. over 500 seems very high i play it too i would think it burns about 200 to 300 calories for 30 minutes.
  • srvaz12
    srvaz12 Posts: 4
    I researched it every where. As long as you're doing it all out and all the movemetn and you are doing the more intense workouts, you should be burn a lot.

    I would not have posted this had i not researched it a little. And the general consensus is 4.2 sweat points =1 calorie burned.

    I also just found this easy guide!
    Mild Program - 300 points per day is about 72 calories
    Tough Program - 1000 points per day is about 238 calories
    Intense Program - 2000 points per day is about 476 calories
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    6 songs?! Holy Moly! My daughter would have to call 911 for me if I tried to do that many....let me check out the fire dept in our area before I attempt, it might be worth it, hmm....anyways, thanks for sharing that! I've been wanting to play that as my "workout" but I wasn't sure how to calculate it at all!!!
  • First of all, thanks for taking the time to inform us. My only question is how did you come up with the calculations. What's the formula for me to tailor it to my own body?
  • srvaz12
    srvaz12 Posts: 4
    I looked it up online for hours because I wanted to know myself.

    I'm not sure how you can tailor it to your own body though. I'm sure oyu can research it!

    I have also seen that 10-sweat points equal 1 calorie but not as much. and I guess you could always use hrm but it could be wrong as well since Calorie burning isn't determined by heart rate

    but either way logging may be an issue , Just dance is a great way to exercise at home and have tons of fun by yourself or with family!!!
  • lfcutie
    lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Okay but until you have a HRM to verify your estimate you shouldnt post this as if it was a fact. Many people will follow you and gain weight from eating back too much calories that they thought they burned.
  • srvaz12
    srvaz12 Posts: 4
    I'm not posting it as fact dude, I 'm just saying what i research and of course the internet is there for any one who wnats to look it up so im just throwing it out what i found out on my own. okie dokie thanks.

    oh and like i said heart rate isn't a completely accurate way of estimating your calories burned, calories burned have nothing to do with heart rate, the HRMS use formulas based on JUST aerboic exercise and not much else so its all guestimate!

    I did research, i wouldnt post this otherwise.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    I love my Just Dance 2 for the WII....thanks for the tip on the little sweat marks...I hadn't noticed it and had been guessing on the songs difficulty. I really work up a sweat and get my HR up to the fat burning zone. srvaz12...do you have Just Dance 1???? Wondering if I should get that one as well. And nice thing about it is that now only my cats and dog can look at me like I'm crazy when I'm dancing around in my somewhat uncoordinated way :)
  • Willzlady
    Willzlady Posts: 2 Member
    I love, love, love Just Dance 2! We rented it over the weekend from Red Box.. That game is sooo much fun! Gonna buy it now because Just Dance 3 is coming soon :-D
    I know my kids and I did like 6 songs easy! We had a blast and the bonus - I WON!!!!
    Are the numbers the same for Just Dance 1 - since I own that one already?? I did it on the sweat mode & believe me it kicked my booty!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Acutally when I logged it yesterday I logged it as Dancing-General and the hrm I had said something like 523 calories for 45 minutes, MFP said almost the same. I always try to under estimate, so your count seems about right...for me anyways.
  • bump

    In defense of the original poster, it's easier to skip her post if it doesn't seem right to you. Also, a great big part of weight loss is accountability so we should ALL do our own research. While I can't say she's accurate, I also can't say she's wrong. What I can/will do is research this for myself.
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