S.B.F. Challenge. . . Jan 23rd

Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a few days. . .but I've been sick. . .

Today I'm aiming to do a very gentle yoga practice after work. And to hopefully get a walk in.

I can't wait to get back to some semblance of a normal schedule. . .

Take care, ladies!:flowerforyou:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a few days. . .but I've been sick. . .

    Today I'm aiming to do a very gentle yoga practice after work. And to hopefully get a walk in.

    I can't wait to get back to some semblance of a normal schedule. . .

    Take care, ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • chelseachick
    pardon my ignorance - what's a S.B.F. challenge? i'v ebeen sick as well - glad to see you've recovered.
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    congrats on your 81 lb loss!! How long have you been on here and how long has it taken you to lose that amount? I am not trying to pry or be nosey, I have a similar goal. and yes what is a S.B.F. Challenge?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Helen the SBF challenge stands for Stronger Better Faster. We post our goals for the day, whether it be drinking all our water, getting some exercise staying within calories, or even personal goals for the day. Then we hold each other accountable to it. It's been an on going challenge, so you can join if you like!
    Vivia, I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you feel better soon!
    Karen I hear ya about not being enthusiastic about "diet" and exercise. I'm going through the same thing. My DH had to convince me to start counting calories again. And I love to eat so I have to workout to have enough cals to do that. For me I have had to just start doing it again even if I didn't want to.
    Niccole I hope you haven't gotten sick too! My sore throat hung around for a week and then I got a cough, but it never turned into a full blown cold. I guess it was just allergies. Our cottonwoods appear to be blooming already. :grumble: Alex has had a runny nose and a cough for over three weeks now. This poor kid is allergic to a lot of stuff.
    Mary, how are you doing? Who else did I forget? CP, I miss you! :cry:
    Well, I lost two pounds this week! I have 5 more to go to get back down my "prepregnancy weight". Sheesh. That kind of hurts to say that. Anyway, that makes me feel a little better. Nothing feels any looser yet. Maybe in another 3 pounds I'll start to notice. Oh and I am so sore from doing Shred the other day! It hurts to sit!
    I did manage a walk yesterday, pulling my son in a wagon. I may try to go walk again today since its suppose to be warm. Then it's push ups and sit ups. I also have a bunch of cleaning to do and I want to get done painting the bed! I have drawers to sand and paint but I can do those later. I just need to finish the side rail/cab and then we can start putting it together.
    Alright, I've rambled on enough.
    drink my water (failed miserably yesterday)
    try to get in a walk
    sit ups
    push ups
    Have a good day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I took it a little easy yesterday. The allergies were somewhat getting to me and my legs were asking for a break - so I did 30 min elliptical and 20 min bike ride.

    MM - the cottonwoods are just confused - another 80 degree day - no freezing weather in site.

    Today, I'm off to the gym to do elliptical/walk/jog. I took measurements yesterday - sigh. On the other hand, I woke up at 3 am starving - so I know I'm not overeating.

    Here's my little rant. I listened to the Bob Greene podcast (from the web thingy he did with Oprah - it's free if you want to download it). First he says that overweightness (my word, not his) is caused by something missing in your life. You eat to compensate for lack of: love, money, friends, whatever. While this is true in some cases - I doubt it's true in all cases - it doesn't explain the recent rise in the overweightness of our nation. Then he goes on to say - you just need to give up these 6 things (easy things for me like: soda, white flour, and alcohol) and you must exercise (your exercise must be challenging) - if that was all it took, I'd be at my goal weight.
    I probably would have forgiven his "theory" - because I think there's a lot of truth in it, though it's flawed - if he didn't endorse products. Have you seen the crap he endorses? I think it's all General Mills products.

    I'm going to start the Dr. Oz podcast today. I like him a lot better - but I don't like his endorsement of pill popping - I'm not sure that people need to be taking that many vitamins - mostly because people think they are a replacement for eating well. But I think that is rather minor flaw in Oz's plan.

    Rant over - have a Happy Flappy Day!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Quick note... I'm now regretting not getting my flu shot. I feel terrible so will most likely be laying low this weekend. I hope to continue to get all of my water in and I *might* do a 30 min *light* ride on my bike this afternoon to see if I can stretch out some of the aches and pains. Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Niccole :flowerforyou:

    ps I lost 2.5 lbs my second week back at this. So, 8lbs total in the last 2 weeks. I'm very happy with that and hope to continue in this positive direction.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • RunningSteph
    Today is my rest day. Tomorrow is strength training with an easy 3 mile run. Sunday is a 90 min run.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hey lots of people on here today! Great!

    Vivia I hope you feel better soon hon.

    Welcome to Chelseachick and Jamie_W

    Congrats on the 2.5 lbs MM, you have very ambitious goals, I hope you get them all done.

    Where did CP go?

    Mary, my daughter stole my tape measure but I don't need it because my pants are yelling at me lol
    If I took my measurements right now I just might cry. So I will focus instead on getting something done. I might try Dr. Oz's podcast too, I've never listened to one.

    NT congrats on the weightloss, I hope you feel better soon. I never get a flu shot. I figure I'm around all the kids enough to be immune.

    RS, Wow a 3 mile run. I'd be lucky to get a 3 mile walk in. But I did do an ambitious 20 minute trail breaking walk on my snow shoes. I fell 3 times, lol and it took alot of work to get myself back up. I hit a soft spot and sunk in up to my thighs and didn't think I was going to get out of that one.

    Goals, waters( 1/2 way there)
    exercise 20 minutes of snowshoeing
    good food (salad for lunch)
    Pack for my trip to my daughters this weekend

    Well no snowshoeing this weekend but maybe she will walk with me. She has alot of hills where she lives. Have a good weekend everyone, I will see you again on Monday. And like Niccole says "Think Positive". Karen
  • chelseachick
    You guys are great.
    I"m home sick again today - staying within my calories isn't a problem today :) If I feel well enough by supper I"ll go for a walk. I don't normally have trouble getting my water in but somehow do when I'm sick :grumble:

    I'd love to join your S.B.F. thanks for the invite

    whose all participating? Helen
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome Chelseachick!
    Karen, that's pretty good getting 20 minutes of snowshoeing in! And to get stuck up to your thighs and be able to get out. I remember that as a kid (Nebraskan) and it was tiring! lol Hope you have a good weekend with you daughter!
    I need to get my rear in gear. I am almost done painting the major parts of the bed now, but I have a lot of house work to do. One of the therapists is coming over tonight. Could be here in an hour! Yikes! I didn't get my walk in today but I did get some cleaning done. See you tomorrow!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    congrats on your 81 lb loss!! How long have you been on here and how long has it taken you to lose that amount? I am not trying to pry or be nosey, I have a similar goal. and yes what is a S.B.F. Challenge?

    see my profile and my blog for my full story. . .

    stronger, better, faster.:flowerforyou:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Wow, welcome to all the new faces! :flowerforyou: It's been the same crew here for about a year, some come, some go, but all are welcome!

    I am finally on the mend. I managed to "sleep" through the night without a coughing episode and woke refreshed for the first time in weeks. My washer finally thawed out (exterior-type utility room) so I can catch up on laundry, got the night off the restaurant after getting called in for a 40-top last night (good $$ though!), and spent an enjoyable evening with hubby & son. So, I'm hoping to do a little something exercise wise this weekend (lungs allowing) or by Monday at the latest. Feeling more human by the day and will be done with meds by Tuesday, so should be 80-90% I anticipate.

    While I obviously got off track for Jan on weight "loss" I haven't gained either, so I'll take it! :wink: I need to drop a few pounds before the super-bowl blow-outs. I weigh-in/measure on Mondays to keep myself in check over the weekend. Splurge day usually mid-week. (someone asked this earlier in the week). Melissa, keep posting pictures of the bed... so cute! Karen, every little bit counts.I think the cardio (panic attack) of getting stuck so deep counts for something :laugh: And Mary, do Karen & I need to throw snowballs at you? Seriously, sooooooo jealous of your weather (single-digits most of week, did reach 50 today, but back to below 30 tomorrow) :laugh:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Ohhhhhhhh! Forgot to tell everyone, just got a call from MIL that FIL cancer tumors in liver are shrinking!!! For newbies, he was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in Aug/Sept, was given 6 months-2 years to live (only 53 years old), had tumor & majority of colon removed in Dec, had CT scan last week showing improvements! Thanks for all the prayers, they are truly working! I love you guys :smooched:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    That's great news AD! Keep us updated! I am glad you are feeling better too!
  • keennash
    you guys are awesome may I join in SBF...challenge