Work, Kids, & Time to Exercise?

I'm a 33 year old single mom of two trying to juggle it all! Looking for other moms out there who also struggle with finding the time to fit it all in. Share tips & tricks anyone???



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm there with you! I usually have my 18 mo daughter sitting on me wanting to do story time while I am trying to do my exercises!

    I am all eyes! :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Single mommy of one here. I've got a few tricks.

    One is 5 lb hand weights at home. I will put the monster to bed, put on old episodes of House or Grey's Anatomy and do my sets. 10 reps and about 5 sets of each type.

    I picked up the weights at target. I also have kettlebell at home too. I use that with a DVD.

    Lots of DVDs at home.

    When the kidlet is up, we swim and run around, play soccer and walk.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hello, first of all, welcome aboard. I am also a single mom of 2 babies (2.5 and 1 yr), and I work full-time as well. I know what you mean about juggling it all. My babies are on a bedtime between 7:30 - 8, so I do my workout then. I do alot of workout dvds at home. I have done 30DS (with great success), Turbojam, and I am currently doing Ripped in 30 (well, I will re-start up once my shoulder/neck heals; I pulled something). I am also doing the C25K program (on week 7). Right now, I am walking/jogging to get back into the C25K program again; I have been slacking big time. I also take alot of walks with my babies since they both love the outside anyway. It is very doable -trust me. I have lost almost 50 lbs (I was at 47 lbs down until I went on vacation - gained a few lbs back). Just remember, this is a slow process, and it takes times. 1-2 lbs/week is what you should strive for. You got this! Just get determined.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Hey Jen, I'm not a single mom but do have 4 kids, work full time and have a husband who has 2 jobs. 1.) I would just recommend finding a workout place that offers childcare. And then 2.) just get over the guilt. I know how it feels, you're at work all day and you don't want to be away from your kids any more than you have to. But working out will make you a happier, healthier person. And your kids need a happy, healthy mom. Good luck!
    - Jill
  • keepinup
    keepinup Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Jen-- Part-time single working Mom (My husband is gone ALOT!) #1 piece of advice-- invest in a jogger double stroller!!! Then load the kiddos with snacks and bottled water (and books!), find a hill and walk it as many times as you can before the kids start screaming... =) Also, don't be shy to ask for support from your friends and neighbors... there are alot of single mommas out there who would trade mornings for afternoons or work with you to develop a schedule. Try to go to bed when the kids do-- I know it's easier said than done, but when I do, (sometimes) I can get up in time to do strength training for 30 minutes with my weights and exercise ball. It changes my whole day and makes me a happier person! Good luck to you-- I hope you are able to take some time for yourself!!!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Give up sleep, it's overrated anyways. LOL Just KIDDING!

    I was single for 6 years before i met my sweetie pie, but I'm no less busy than I was before I met him. LOL I walk during my breaks and lunchtime and work out in the evenings after dinner. I may not get to work out a full hour, but I do break it up throughout the day.

    Otherwise get the kids and take them for a walk with you, or go swimming with them or play hopscotch or jump rope. Sometimes the best exercise is when you forget to be an adult and play! :)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    i have an (almost) two yr old and am married. I also work- but find if i can get my butt out of bed in the morning- about 20-30 minutes before he wakes up- I feel so much better all day long. when the alarm goes off I tell myself- "what is another 20 mintues of sleep going to help- I can use this time to get in a mile or two run or do a DVD" and trust me- i love my sleep!!! LOL

    i find myself in a better mood all day, eat better & even sleep better at night!

    are they old enough to go for walks/bike rides with you...include them and you'll be doing better for all:)

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Im not a single mom and since I dont work in the summer I have time to do everything but in August when I go back to work I will be starting school for the fall term as well which Im used to having this busy schedule and finding workout time is really hard so Im interested in hearing suggestions as well to keep up what Ive started
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    My boys are 5 years and 18 months old. I exercise in the morning or it won't get done. I get up between 5 and 5:30 a.m. and do aerobics / interval training DVDs before the boys wake's my time. Denise Austin's Sizzler and Denise Austin's Cardio Blast are my favorites right now. I alternate with the DVD and stationary bike during the week, along with sit-ups - usually 5 to 6 days per week. I hope you find what works best for you :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm not in the single mom club club, but I am in the working mom club! At least 40 hours per week, a 22 month old, trying to keep the family organized and my butt in gear! When he was little I used him as added weight and wore him for body weight exercises like squats, but now I just keep having to shoo him out of the way!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Thank god my kids are grown now but I remember those days!! I worked out at home A LOT, it was easier then trying to find a sitter so I could go to the gym. Exercise DVD's and hand weights are great to keep at home. Also websites like Exercise TV where you can download work outs are nice or if you have Comcast/Infinity you can ON Demand lots of work outs for free. Packing the kiddies up in the stroller or wagon and taking them for a walk is good too. Many gyms now do offer a babysitter room as well. Also, I always used to work out with my sister and we would kind of make it family time. I'd tell the kids to play nice and let me and Auntie work out and then we'll watch a movie a fun together afterwards. I'd let them pick out the movie ahead of time and some healthy snacks.

    It's not easy with little ones! But hang in there! Whatever you can fit in is better than nothing!
  • Scarletblue
    Scarletblue Posts: 255
    I am 33 single w/ 3 children mine are 5, 9 , and 13 yrs. old so it is pretty easy for me.

    I wake up and do my 30 day shred video ( which is only 20 mins.) then 20 mins. on the elliptical.
    make breakfast

    I am very lucky I have a great job and they let me work most of my hours on the weekend when the kids are with their father and when I work during the weekday I work the early morning shift to be home by the time they wake up, and when school is back on I work after I drop them off at school and leave in time to pick them up.

    I know it is always said but routine really is the best and easiest way to get things done, treat exercising like a job you know you have to be there at a certain time and until a certain time do the same with exercise
    exercise 6am-7am
    work 8am-5pm
    kids 'til bedtime - have them help with all chores then they are learning, helping, and what they love most spending the time with you. even a toddler can pick up and dust.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Working mom of a 4 and 7 year old, and a husband with an unpredictable work schedule. I take taekwondo two evenings a week (and fortunately they offer a class for my ability level every night, so I just go any two days in a given week). I also have Wii Sports that I can do when the kids go to bed, some Firm DVDs, and hand weights. If I get up early enough I can either go for a run or a bike ride. It's a balancing act - I have to do a lot of coordination with my husband to make sure he is available to watch our boys when I do TKD or run or bike, but every little bit of exercise that you can squeeze in will help. Heck, I even put on my HRM when I'm doing some serious weeding and mulching outside so I can track the calorie burn. Also, don't discount the value of exercises that use your own body weight - pushups, crunches, squats, wall-sits, stuff like that - it's all useful!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hey, not a single mum but a full time working mum to my 2.5yr old daughter. my exercises are done when my daughter is in bed. so usually around 8pm ish. i love the 30 day shred dvd, its only 20mins and i have no excuses not to do it as it takes sooo little time and kicks my butt! lol! I figured that i needed to make some 'me' time back in jan when i started on my journey to become healthier. Now its part of my everyday routine.

    During the weekend, im out with my daughter in the stroller as she naps when i take her out for a walk- so has to be an hour plus walk! lol plus summers here so you have lots of days in the park, at the zoo, going swimming, playing ball! anything that will keep you active! but i would recommend investing in some dvds and some weights. saves money on baby sitters and expensive gym creches!
  • butterflikisses13
    butterflikisses13 Posts: 23 Member
    Not single, but with my husbands work schedule I might as well be... I am raising a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter...I go to school full time and work on the weekends...unfortunately the only time I ever really have to work out is 4:30 in the morning...but it definitely takes a toll if I don't get to bed early (which, let's be honest hardly ever happens). Good luck trying to find's one of the hardest tasks of motherhood!
  • AshCain
    AshCain Posts: 13
    Hey, I am a full time working mom of an extremely busy 2 year old boy and with a farmer for a husband so I never know when he'll be home. I call myself the married "single mom." Anyway, I find it best to work out in the evening after my son has gone to bed. I eat light for dinner, so I don't get weighed down. And after my son is asleep, I do not sit down otherwise I will become tired. I try to get something little done like the dishes so I feel like I've accomplished something. Then I do the 30 Day Shred, which is only 20 minutes and sometimes follow that with a jog outside around the farm or on my treadmill. Another DVD I can recommend is Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Boot Camp. I call it the girly workout. You don't get too buff, but it does tone and you will feel the burn.