Food addiction

jes0704 Posts: 15
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been in so much denial about being addicted to food, but I am finally realizing that I am indeed addicted to food. I want to lose weight so bad but my addiction isn't helping me. I eat when I am full, so stuffed that I am going to burst. I binge often and I try to stop but that seems to make it worse and I don't understand why. This past friday we went grocery shopping and I barely bought anything because I am afraid to eat because it seems like no matter what I eat and don't I still gain. This is just so frustrating!!!!

I am a full time mom, I have a full time job that I hate and I go to school and will be a full time student this fall. I have so much stress in my life and its not helping my weight whatsoever because when I am stressed I eat. Ugh I feel like I am never going to win this battle :(

Sorry for venting, just needed to get this out.


  • Good luck!
  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    You might consider talking to a psychologist about it and see if they can help give you some of the tools you need for the mental side of this battle. Good luck!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Good luck. Like everything related to the body, it will take dedication and willpower. It comes down to what you want more. I can relate, I love food too. That's why I got to be obese and have been obese most of my adult life.

    However, I'm at a point where now I love not being embarrassed of myself more than loving food, and I also love playing sports, and you can't do those things while being obese.

    Good luck again. Hope you find your strength.
  • goodooc
    goodooc Posts: 7 Member
    I too have an addiction to food. I eat when i'm happy, sad, bored, busy.. pretty much i'm always eating. I struggle with my weight and weight-loss. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to not give up and to try to stay motivated! Tell yourself that "you are thin and you to eat food to nourish your body" and you will start to believe it! Keep your head up and stay motivated!
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    I'm sure you are very busy, but have you thought about taking the time to write down a daily schedule of when to eat? If you schedule out your meals and snacks it may help keep the binging under control.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Yes you definitely need to get some psychiatric help with this. You need to find other ways to make yourself feel fulfilled besides food.
  • rs2361
    rs2361 Posts: 40 Member
    You cannot be addicted to food. You need food to stay alive. You may over eat or binge eat, but it is impossible to be addicted to food just as it is impossible to be addicted to water or air.

    Binge eating disorder is very difficult to overcome, but it is possible with the right resources. I am so sorry that things are stressful right now. I began grad school last fall and craved chocolate all the time (whenever things were stressful which was always).

    You are going to get past this. Think positive thoughts! Best of luck :)
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    Jes0704, hang in there. I feel the same way too even though I'm at my goal weight and I'm happy with my weight. I definitely feel your pain cause I admit I struggle too with my terrible habits of over eating. You know what take a deep breath and just step back and put it down when you know you're over doing it. Or quick drink tons of water or step away from the kitchen keep your mind occupied with other things.
  • bell33usx2
    bell33usx2 Posts: 77 Member
    Everyone has stress. It's what you do with it that makes a difference. I am a food addict too and I eat for every reason you can imagine. It's tough getting a handle on it. I've been up and down more times than I care to remember but THIS time I'm headed down for good. It's called taking control. Each of us have our own way of doing it. I for one have used every diet out there. It actually took me going to a surgeon to inquire on weight loss surgery for me to realize OK, I'm done. I've gotten so far out of control that I'm willing to be cut on. Being cut on wasn't going to fix me. I have to fix me and that means taking control back. Quit giving food the control. Even with surgery I would've had to have control in order for it to be successful. So, you have to figure out what it's going to take for YOU to take control and quit giving the food and the excuses control.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Food addiction is a very real thing...We talked about it in my weight loss group at the hospital. I just learned that food and sex release dopamine (pleasure receptors). The more you associate food with a substitute for other emotions the more likely you are to become addicted...Acknowledging is half the battle...therapy and behavior modification techniques the other.

    From one Foodie to to you and please keep us posted.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I am addicted to food to! I would punish my self by eating and make myself feel just as gross as i though i looked. I am not a mom but i do work full time and go to school full time. It can be very difficult to do it all. The most benifical thing for me is planning and scheduling. I plan out my meals, cook them, and log them the night before. When I get home I try to keep on a schedule of sorts and managing my time. I even give myself an hour to watch tv. You can overcome it, you have to decided it is time for a change. After eating healthy for a few weeks I don't crave junk food anymore and when I do over eat I think of it as a lesson learned.
  • Millie77
    Millie77 Posts: 39
    I have the same problem, but I am never full. I can eat, and 2 hrs. later, I'm starving again. I crave constantly! I have a lot more to lose than you do, but I can say, if you can tough out the first week, it gets much easier. The first couple days especially, I had bad headaches, shakiness, and extreme fatigue. It was rough, but I now find that although I'm hungry, I am able to resist the bad things. The urge is not as bad. Good luck!!
  • I have the same problem with food. I use it when I am happy, I use it when I am sad, I use it to stuff emotions. Having been active and a healthy eater when I was a teen the transition to being an adult is tough. One of the things that works for me is 1. not keeping my binge foods in the house (if i really have to have it I have to go to the store and most times i wont) 2. plan a back up activity for when i'm happy/sad/upset (like painting my nails, watching a movie i like, reading, working out) 3. exercising whenever you have time. Exercising actually reduces cravings and how much you want to eat. It doesnt always work but we just have to keep getting back up when we fall down.
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    dont listen to these idiots telling you that you need psyciatric help.
    thats all bull**** just drink more water instead of eating so much
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    You cannot be addicted to food. You need food to stay alive. You may over eat or binge eat, but it is impossible to be addicted to food just as it is impossible to be addicted to water or air.

    Binge eating disorder is very difficult to overcome, but it is possible with the right resources. I am so sorry that things are stressful right now. I began grad school last fall and craved chocolate all the time (whenever things were stressful which was always).

    You are going to get past this. Think positive thoughts! Best of luck :)

    I completely disagree with this statement. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The fact that you need food to stay alive is what makes overcoming the addiction so difficult. With other addictions (smoking, alcoholism, drugs) you eliminate that thing from your life. You cannot eliminate food... It takes a tremendous effort. But it can be done. If you can't do it on your own, you may need to seek professional help.
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    ...drink more water instead of eating so much

    If it were that simple, no one have weight issues...
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    ""dont listen to these idiots telling you that you need psyciatric help.
    thats all bull**** just drink more water instead of eating so much ""
    NickAmrine...that is so unhelpful..unbelievably unhelpful!!!

    If people that were overweight or with eating disorders could just drink more water, then there would be no such word as "obese."
    I am a qualified psychologist, although I no longer practise, due to the fact that I am lucky enough to not have to work!!! People can be addicted to food as well as a lot of other things. I am sure you did not arrive at MFP by drinking water and being superior to others!!! I will reply to the OP post separate. You have lost 14 pounds, it gives you alittle experience of losing weight not an official voice on mental health issues surrounding weight loss!!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm definitely an overeater too. I will eat lunch, then drive somewhere and eat lunch again! For no apparent reason! I don't get full and usually don't stop eating until the bag is empty. I just do the best I can with food. I find that if I deprive myself, I end up binging. I work out and do a lot of strength training to try to counteract the bad food habits. Muscle burns fat, and more muscle burns more calories. In the past it has worked for me (to maintain my weight) to work out and eat what I wanted within reason. Someties I just have to be especially strict with myself for about 2 weeks to drop a few lbs, then maintain for a month or so, then get strict again, etc. It's a very slow process for me. Good luck!
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    anything that you do without control can be an addiction just remember you didnt gain the weight overnight and its going to take longer than that to get back to where you are your healthiest. This site is not meant for a bunch of negative comment and all out CRAP so if you don't have something constructive and positive to say it would probably be best to just not say it!

    Good luck with getting healthy it definately isn't an easy task but being here is at least a step in the right direction!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Hey Jes, First of all have you tried to keep a may not sound helpful, but it can be...are there triggers that cause you to want to eat more? stress, emotional, upset? Are the kids playing up all the time?? Maybe try to recognize these issues?

    You mention `we` went to the grocery store are you shopping for you or the family? Maybe you have a nieghbour that can look after the kids while you shop? Then you have a little more time to add things that are a little more healthy and not treats for the kids that you may binge on later? Maybe you need to have a little "me time"

    Never be afraid to eat...but try to plan your choices...try to reduce your stress, is there any body that can help you, a family member? Tell those around you how you feel and do not be afraid to ask for help. An online forum is a good place to vent, but there is nothing more helpful than family and friends.

    If you feel that you are struggling big time with problems then seek help from a professional.

    Good luck hun xx
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