A work in progress - T2 diabetic on my way down the scale

singsong63 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I'm 53, a web designer living in Delaware, married to my high school sweetheart for just over 30 years, and have 2 kids - one 23yo daughter almost out of college and the other a 16yo son who's a Junior in high school. We also have a 9yo 80lb german shepherd dog, Noelle.

I've actively been losing weight over the past year and a half doing low carb and exercising (mainly walking, treadmill, elliptical, etc.) going from 264 to 218. I'm pretty happy with that, my drs seem satisfied with my progress and the fact that I'm not going up/down, my nutritionist doesn't think I'm losing the weight fast enough. My latest health issue is that I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in January. I probably had it way before that, but had no symptoms and nobody - even during surgeries - ever tested my blood glucose that I'm aware of. A passing remark I made about a cortisone shot is what prompted them to test my glucose. Since my initial diagnosis in January, I've brought my A1C down from 8.4 to 6.8 through exercise, diet and metformin 500mg 2x daily.

I'm interested in learning more about healthy lifestyles, making additional changes, and in meeting other people who are doing the same. My family has been a great support and have not balked at the changes in our household, but they don't necessarily understand the weight loss challenges.


  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    I was just diagnosed as borderline diabetic and high cholesterol back in May. The doctors wanted to put me on Metformin and Zocor. I opted for the Zocor for my Cholesterol and told the dr I would lose weight and exercise to get my diabetes under control. Well, here I am it's September and I'm down 27.9lbs! I go back in December for a follow up and can't wait for the doctor to see m progress. I have a very supportive husband, but sometimes he doesnt understand the struggle and since he cooks all the meals it's very hard at times. Would love to be friends!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP!
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    After ending up in the hospital this summer, I found out I was diabetic, but Type I. Sad I'll probably always need some quantity of insulin, but motivated to finish loosing the last 30# from the goal I set in 2013!
  • singsong63
    singsong63 Posts: 3 Member
    Amysue, Great job on the weight loss! I'm sure your dr. is going to be pleased. I'd love to be friends!

    My hubby is the same way. Very supportive and has thrown himself into exercise with me. I fell and broke/dislocated and tore the rotator cuff in my shoulder March of 2015. I have been through a couple surgical procedures and PT and just finished with PT, follow-up visits, etc.! Hubby was very good about preparing meals and would be very proud of himself that he had fixed a protein and 2 veggies plus a potato/rolls/rice option to fill out the meal for our teen son. The only thing was I'd come home from PT and find the table set with BBQ'd chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, corn, and baked beans. He's learned that he can still do that as long as we also have a salad available.
  • TxiTxi
    TxiTxi Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm from Delaware too! I'm happy to read about the progress you're making with your nutrition and fitness goals. I would like to add you as a friend, if you don't mind!
  • vness286
    vness286 Posts: 7 Member
    Im pre-diabetic and was prescribed Metformin, im seeing a dietician however I have many slip ups. Im far from perfect but I am down 6 pounds:)