Working Out When You Are Too Fat To Do Anything



  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am bigger than you and I take kickboxing classes at the Y, do power pilates, Turbo Jam with Chalene and have done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. What I CAN'T do, at least not yet, is the elliptical, I can't run (tried doing a couch to 5K, and my body just doesn't take to running), jumping jacks. You have to find what you CAN do and do it as hard as you can! Then, eventually, you will get to those other things, that's what I'm shooting for. And if you can't go to the gym, don't have any DVDs, turn up the music and dance furiously in your living room! You would be surprised at how many calories you can burn in a 15 minutes dance session!

    I'm not always the best cheerleader, so just know that I am saying this for encouragement, and coming from a place of understanding!
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Absolutely nothing wrong with doing Walk Away the Pounds. That's a great DVD. When I first started, I was over 335lb and could barely walk around the block. Keep doing what you're doing. When you're able to move to something harder, you'll know it. Everyone has their own pace and their own strengths. You want to make sure that you remain good to your body and not push it too far too fast. :)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    do you swim? swimming is low impact, good exercise - the YMCA isn't very expensive if you don't have access to a pool. I too can't do high impact exercise yet but I can walk & swim. I started swimming laps. At first I could only do a couple, now I do them til I'm tired/out of breath. Bicycling is also good, not hard on your joints- but do wear a helmet

    try not to get discouraged- slow & steady wins the race
  • Shanell802
    Shanell802 Posts: 37
    Ok, I just want to say that I feel you on this one. I started at 253 back in 2009. I have been off and doesn't really take that long to lose 50 lbs. I started in August of 2009 and lost 35 lbs. Then, I just quit for a while and gained some of it back. I recently started again in January and have lost 35 since then, and have taken about a month off in there somewhere. I shouldn't tell you that...not being a good example...but it's real and it's my story :) I did all of that without working out at all. I recently started walking some and doing some wii fit games and such. The main thing to know is that it is healthy to get your blood flowing at it walking or running miles and miles. Do what you want to do and don't compare yourself. You will get there, I promise. It will take a while, but you will feel so good every time you lose even 5 or 10 lbs. I would also suggest setting smaller goals. Like getting into a size smaller pants or something like that. You have to start where you are, and if you start pushing yourself too hard or comparing yourself to others, you will end up quitting. And that won't help anyone :)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    It is very tough to get into working out and stuff when you're over weight.
    I started off doing walk away the lbs too, I love that tape. It amuses me greatly.! Maybe right now try doing walk away the pounds twice in a day. that should burn a nice amount of calories without killing you. Once in the morning, Once in the evening/?
    i was doing that tape when i was 290.It was tough!.Lol.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    You gotta crawl before you walk, and walk before you run!! I started in January at 280 lbs and it has taken me nearly 7 months to lose 35 lbs. Some people started at the same time and have lost a lot more than me, while others have lost less during the same time period. The main thing is to not give up. Don't be a quitter. You didn't get to be 258 overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. You are taking the right steps, just continue on with what you are doing. Your strength and endurance will build up over time and you will continue to see results. You can do this!!!
  • babydraco269
    GNC has a set of vitamins specifically for joint health, it will stop the creaking and popping in no time. Not to mention give you an energy boost that will make you want to work out constantly.And I really know how you feel, I had gotten down from 257 to 204 before I even started on MFP, and at first I felt like everyone was doing better than me too, but then I just used it as fuel to push me harder, and I've lost 12 pounds in 15 days. That said, it's hard on your body to go from a gentle workout to balls to the wall crazy hard stuff. Take a few steps in between walk away and circuit training, and work your way up to it. Set being able to do circuit training as a mini goal, and work for it. You can do this, It just takes patience.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    When I started I used a little $75 stair stepper machine in my living room, I could only do a few minutes. I would also do wii fit and walk my dog, about a mile and it took 20 minutes!!!!

    After a few months I felt like that was not enough, so I started using the gym (I had a membership from my college), Now I do an hour of cardio, just start with whatever you CAN do and work your way up.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i understand the feeling.
    there was not much i could do except walk at first... so.. i walked *S*

    another VERY good way to exercise when regular exercising is not really an option yet, is aquafit classes. it is gentle on your joints, supports the weight for you, and let's you move more. definitely something to check out if you are able to do so *S*
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    I am completely feeling the same frustration you are. Its hard not to compare yourself to others on here when you're 200+ lbs and could easily handle losing 100+. I feel like the only exercise I can do is walking and it doesn't really seem to be as productive as I would like. I tried the 30 day shred seeing so many posts on here, and after the first 3 min. I was done for. Even jumping jacks hurt my knees so bad I could barely take it. I would love to find some sort of cardio that I can actually do besides walking.

    Don't be too discouraged though, I've noticed that simply by watching my calories and eating healthier I'm losing the weight. I had a really good jump start with it doing the 17 Day Diet. I only got 10 days in to before I went on vacation and it went by the way side, but even in that 10 days I had dropped close to 12lbs. It was just the kick start I needed. I know that eventually I'll get there, just might take me a little longer than some.

    Keep your chin up and as hard as it is, try not to compare yourself to those on here that are not playing the same game you are. Find those like myself that are in the same boat and use them as your motivational support. Its much less discouraging that way.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Try not to let it get you down and definitely don't compare yourself to other people, that'll definitely just make you feel worse. I'm a similar weight to you and when you see people doing things that you can't do it is pretty rough. But as rough as it might sound, because of our size (and the fact that doing any form of exercise is more than what you might have done before) we are going to burn a considerable amount of calories doing leas exercise than other people with a lower weight.

    No one is going to find it easy, as that's why we all must be here in the first place, so don't let it get you down and don't push yourself too hard and hurt yourself. If you're struggling to get too active, focus really hard on your food as you are going to lose weight by controlling your food intake and the more you lose the easier exercise sh
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Try not to let it get you down and definitely don't compare yourself to other people, that'll definitely just make you feel worse. I'm a similar weight to you and when you see people doing things that you can't do it is pretty rough. But as rough as it might sound, because of our size (and the fact that doing any form of exercise is more than what you might have done before) we are going to burn a considerable amount of calories doing leas exercise than other people with a lower weight.

    No one is going to find it easy, as that's why we all must be here in the first place, so don't let it get you down and don't push yourself too hard and hurt yourself. If you're struggling to get too active, focus really hard on your food as you are going to lose weight by controlling your food intake and the more you lose the easier exercise should be.

    Take care of you x
  • Christina269
    Christina269 Posts: 110
    You are doing GREAT. I weight a bit more than you - and I just started. I've been able to do some things, but quickly found out how much I couldn't do - yet.
    As long as you give your best - you will see your best results. We can do this!!
    I've been doing Biggest Loser work out DVD's to work up into more advanced DVDs. Find what works for you and just have fun with it! Even if it's just dancing around in your living room like a fool! (That's what I did my first week ha ha!)
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I started my journey at 247 lbs. At the beginning of my journey I could only handle about 15 minutes of Leslie's DVDs. Now I can easily get through an hour. We all have to begin somewhere. Don't dompare your journey with anyone else's because yours is plenty amazing and yours is the only one that matters. Add a few more minutes per week, if you add strength training begin with 3 lb weights and work your way up. Do what you can, be consistent and you will feel the confidence that comes from proving to yourself what you're capable of. You can do this!
  • sugarbugger
    I'm currently 299lb, very unfit, but today I did this video by leslie sansone. It was just marching on the stop, with occasional steps to the side, raising the arms etc, for about 15 minutes, but at the end she tells you you've just walked a mile! Fab.

    I understand you have creaky hips so wouldn't suggest you do squats etc (I have creaky hips after two kids, squats leave me walking like John Wayne for a few days) - Just do what you can, don't be discouraged because you have a long way to go, many of us do here, but if you don't do it now, by christmas you'll be wishing you had.

    Don't compare yourself to others, there are people here with 25lb to lose, others with 225lb to lose, we're all different, and so are our ability levels. You can only improve! :-)
  • fatgirlwalking
    I am right where you are...LITERALLY! I am scared to cause myself to have a heart attack, but I got down to 230's from 279.1 from January 2, 2010 - around Thanksgiving of 2010. Unfortunately, I let myself go and need to get back on track. My first goal is 199.9 and it seems so far away.

    I am walking and a little "wogging" (walk/jog) and today I made the decision to do it for 30 minutes this evening when it gets cooler.

    Please know that I understand how long it takes, I have been there, but it is wonderful to get on the scale and see the 230's.

    One day at a time is what I'm often told, so... ONE DAY AT A TIME, IT IS!!
  • Lasirenn
    Lasirenn Posts: 50 Member
    Don't be sad! If walking is all you can do for now, please know that it is better than nothing. If you hurt yourself exercising, it will only discourage you further. I feel like I am a runner trapped in this fat body. I wish I could just go for runs, even on a treadmill, but it's too much for my knees at this time so I have to stick to the elliptical and the bike. I've been down on myself lately too for my weight and size, but I know it's very possible to change if I commit to good behavior. You can do it! I'm sending you a friend request, if that's ok. :)
  • cjasins
    cjasins Posts: 93
    I kept this quote hanging on my fridge and at my desk "Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still"
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    go to the nearest walmart and test out their scales. :)

    LOL, gosh I never thought of that. Tomorrow me and WalMart have a date...
  • Buddhaboy
    Buddhaboy Posts: 60 Member
    I was there
    I know EVERYBODY saids this, but you have to start SLOW
    I started at 289 lbs
    I could barely go 15 mins on a trend mill at it's lowest speed!
    But as the weight comes off it gets easier...somewhat ;-)

    I started in March and have lost over 50 lbs so far
    I admit the hardest thing about this diet rolling out of bed at 5:00 to work out
    BUT, stick with it, because every little bit helps