I could use some help and buddies

My name is Pat and I have tried a couple of diets and have not had any luck, my weight is beginning to concern my doctor so he recommended this web site to me and it would be oh so wonderful to be able to show him that I am making some progress by the next time I go see him. I can use any advice anyone would like to offer up to me.


  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    I think the best thing I learned when I started my weight loss journey is portion control. You can eat anything you want, just watch how much!
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    I go to a nurse weekly for help with losing weight and found this website a couple of months a go and everyone is so supportive feel free to add x
  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    Portion control, drink plenty of water, and exercise... You have to be dedicated and committed to wanting to lose weight in order to succeed. Sounds like you are on the right track!
  • lahay99
    lahay99 Posts: 17 Member
    i agree, potion control was my main problem aswell. I have a much better idea of how many cals are in things now aswel and my portions are proper sizes not estimates which are usually big enough for 2-3!! lol
    Logging all your food can be boring and time consuming but it really works and makes you think about what exactly your eating.

    good luck!
  • jenlw88
    jenlw88 Posts: 71
    hi pat i be ur friend it takes time start slow
  • searbear1980
    searbear1980 Posts: 110
    I like to quote Dory from finding Nemo to keep me going. Just keep Swimming Just Keep Swimming. It makes me remember to keep moving and that I can change course and come back.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    I think the best thing I learned when I started my weight loss journey is portion control. You can eat anything you want, just watch how much!

    Welcome! I totally agree wit baxgilter. Portion control is the key. Even though I have only been using MFP for about 3 weeks now, I am really learing a lot about proper eating and the friends here are so supportive. Am always looking for someone who is also dedicated to losing weight so feel free to add me if you like :) Good luck in your journey.
  • tsaenz09
    tsaenz09 Posts: 30
    Hi Pat! I have to agree portion is very important! Also, make sure you are exercising and drinking lots of water!
  • hello
    feel free to add me:)
    I have been here for about 3 weeks and love the site
  • welcome!! it's hard and tough journey, but you can do it!! start with the small stuff and go from there. once you start seeing results you'll be even more motivated!
    logging in what i eat really helps, i'm more aware of what i'm eating..
  • Hello Pat. My name is Cheryl and I am fairly new to this site as well. I am losing weight that it took 25 years to accumulate. I wish I'd started earlier but ...oh well. My advice for you is to decide how you're going to lose and stick with it. I would encourage you to stay away from fads like no/low carbs and other crash diets. Remember that if you are eating in a way that you can't maintain after you reach your goal weight then you are more likely to gain the weight back again. Personally, I'm limiting calories to between 1300-1500. I stay away from processed sugar (love me some sweet tea!) and anything fried. I find that this site has been really helpful in helping me limit my calorie intake. I'm also exercising every day which I know has helped. Good luck on your journey to better health. :smile:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I like to quote Dory from finding Nemo to keep me going. Just keep Swimming Just Keep Swimming. It makes me remember to keep moving and that I can change course and come back.

    Now I have that in my head - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." :laugh:

    But yeah. It's great advice.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • hawaiije
    hawaiije Posts: 7
    I think tracking food will really put it all into perspective! Today is day one for me too, so feel free to add me as a friend..
  • Whitty1982
    Whitty1982 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Pat,

    You sound a lot like myself - Doc recommended my wife and I do the Atkins style diet.
    I'm down 32 lbs in 8 weeks. If we exercised on a regular basis, we would probably even be down more.

    I'd highly recommend it - go get the new atkins book (not the old one) and check out their website www.atkins.com

    I use this site to track my food and exercise which helps a ton but the carbs have to be counted differently on Atkins.

    We tried personal trainers, weight watchers, etc. - lost maybe 5-10 lbs during all that over the course of 2 years.

    Started Atkins and lost 15 lbs in the first two weeks. Now I'm needing to get new clothes because they don't fit any more. They're literally falling off of me. My belly has shrunk by more than 4 inches and I had to put a couple new holes in my belt because I had dropped 4 notches from where I was.

    The hardest part is not eating the fried foods, sugar, and bread that we love. The nice thing is, you're counting carbs - not calories.

    Bacon, steak, chicken, pork, seafood = no carbs - you can just about eat as much as you want.
    The good thing is, you're never hungry and your appetite requires less food after you get into it for a week or two.

    Start it when you have a day or two off - the first day or two can be a little rough in the energy department until your system switches from burning sugar for energy to burning carbs/fat for energy.

    You can have 4oz of cheese a day if you want (that's a lot of cheese!)

    I have sausage or bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning. I'll have to get some before/after pics online soon to show my progress. If we can discipline ourselves enough to walk at least 30 mins a day - the weight will continue to drop off quickly.
  • jaci34
    jaci34 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi Pat! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!! Feel free to add me as a friend, its great to get the encouragement!
  • Okay....so Whitty definitely has me thinking about the Atkins diet. I am so hooked on carbs. I use the Atkins Advantage shakes for breakfast and they really do fill me up. Anyway, I just joined recently also and this seems like a great place to meet people. We're all on the same journey looking for a better, healthier life. You CAN do this. Feel free to add me :)
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    I want to be skinning too! I've accomplished just about everything else I wantd to in my life (at some point or another). Now it is time for me to get skinning. It would be so much fun, not to mention healthy!!!

    I love this site. And I agree with hawaiije that tracking is step 1. You don't won't believe how much you'll learn about nutrician and calories and weight loss.

  • sf08003
    sf08003 Posts: 30
    Hi Pat- The best advice I could give you is to completely embrace the fact that weight doesn't go on in five minutes, and it sure won't come off in 5 minutes. It's not always about losing every single pound at first. It's more about trying to learn about the foods you eat and the better, healthier choices you can make instead. I will be the first one to admit it's not easy to always make the healthiest choice, but everyday I try to do my best. Also, don't look at your whole day as an "All or Nothing victory or loss. If you don't have the greatest lunch, have a terrific dinner loaded up with lots of good stuff! We are, after all just human beings. Not perfect, but not so bad either.

    If I could offer you a suggestion for your first goal: Instead of weight loss as your first goal, you might want to try setting a different goad instead. Something small but attainable like sticking to your diet for one whole day. No cheating, no taking little sample bites of food while you prepare dinner for the family. Just sticking to it for one whole day. If you can do that, set the same exact goal for the next day. If it's too big of a goal, then set a goal of eating a nutritious breakfast every morning for 5 mornings, without eating the same breakfast twice in 5 days. The key is to stay interested in yourself and your own progress. Too many of us focus on the weight loss and not on the knowledge gained in learning about the many foods and combinations there are to keep you motivated and get you on the right track.

    You have lots of support on this sight. I am a HUGE fan of this site. i hope you will become one too. Good luck!!
  • jes0704
    jes0704 Posts: 15
    Feel free to add me too, I need some more buddies too!!! They def help keep you going when you need it!
  • smagee1973
    smagee1973 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree that portion control, water and exercise are the main things. I do feel that you have to be the one to make the change as well. It's kinda like wanting to quit smoking - you really have to want to change to accomplish anything. I will say though you will have quite a few friends on her! Feel free to add me as a friend.