Help!!! Can't find motivation!!!



  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @ScottinTX One of the things I found is that I cannot sit down when I get home from work. If I sit down, I'll never get up. But if I immediately change into workout clothes, I will get my workout in. It's a dumb little trick, but it works every freaking time.

    This is how it works for me. If *kitten* hits recliner before feet hit the street, it is over. If feet hit the street before *kitten* hits recliner, it is on. Dinner is in the slow cooker before I head for work in the morning. Or, someone else eating it can make it. Make it a habit, it does get easier, pretty much routine.
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    So, daily update: actually did really good today! Did 30 mins of moderate walking outside, beautiful day out!! Trying to make better conscious decision of food. Did great all day! Today was one of my ling days at work, so asked hubby if he could make dinner, or I could pick something up. He said he would make it. Pasta with tomato/alfedo cream sauce. Ugh!! Really??? So, I used the scanner, weighed the portions, and only had 1bowl-after first having a big bowl of salad!!! So, overall a success! Still had 100 calories left!
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    ScottinTX wrote: »
    My problem is excuses. I have a TON of them. I've actually gotten quite good at them (not bragging). I suffer from depression (hereditary) and just had my Dr. up my meds last week. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been right now (almost 400#) and that alone is enough to send me spiraling into an eating frenzy which of course perpetuates the problem (another excuse?). Either way my problem is that I need to get up and get moving. I sit behind a desk all day and then go home and am mentally exhausted. What I need to do is keep my big butt out of my recliner when I get home. Clean, get my bike fixed so I can ride it, walk the dogs, something. It's a matter of just doing it. When the time comes I don't.'s an endless cycle!

    I can sympathize. I was good at finding excuses and trying to tell myself I was ok with the weight. When life would get me down, how would I cheer myself up? Yep, hit the buffet and make the problem worse. You just have to man up and decide to do something about it. You WILL feel much better. Taking your dogs walking is an absolutely fantastic idea. It will be good for all of you and they will love it. They also deserve it. Let them help motivate you. I am taking my lab to the hiking trails at a nearby park this weekend and bringing the wife along so we all get some exercise. You CAN do this and it is worth it.
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    @bux981 Awesome!
  • ScottinTX
    ScottinTX Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sira125 wrote: »
    @ScottinTX - I am going to try to take a short walk at lunch today. Ditto on the mentally exhausted post-work.

    @Sira125 Did you get your walk in? How far did you go? :smile:
  • ScottinTX
    ScottinTX Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2016
    @ScottinTX One of the things I found is that I cannot sit down when I get home from work. If I sit down, I'll never get up. But if I immediately change into workout clothes, I will get my workout in. It's a dumb little trick, but it works every freaking time.

    @quiksylver296 Yeah, I totally get that. As soon as I walked in the door yesterday I started cleaning the house (happy wife, happy life). Got through the kitchen and started on the living room. Before I started vacuuming I SAT DOWN to pay attention to my needy dog and didn't get back up. I'm going to take said needy dog(s) for a walk when I get home. Get them taken care of first!
  • ScottinTX
    ScottinTX Posts: 7 Member
    buxs981 wrote: »
    The hard part is that some days by the time I get home, I start making dinner right away, then by the time I'm eating it's already 6-7pm! That's when I just so exhausted! Then I'm in bed by 9:45-10pm, just to be up around 6;30am again!

    @buxs981 In addition to what @quiksylver296 said about priorities (I REALLY like that BTW) I truly get it. Between work, kids, wife, sports and everything else life throws at us we have to make our health a priority...when we're ready to. I've known for a long time that for me it's been the excuses and I was okay with that. The reality is that to lose weight you have to put out more than you take in. But just knowing that doesn't do it. You have to commit, which I wasn't ready to do until this week (I say this to you just as much as I'm saying it to myself). One thing I figured out is the same thing I finally realized when I quit smoking all those years ago. No matter how many times I said I was going to quit, and did quit until the next one the reality is that I didn't quit until I I found a reason to and committed. This week (in part thanks to all on this thread) I came to that very realization and have committed.

    For example...This morning I got to work at 5AM. 30 minutes ago I realized I was STARVING. So, I headed out to get something to eat. It took TONS of willpower to drive past McDonalds, past Chick-Fil-A (which I LOVE) down to Smoothie King where I got a 510 calorie smoothie. It'll fill me up and life will go on!

    I guess the morale of this story is you and I (and anyone else in the same boat) have to make the decision to commit. Then every day it's going to be a reaffirmation of that commitment and one step at at time from there. No more excuses. No more reasons. As Nike said...Just do it!
  • ScottinTX
    ScottinTX Posts: 7 Member
    Chadxx wrote: »
    ScottinTX wrote: »
    My problem is excuses. I have a TON of them. I've actually gotten quite good at them (not bragging). I suffer from depression (hereditary) and just had my Dr. up my meds last week. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been right now (almost 400#) and that alone is enough to send me spiraling into an eating frenzy which of course perpetuates the problem (another excuse?). Either way my problem is that I need to get up and get moving. I sit behind a desk all day and then go home and am mentally exhausted. What I need to do is keep my big butt out of my recliner when I get home. Clean, get my bike fixed so I can ride it, walk the dogs, something. It's a matter of just doing it. When the time comes I don't.'s an endless cycle!

    I can sympathize. I was good at finding excuses and trying to tell myself I was ok with the weight. When life would get me down, how would I cheer myself up? Yep, hit the buffet and make the problem worse. You just have to man up and decide to do something about it. You WILL feel much better. Taking your dogs walking is an absolutely fantastic idea. It will be good for all of you and they will love it. They also deserve it. Let them help motivate you. I am taking my lab to the hiking trails at a nearby park this weekend and bringing the wife along so we all get some exercise. You CAN do this and it is worth it.

    @Chadxx I totally need to print this out because you are 100% correct. I like to think that I am strong, but when it comes to willpower (to do AND not to do something) I constantly fail. Thank you for the encouraging words!
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    So, yesterday's walk: 2 different times for a total of 32 mins. Not bad! Already did a short walk today, too! And have logged my breakfast.
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    Daily log: walked 35 mins and logged all food. Gave in to eating 18 crackers. But, at least I counted the crackers and logged it! Made sure I went for a walk afterwards, because I felt guilty!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Don't feel guilty! No such thing as bad food, just too much food. You've got this!
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    Logging all food seems to be key for me. I can't figure out how can manage forget entire meals have eaten, but can. Then will eat at a normal meal time because I should so won't hungry later when eat. As if am going expire from missing meal. pretty sure could go several days without in an emergency (as long as had water) and perfectly fine after.

    I occasionally find myself thinking I'm starving. THAT is not the problem.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I've not read through all of the replies, so please forgive me if this is a duplicate response :)

    At some point, motivation goes out the window for all of us. We are tired, disillusioned, worn out. This is where discipline comes in. Regardless of how motivated you feel, discipline helps you to stand up & walk your booty to where it needs to be to exercise. Regardless of how motivated you feel, discipline helps you to make wise nutrition choices. Regardless of how you feel, discipline keeps you on track.

    So. Even when you feel motivation slipping away, steel yourself & use that discipline. You'll get there :)
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    No idea what happened with my previous post. You can probably get the gist, but I swear there were more words when I initially wrote it.
  • connielupe
    connielupe Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi all, this seems like a good group! I am really struggling with self-control. I find myself bored snacking a lot and making poor food choices. Has anyone found some strategies to stop snacking when they're bored? Also need help getting regular workouts, love the idea of putting workout clothes on first!
  • TeaCurls
    TeaCurls Posts: 32 Member
    Snacking while board is an issue for me so I started by getting a huge glass of water and drinking it down and then painting my nails. I am not even too much of a girly girl but it distracts me and then I do not want to ding up my nails... or I flip over to my Pinterest motivational page and do a quick home workout. I was also thinking about getting some of the adult coloring books to keep my fingers and mind distracted. But really the huge glass of water is the easiest way for me to head off snaking out of boredom.
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    TeaCurls wrote: »
    One of the most motivational quote I have seen is "because the next few months will go by no matter if you workout or not." I guess it struck home is how long will I live being mad at myself when I am the one who can make the change. There are so many things out of my control but this is something I can do something about one day at a time.

    I like this
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    @ScottinTX One of the things I found is that I cannot sit down when I get home from work. If I sit down, I'll never get up. But if I immediately change into workout clothes, I will get my workout in. It's a dumb little trick, but it works every freaking time.

    This is how it works for me. If *kitten* hits recliner before feet hit the street, it is over. If feet hit the street before *kitten* hits recliner, it is on. Dinner is in the slow cooker before I head for work in the morning. Or, someone else eating it can make it. Make it a habit, it does get easier, pretty much routine.

    Take your kit with you, go straight there from work, don't go home first. I second the slow cooker dinners, an absolute saver.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Sira125 wrote: »
    @ScottinTX - I am going to try to take a short walk at lunch today. Ditto on the mentally exhausted post-work.

    If you have a job where you talk on the phone a lot, if its possible take/make those calls on your mobile (cell)phone, plug in a headset and walk while you talk. Otherwise, every hour, get up and walk the stairs in your building. Start with one flight for a week. Doesn't take long, and you shoud have a break from your desk every hour anyway.