weightloss tip

I am, of course, no expert but I thought I'd share something I've noticed in case anyone might want to give it a shot.

My biggest down fall was snacking on sweets. When sitting down to read, when bored, when sitting there after dinner wanting food. Well, I began drinking coffee and noticed that it made my appetite go away.. But I still craved sweets (and the amount of sugar I had to put in coffee was insane). So I tried some of my husbands tea. Well, I have this EVERY time I have a sweet craving and I get full (well, maybe not full, but the sweet craving goes away.) Any how, I get this vanilla caramel flavored tea by "Bigelow" I use a little splenda and milk and I think it's yummy.

Just thought id share because since I started using the tea in place of sweets/to curb my craving I've gone from losing 3-4 pound a month back up to 8 =)


  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Mmmm, sounds good! I also like chai tea and earl grey vanilla, with some coffeemate french vanilla. Yummy!
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hmm, I drink tea all day and rarely get bad sweet cravings, I wonder if that's why? I don't go for fancy teas or flavoured tea though, just hot tea with milk ('english breakfast' tea I suppose you'd call it) but i'm from England, the nation of tea drinkers!
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm not a tea drinker, but I keep 100 cal snack packs in the house. I also freeze yoplait yogurts for when I get an ice cream craving. So far it's really helped on the calorie end.
  • Cking86
    Cking86 Posts: 39 Member
    i am not a tea person. i chew gum. it works for me.*shrugs*
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    I love teas and drink them often. My biggest down fall is the after dinner "dessert" time. I find if I drink a cup of tea, it helps curb the craving for that extra ice cream calories I dont need. There is a local tea shop here that sells loose teas and has a mango apricot, marigold, cinnemon blend that is just heaven!!!!