Just wanna quit today

I have been doing great for the past 3 weeks, lost 17lbs, but today I woke up craving a McDonalds coke one of my favorite things. GRRRR I hope I can resist because I know that if I drink one I will constantly want them again, they must put something addicitve in it. :tongue:


  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    I have been doing great for the past 3 weeks, lost 17lbs, but today I woke up craving a McDonalds coke one of my favorite things. GRRRR I hope I can resist because I know that if I drink one I will constantly want them again, they must put something addicitve in it. :tongue:
  • meganlorraine
    Your progress is so great so far!! Granted I have no room to talk as I caved yesterday, but if you know it's a trigger food stay away!! :) Keep up the excellent work instead :)
  • Dustdevil
    :angry: DON'T DO IT!!

    :happy: You've made so much progress! Find something to curb that feeling. Coke ZERO or something!
  • wildfire68
    Hang in there....:wink:
    You are doing great. If you can stop at one then go ahead. Every 7 to 14 days you need to eat more to trick your body into burning more on the good days, 1 coke will not hurt you.

    If you can not stop at one, try taking a walk or reading a good book to take your mind off the coke :devil:

    Keep up the good work, I hope I have as much luck, :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I heard on a radio program that the craving portion of a woman's brain is much more active then a man's. (figure's huh?) :grumble: That's why men have more of a "take it or leave it" attitude regarding food then women do. (generally)

    Stay strong though, you've been doing great! :smile:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    If you could be satisfied with 1 small coke, I'd say indulge, but do an extra workout to make up for it. But since you know 1 won't satisfy you, by strong and stay away all together. Keep yourself busy today so it's not on your mind. And hey, maybe treat yourself at home with a canned coke- or a diet coke like someone else mentioned. Keep in mind, treats are allowed, on occaision, as long as you can be satisfied with a small amount of treat :flowerforyou:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm a recovering McDonalds fountain coke addict too! Just remember that it will not taste good enough to drown the guilt you'll feel afterwards.

    Yo're doing great - keep going! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    You are doing such a great job...keep it up!!!!
  • Dustdevil
    McDonald's Coca-Cola

    1 large = 310 EMPTY calories and 86 grams of SUGAR!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    McDonald's Coca-Cola

    1 large = 310 EMPTY calories and 86 grams of SUGAR!!

    Holy cow!! :noway:
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    :flowerforyou: dont stop now u r doing sooooooooo good keep it up .i too have cravings mostly for chocolate but im a junkie and kno if i have 1 piece it will turn into 3or 4 large bars nope not goin a do it ..........
  • evajessee
    I have a confession to make! I just started changing our eating lifestyle 2 weeks ago. I am married and have 4 children. Our evening snack at night was a pop and a little debbie (powdered donuts are my weakness!). I knew I couldn't just abruptly throw out all the sugar in my house or else I would deal with a revolt. My husband is also a type 1 diabetic and battles low blood sugars now that he's on an insulin pump. So I have to keep pop and sweets in the house.

    I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet and usually exercise enough to eat back my calories (300 to 400 a day) so I reward myself with 2 pops a day. That is NOTHING considering I would go through 8 cans of Dr Pepper a day easy before this lifestyle change. And I am proud to say that two weeks into it, I've still dropped SIX pounds which was more than my 2 pound per week goal.

    A diet defines what you can and can't have and feels like a form of punishment. When you diet your body goes into rebellion because you begin to tell yourself that you can no longer have the foods you love. When eating healthy however becomes a lifestyle change you realize that EVERYTHING is good in moderation. Key word being ... moderation!

    At some point you must reward yourself for good behavior and for reaching your goals. If that means allowing yourself to have a coke ... so be it! Pick out a day of the week to reward yourself with a coke. Remind yourself through the week that on "such and such" day you get that coke! And then honey, run you some bath water, light you some candles and kick back and celebrate and relax with that coke knowing you are awesome and you have earned it!

    As far as the desire to continue to drink more ... you are going to have to stir yourself up on the inside and remind yourself that YOU ARE WORTH the lifestyle change and that this is important to you. It is a matter of realizing that when we cheat on our lifestyle changes and short change ourselves, the only one who suffers is us!

    You CAN do this! You have done SO great! You have lost 17 pounds so far and are whooping butt! I would LOVE to have 17 pounds behind me. So just realize that you are a role model for those who are just starting out and believing that ANYTHING is possible!
  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    McDonald's Coca-Cola

    1 large = 310 EMPTY calories and 86 grams of SUGAR!!

    Holy cow!! :noway:

    now that is a bummer :frown: :frown:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    don't do it, you've come too far. I love Dr. Pepper, but I have not touched one in months and I know that it is a problem for me, so I don't even have one sip because if I did then I would be drinking like 4 or 5.
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    McDonald's Coca-Cola

    1 large = 310 EMPTY calories and 86 grams of SUGAR!!

    Thank you everyone!!! And that above is exactly why I resisted.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sometimes it doesn't hurt to indulge. Yes, they are empty calories and heck yes, that is a lot of sugar. But in the long run, this is a lifestyle change. If you can't honestly say you're okay with NEVER (EVER) having another McDonalds coke, then its still just a diet. :flowerforyou:

    A couple weeks ago I woke up wanting Mcdonalds. That means, I wanted a hamburger with FRIES! So, I went to my food counter, put in a plain cheeseburger with a medium fry, and I planned the rest of my day around that meal. I didn't even have to exercise more than normal.

    Those cravings will always hit us, but they don't hit every day (or even every few weeks for me) so I say go for it. Plan it, be disciplined and most of all ENJOY. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    i'm a dr. pepper fanatic too and i drank one the other day and it just doesn't taste as good as i remember so i guess i'm not such a fanatic anymore maybe its the same for you
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    I hear ya... i went to the mall today, and everywhere you turn there is fast food. i packed my own snacks etc. but man, i just wantred to throw my arms in the air and say: F- IT!!!!

    It's hard, but you have to realize how great you're doing so far!