Trying to find ppl who need to lose 100 pounds or my

My name is Cathy and I have nearly 230 pounds to lose...would like to find ppl to connect with that would be interested in supporting each other in this WOE...not a diet but simply a lifestyle change. I am doing low carb which my body seems to respond to better...but what you decide to do that benefits you...I am here to support you in that also


  • spngnetwork
    spngnetwork Posts: 41 Member
    Add me if you'd like, working on losing 75lbs by next summer, then another 100 by the following year. Been consistent going on 4 weeks now.
  • leologan42
    leologan42 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Cathy. I too started with a mountain to climb. I'm not there yet but I would be willing to share what has worked for me so far.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I do low-carb, as well. I'm fully aware that calories are king, but it's done wonders in keeping cravings at bay!
    Also: Hi, welcome!
  • cre8vcubanita
    cre8vcubanita Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I've got 100lbs to lose. Trying love carb but having a challenge with what to make, esp for work. Add me! :)
  • Klitt86
    Klitt86 Posts: 24 Member

    Hey all!! I have about 100 pounds I want to lose! I'm 257 and my heaviest was 261. I'm taking it all in 10 pound goals so I'm looking for friends to help encourage and motivate me and help me stay on track and understand the struggle of staying on track! Im a 29 year old stay at home mom of 4 elementary aged kiddos so I'd love some mommy friends also who can relate to my struggles!!! :)
  • JPketodiet
    JPketodiet Posts: 6 Member
    Started LCHF (Keto) at the end of June. So far I've lost 12 pounds. This "diet" is the only thing that has worked for me. My system just can't seem to handle anything more than 20 net carbs per day.
  • zeroXOXOzero
    zeroXOXOzero Posts: 30 Member
    I have 150lbs to lose and I have decided to start changing my lifestyle for good. Ive always been the type to go on a diet for about 3 weeks, get discouraged and gain all the weight back. Ive never tried the low-carb idea but im up for a challenge! add me :)
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hiya. I've already lost 150lbs ish, I had been maintaining for 2 years but a little bit crept back on over winter (I live in Australia, roll on the warmer weather!!). I started at 329 lbs and really had to do the lifestyle change, my philosophy is so whatever works for you and you can sustain long term. For me, I couldn't live in a world without ice cream and chocolate so I took the "everything in moderation" approach, although I have played with low carb. It's not for me but I know plenty of people that love it and it works for them :)

    Anyway, after losing so much weight I became qualified as a Personal Trainer, talk about a complete 180 from what life used to be for me! I'm now trying to lose the bit of winter weight that I gained plus some extra, I don't have a specific goal because now I'm no longer morbidly obese it's more about how I look and feel. Probably aim to lose another 30 lbs and then reassess.

    I'm happy to provide some inspiration/support to anyone, but please include a brief message if you send me a friend request, I like to know who you are and how you found me. Cheers! If I can lose it, anyone can!
  • LiftYourHope
    LiftYourHope Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I have nearly 200 to lose now. Would love the extra support. :)
  • RhapsodyWinters
    RhapsodyWinters Posts: 128 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'4F with 130 lb to lose. Feel free to add me. I've mostly been just restricting the amount of calories in. I walk the dog about 3 miles 3 days a week. The other 3 days (minus Sunday) I go to the gym and do cardio on the elliptical. I eat part of my exercise calories back (I'm set at sedentary).

    SW: 261
    CW: 251.6
    GW: 120-130
  • sk201517
    sk201517 Posts: 1 Member
    hey add me in, i have 100 lbs to lose. lost it before in dukan, gained it all back. this time trying lchf.
  • rachel780mpg
    rachel780mpg Posts: 83 Member
    Add me! I have a total of 143 pounds to lose. I'm down 13 already!
  • jenniferbradfordgoss
    Feel free to add me. I had lost 60 lbs but surgery in April has me at a stand still and fluctuating up and down but never past that 60 lbs mark. Still have 100+ to lose. We can do this!!
  • she_lived_wholly_forevermore
    Feel free to add me. I'm down 105 so far. I have about 30 to go give or take. Always looking to give and receive support.
  • drvignesh1
    drvignesh1 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello .. I'm looking for some motivation jus like u.. hope we can help each other losing weight..

    I'm a orthodontist... I met with a accident and suddenly put on like 45 kgs in 8 months..

    I am determined to lose it.. but will need motivation from ppl...
  • virginiashannon
    virginiashannon Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me also, I already lost 55 lbs (almost 6 months) and I still need to lose another 50 lbs. I'm doing by just reducing my calories and drinking this awesome Health Nutrious drink. Some days are better than others of course, so I can use all the motivation I can get (along with providing some)
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Hi, please add me! I'm Sam. I lost 80 pounds, gained 30 back after having a major surgery. I have about 190 to go, but I'm on the way. Always looking for new and supportive friends!!
    Hi,I have approx. 140 lbs to lose, i would appreciate the support. :) Please anyone who is an active user feel free to add me xox
  • jenwilkerson76
    jenwilkerson76 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Add me - I have 100ish to lose and just started in earnest this past week.
  • grannygoose12
    grannygoose12 Posts: 3 Member
    I am right there with you. I need to lose 100 lbs or a bit more. I have just rejoined here after having some health issues and being inactive. Now I am on the mend and ready for this challenge. I know this site is great for helping me be accountable as I lost 40 lbs in five months when I was using it faithfully and staying on my eating plan. You can do this. I can do this. We all can meet our goals if we stay focus on the ultimate goal while setting small goals. One pound a week means 52 pounds in a year, two pounds a week and I will be at my goal in one year. So here I go on this journey and am glad to have others who have committed to this ambitious goal.