Hi i'm new here

My name is chelsea, and i'm new to this site. just wanted to say hi, so HI!!!


  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    Hello and welcome. :) I'm... sort of new myself. I set up this account at the beginning of my deployment, but am finally getting around to utilizing what it offers. Hope you find what you're looking for here.
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome to you both, it's a great site & friends are really supportive

    Good Luck

  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Welcome to MFP and best wishes on your weight loss/healthy habit journey!!
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Hi to you too Chelsea!! I'm a lot older than you but send me a friend request and I'll try to be a good friend and encourage you. I know people sure have helped me. The support on here is wonderful!! My MFP friends are GREAT!!
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    Welcome feel free to add x
  • blakpearl
    blakpearl Posts: 2
    hello, im new to this whole chatting blogging thing but i know that having folks to inspire, vent and just plain confession a bad day to is what helps. My name's Pearl and im stopping by to say HELLO !!:tongue:
  • spookyjh
    spookyjh Posts: 2
    Hi All

    My name is John,
    I am over weight, diabetic and derpressed, my friend Belfast Boy pointed me in the direction of Myfitnessmate, so here I am.
    I set my self a goal of an hours walking (marching Military style) a night, did my first walk tonight, thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Just need to get my head around the calorie counter. I only joined tonight, so will get used to what is involved quickly I hope.
  • likeaphoenix
    likeaphoenix Posts: 54 Member
    I'm new, just joined yesterday. Good luck! The thing about feeling bad about yourself is that it really will ease if you do something and stick to it. This seems like a great site. Keep your goals realistic. The food diary is cool because every food on the planet (just about) is on there, so it's sort of type a couple of words into the search box, select your food (names brands or just fruit or cheese or juice or whatever), adjust the 1.0 if you had more or less than the serving that shows up.

    I've noticed already that once I've typed a certain food in for say, lunch, it's there for me to pick from from that point on!

    Good luck, John! My brother lost, no kidding, 100 pounds in 1 year by sticking to the diet and exercise goals he set for himself on this site! Donna C, Jackson NJ
  • ericalovescoffee
    ericalovescoffee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Im Erica. Im also new. Good luck! Lets do this!!