
I heard about this site and application from a friend on YouTube. It looks great! I love the way I can update from my phone, and the list of foods looks very complete.
I have about 60 pounds that I want to lose and I hope this will help me keep track and keep motivated.


  • Goalinsight
    Goalinsight Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome! I am a fairly newbie myself. So far this has been going really well for me. Tracking is really helpful, especially as I can also plan ahead what I will eat for the day. This site also encouraged me to start exercising. (Complete couch potato before). I've started slowly, but after just two weeks I'm down a few lbs and feeling really motivated. You won't regret joining. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'd be delighted to have you (and anyone else who wants to add me also!). G. xx
  • smagee1973
    smagee1973 Posts: 30 Member
    I am fairly new myself. I have found success though! I really like the fact that i can just type in my meals and they are there. :) I used to go to weight watcher meetings but I really don't have that kinda money. Besides, this keeps me on track. I just have to be more diligent in exercising. :) It's not really the food content that gets me. Welcome my friend and feel free to add me as a friend. :) You will find quite a few friends here. The funny thing is that I am on here more often than facebook. lol