Ladies Only Question

PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
Hello ladies.

So I have always been hungrier and, and the same time, lethargic around THAT time of the month. (Mother nature sucks, IMO) Is there a reason for it? Should I be adding certain nutrients to my diet specifically around that time? Is adding more calories the way to go?


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    oh i get hungrier the days before, im also thinking of adding more cals and maybe exercising a bit more too to stop cravings. :ohwell:
  • CrochetGator
    CrochetGator Posts: 23 Member
    I swear I was going to ask this yesterday. I feel like I can't eat enough and my food choices aren't the best around that time.
  • I don't really have an answer for you, but for me right before and at least the first day or so I am like a bottomless pit. I never feel full no matter how much I eat and I hate it.

    I try to eat more fruits and veggies right before that time because it satisfies me longer and seems to make my TOM lighter and shorter.
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    I tend to get sluggish when my iron is low, so try taking an iron supplement during *that* time. It seems to work well for me. plus you burn more calories when ToM is around.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    I have the exact same issues you mentioned!!! It sucks! I have tried adding more protein into my diet around that time, and also healthy carbs, nothing seemed to make a difference! I get tired real easily, just want to lay around and EAT! Just finishing now.......I did notice since starting here that if I increase my exercise level during that time, I have more energy! So I guess the key would be, make healthy eating choices and add an extra 15 minutes or so to your routine.

    Hope this helps!
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Trying adding in an iron supplement and/or B-12 compound vitamin... Help give you more energy. Are you on any bc? I find that switching that can help lots!! These days there's no reason to let your period get in the way :)
  • smagee1973
    smagee1973 Posts: 30 Member
    Good question! I have no clue unfortunately. I do understand where you are coming from though. I too get more hungry around that time. I was thinking of actually eating my 1200 calories a day for a few days at that time. Possibly exercising more and drink more water. They say water fills you up. :)
  • I just drink more fluids--water, diet pepsi, juices--to retain any lost fluids
  • Umm, I don't know the answer, but I am with you. I think it's pretty common.

    I also get frustrated that the scale goes NUTS. I can gain like 4 pounds overnight. Then it fluctuates the whole time. I hope it returns to my lowest weight prior when done. GRRR.

  • Brisin87
    Brisin87 Posts: 61
    i feel the same way never full at all i hate mother nature lol so i just wait til dinner time anf try to eat
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I add chocolate to my diet around that time!! LOL

    For serious though I'm hungrier too, you just need to allow for it, maybe up your workouts a bit to allow for the extra calories. some women may need more iron but for me that's not the case.
  • Ok, it looks like no one here knows the answer to this question. I have an appointment with my neutritionist on Friday and I will ask. I have thought about that too. I will post as soon as I get home on Friday.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Someone on here did an experiment where she upped her cals during TOM and she lost weight instead of gaining it. Just make sure to drink lots of water!!
  • Brisin87
    Brisin87 Posts: 61
    i feel the same way never full at all i hate mother nature lol so i just wait til dinner time anf try to eat
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm so glad to hear that other women have this problem. I am so hungry, tired and my weight loss drops off at mid cycle for me. I tried to explain this to my husband who works out with me and all he's said is to exercise harder- his suggestion was to do 2 a days. Which would probably work, but that means working out durning my lunch at work- which is the only time I have to myself all day. We have a 2 year old. Or I could add that second work out at 9:15 pm when the little one goes to bed and since we get up at 4:30 am to work out I'm usually wiped out by 9:00 PM. So now I can tell him it's something most of us women go through. Besides I think losing 1 lb a week durning that time period is just fine since I'm losing 2 to 4 lbs durning the rest of the month.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok, it looks like no one here knows the answer to this question. I have an appointment with my neutritionist on Friday and I will ask. I have thought about that too. I will post as soon as I get home on Friday.

    Please post what she says-- looks like lots of us would be interested in her answer. Thanks.
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    If you can do 2 workout's a day during your TOM you're a stronger woman than I!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Your body needs more carbs at that time. If you don't get enough it really exacerbates your mood swings, bloating, any depression or anxiety and general insanity you may have. I CRAVE carbs at that time of the month.
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same issue and I take an iron and B12 supplement which has made a huge difference. I also make sure I get enough rest the week before that also seems to make a huge difference as well.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Ok, it looks like no one here knows the answer to this question. I have an appointment with my neutritionist on Friday and I will ask. I have thought about that too. I will post as soon as I get home on Friday.

    Ooh! Please do!!! It would be awesome to know what they have to say.

    Also, thank you EVERYONE who has posted so far. It's nice to know that I'm not alone or crazy with my TOM insanity, lol. I'll be picking up an iron and B12 supplement today, so thank you very much for that suggestion. Hopefully that will help.

    Someone mentioned birth control as a partial cause (I'm sorry I can't remember who) but I am in between birth controls at this exact moment. Needed to change it. I am going to the doctor this week to get a new prescription. Any recommendations? I was thinking an IUD.