so recently i started mfp to help lose weight for a fab vaca i was determined to lose 20 lbs and i just about did but i have not been able to find my drive or motivation since then its been 2 months since i have been strict i need to get motivated again but finding it really hard. uuuggghhhh how can i become determined again? planning n getting preggo within the next 2 months so want to be at a healthy weight. any advice???


  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    Here's some encouragement...I did the same thing years ago. I lost alot of weight for a vacation , when we got back, I could NOT get myself back on track. Ya know what i've learned? I'm 42 and i've learned that it gets harder as you get older.

    I also have a 4 month old son. With my 3 y/o, I was in better shape and I exercised with her. With him, I did not and I FEEL IT!! Get in shape BEFORE you get pregnant. You'll be so much happier you did.

    How's that for motivation?