(sort of) newbie looking for friends and accountability buddies!

To introduce myself a little, I'm 18, from Norwich, Great Britain and I've been on MFP (naughtily) on and off since I was 15.
I've struggled with being unhappy with my chub for many years, but things have escalated in recent months - I had mono earlier in the year and lost 2 stone in a month, but now I've gained it back again - and then some!
I'm hoping to replicate some of the successes I've had in the past on here, and kickstart my sluggish metabolism - but it gets a little lonely on my own!
By all means, I would love it if some of the lovely people of this community could say hi and perhaps drop me a friend request


  • yogapluswalking
    yogapluswalking Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there -- I'm a "sort of" newbie as well and am going to go ahead and shoot you a friend request. I've never really used the MFP friends feature before, but I think having that layer of motivation could help some.
  • sr200179
    sr200179 Posts: 15 Member
    I want to get fit and lose weight. my job is very very sedentary. I'm at a desk most of time so I joined FitnessPal to keep me on tracking with moving and eating right. Also have about 40 pound to lose and keep off.
    Send me a friend request !
  • furry180
    furry180 Posts: 31 Member
    i m new bee with tons of experience of losing and gaining weight. i m back on MFP after unsuccessfull attempts with ww- sw - & almost every diet available on earth.
    i need to loose 50lb.
  • espyphly
    espyphly Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi I need accountability buddies too :) I have been on and off this site a few years and have not really pushed myself. Like I was just putting a toe in the water. My goal is to exercise more and cook healthy meals so I don't always turn up junk food and emotional eating. Let's cheer each other on! Thanks for sharing n best wishes!!
  • cindysoko
    cindysoko Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm everyone I'm also new to fitness pal I want to loose a bit of weight and also eat less cause I'm always hungry I need to loose 15kg
  • Cush_la
    Cush_la Posts: 111 Member
    any one is free to add me! more about me is on my profile! always welcome new friends :)