
So...I know fasting is a topic that always generates a lot of bickering, but I'm wondering who has tried it and what results they got? I am thinking of doing a fast of fruits and vegetables for a few days! Also...I wanted to know if anyone has goals to get under 200?? My goal is to get under 200 by... August 28!!! Thats a few weeks! I know I can do it! :)


  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i tried it and gained weight.
    I eat more and i lose weight.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You need to eat and exercise to get your metabolism higher. Higher metabolism is what makes you lose weight.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I am currently doing a 6 day non processed diet to see how I feel. I am limiting myself to eating only non processed fresh fruits and veggies, beans, raw nuts and seeds. I haven't decided about chicken yet, but if I eat meat it will be organic, free range chicken or sustainable fish. I just want to cut out all additives and preservatives because it seems like the idea behind them is to hold shelf life...but wouldn't that do the same in your body? I mean if a can of fruit that is packaged with chemicals and heavy syrup is able to stay "good" for years and years, surely something is unnatural and it will be that way inside of you as well.

    I wouldn't call it a fast-just an experiment to see how eating "clean" can change the way you feel and look.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I am currently doing a 6 day non processed diet to see how I feel. I am limiting myself to eating only non processed fresh fruits and veggies, beans, raw nuts and seeds. I haven't decided about chicken yet, but if I eat meat it will be organic, free range chicken or sustainable fish. I just want to cut out all additives and preservatives because it seems like the idea behind them is to hold shelf life...but wouldn't that do the same in your body? I mean if a can of fruit that is packaged with chemicals and heavy syrup is able to stay "good" for years and years, surely something is unnatural and it will be that way inside of you as well.

    I wouldn't call it a fast-just an experiment to see how eating "clean" can change the way you feel and look.

    Totally cool.

    THats the RIGHT way to do a "detox".
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    :tongue: Yeah yeah! I think people get the wrong idea. When i say I'm fasting...I'm not going to stop eating, I'm eating a TON of stuff that is good for me...that is all it is... :)
  • change_happens
    So...I know fasting is a topic that always generates a lot of bickering, but I'm wondering who has tried it and what results they got? I am thinking of doing a fast of fruits and vegetables for a few days! Also...I wanted to know if anyone has goals to get under 200?? My goal is to get under 200 by... August 28!!! Thats a few weeks! I know I can do it! :)

    It is sad to know that topics generate bickering as opposed to those who would encourage others on their journey. we all travel different roads.


    A church I attended many years ago used to fast a few times out of the month. The most popular fast was the Daniel fast that allowed us to eat vegetables and some fruits and drink nothing but water. Within one week I had lost 5lbs! And that was with no exercise. The fast only lasted for one week. I felt lighter, cleaner, my bowels were regular, my skin cleared up ( I had cystic acne) and my dry skin was completely gone, and so was my dry mouth. I believe there are some health benefits to fasting. In fact, just the other night I googled fasting for weightloss and you will find a ton of information on it and get some ideas on the different types of fast to participate in for cleansing, detoxification, and for losing weight.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    So...I know fasting is a topic that always generates a lot of bickering, but I'm wondering who has tried it and what results they got? I am thinking of doing a fast of fruits and vegetables for a few days! Also...I wanted to know if anyone has goals to get under 200?? My goal is to get under 200 by... August 28!!! Thats a few weeks! I know I can do it! :)

    It is sad to know that topics generate bickering as opposed to those who would encourage others on their journey. we all travel different roads.


    A church I attended many years ago used to fast a few times out of the month. The most popular fast was the Daniel fast that allowed us to eat vegetables and some fruits and drink nothing but water. Within one week I had lost 5lbs! And that was with no exercise. The fast only lasted for one week. I felt lighter, cleaner, my bowels were regular, my skin cleared up ( I had cystic acne) and my dry skin was completely gone, and so was my dry mouth. I believe there are some health benefits to fasting. In fact, just the other night I googled fasting for weightloss and you will find a ton of information on it and get some ideas on the different types of fast to participate in for cleansing, detoxification, and for losing weight.

    First of all... you really need to be careful about what you google on weightloss. Bad advice out there.

    Second of all - what you are describing is not a true fast. Its a limited diet. TOTALLY different things. A limited diet done correctly can be completely healthy. A true FAST cannot.

    Plain and simple, true fasting for weight loss DOES NOT WORK. It's one thing to do it for religious or social reasons or something, but doing it for weight loss has been totally debunked. People can spout out about how it supposedly works or how is a great idea all they want, but the FACT is that the medical research doesn't support it.

    Now, I'm completely in agreement with a limited diet, as long as people make sure they continue to get the nutrients they need.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Although you are not talking about a traditional fast (abstaining from food for a set length of time) I would not recommend fasting with the goal of losing weight.

    Occasional, limited fasting for spiritual, political-social justice, or cleansing purposes is not going to disrupt or damage normal, healthy weight loss in the majority of healthy adults, but should be kept to a minimum.

    It sounds like you are doing more of a cleanse, limiting your food intake over a short period of time to unprocessed raw foods in order to flush out your system. It is likely that this will also have a minor effect and should not be used just as a quick weight loss tool, but it can be a great kick off to a new approach to eating.

    Regular healthy eating (including unprocessed fruits and vegetables) and consistent exercise really are the best weight loss (and general good health) techniques that most people should use.

    Good luck with your plan and please be careful about trying to lose a great deal of weight in a short period of time. Slow and steady wins the race and it is about HEALTH, not just the numbers on a scale.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    There's not a thing wrong with fasting. Actually, a lot of people would argue over it's benefits. Just drink plenty of water and limit fasting to three days at a time. If I fast, it's usually only one day, but it's a true fast with no solid food. It helps me with my stomach issues when I've had a day or two of an upset stomach. Fasting for a few days at a time will not lower your metabolism.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    There's not a thing wrong with fasting. Actually, a lot of people would argue over it's benefits. Just drink plenty of water and limit fasting to three days at a time. If I fast, it's usually only one day, but it's a true fast with no solid food. It helps me with my stomach issues when I've had a day or two of an upset stomach. Fasting for a few days at a time will not lower your metabolism.

    People keep saying this crap, when the research just does NOT support it. Yea, it probably won't HURT you as long as you are healthy otherwise, but it sure as hell doesn't help you lose weight. And YES, it will lower your metabolism in as little as 2 days.

    There is valid reasons for a fast. I've done one myself as a fundraiser. However, people get the idea that doing them to lose weight will help... when the research says it doesnt.

    Read the research people....
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    There's not a thing wrong with fasting. Actually, a lot of people would argue over it's benefits. Just drink plenty of water and limit fasting to three days at a time. If I fast, it's usually only one day, but it's a true fast with no solid food. It helps me with my stomach issues when I've had a day or two of an upset stomach. Fasting for a few days at a time will not lower your metabolism.

    People keep saying this crap, when the research just does NOT support it. Yea, it probably won't HURT you as long as you are healthy otherwise, but it sure as hell doesn't help you lose weight. And YES, it will lower your metabolism in as little as 2 days.

    There is valid reasons for a fast. I've done one myself as a fundraiser. However, people get the idea that doing them to lose weight will help... when the research says it doesnt.

    Appreciate you calling my comment crap. Fasting works for a lot of people, like it or not. It will not lower your metabolism in two days. But I guess there are a lot of opinions that will support either opinion. I wouldn't be rude enough to call your opinion crap.
    And it will not lower your metabolism any great amount in two freaking days.
  • aarn6911
    aarn6911 Posts: 18 Member
    I would have to agree with Nailrep, when I got my wisdom teeth out I fasted (couldnt eat solid foods) for a whole week and lost 5 lbs. But I would never do that again by choice, I love food way to much :laugh:
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Ever since 2003 I've done a month long fast for religious reasons once a year (Ramadan). From sunrise to sunset (about 14.5 hours this year) we don't eat or drink ANYTHING....not even water. It's tough and although I have lost weight during the month, as soon as it's over, and I went back to eating normal, it all came back. I'm curious to see if the weight loss is sustained this year though since my "normal" eating has changed since committing to MFP in December 2010. :happy: But I am by no means fasting for weight loss.