Tiny NSV, but my first.

Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
edited September 29 in Success Stories
I have been yo-yoing with this whole calorie-counting/lifestyle change thing for the past two months now, and I have lost around five lbs. None of it is noticeable yet, as I have gained back about two... I'm surprised it's not more, to be honest, as the past few months have been the most turbulent of my life. Back on topic:

All of my life, I've loved junk food, but I've especially loved soda. I truly think soda is the main reason I have been overweight most of my life.

Now, after two months of being on here on and off again, I hardly ever drink soda. If I have one, I sip on it slowly throughout the day, and I always end up throwing it out. I feel like it's a waste for me to even open one/get one now. I only really realized it the past couple of days, and I thought I would share in case people out there are struggling with soda "addiction."

Believe it or not, y'all, it really does get easier. It just takes time.

So that's all for me for now. Yay!


  • This is so me! I LOVE coke!! If I didn't drink coke, I would be ok and not be where I am today! I drink so much of it that I get massive headaches if I don't have it! I just started this site today and hope I can stick with it, I am misrable with my health!!! How did you stop drinking it? What was your replacement if any for the pop?
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    There is no such thing as a small NSV. Beginning to overcome any addiction - food or otherwise - is a major accomplishment!!!

    You have begun a journey most fear to take. Most cannot even envision it. I know too many people hooked on diet sodas - worse than the real thing!

    Congrats, SnarfTwo!!! You are doing great! Thanks for sharing!
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member

    That is an awesome NSV! It's always nice when you realize that your mentality about food (and soda) is changing!

    For example - when I was younger, I used to get excited about my parents leaving the house because then that meant I could eat what I wanted (saying it out loud makes it sound worse...). I just always ate in private, and it never did me any good.

    Now when I'm alone in my apartment, I don't really think about that at all! I think I used to associate eating a lot of food with shame, so I would consider it a private thing. It's taken me a long time to realize this and get over it, but now that I have, I feel so much more empowered!

    In my opinion, the victories off the scale are a hell of a lot more meaningful than the victories on it.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    This is so me! I LOVE coke!! If I didn't drink coke, I would be ok and not be where I am today! I drink so much of it that I get massive headaches if I don't have it! I just started this site today and hope I can stick with it, I am misrable with my health!!! How did you stop drinking it? What was your replacement if any for the pop?

    I've so been there!

    Well, I honestly think it was a combination of things. First of all, the headaches are horrible. Try taking ibuprofen or something over the counter to relieve them. They don't always work (at least with me) but they probably will. I started to slowly ween myself off of them. I decided at first that since I thought I couldn't live without the soda, I'd do half real Coke, half Coke Zero (or Diet if you prefer) to adjust to the taste while getting away from the real thing. I never really adjusted to the Coke Zero taste but I kept at it. I started to drink a lot more water, too. I've never really cared for drinking much of it but after you start it becomes like breathing. It's so horrible to think that I went possibly years without drinking at least one glass of water daily. ..

    After a while my body just sort of started to hate the soda. Now I don't really like anything with flavor in it, which is a problem because sometimes you want something with flavor, you know? I really like Gatorade but even that is hard for me to down all the way like I used to.

    I think it really just boils down to time, drinking water, and slowly weening yourself off of it. I hope this helped a little, my brain is a bit frazzled right now. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'd love to help in any way I can. This site is great.
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all! :)
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    that's a really big step! that stuff is so bad for you not to mention it takes the place of things you could be helping your body with, so way to go you!! stick with it!
  • KristensMom314
    KristensMom314 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm with you on this one! I used to drink at least 2 a day, but I'm trying to wean myself off of it. I started by just drinking 1 per day, then moving it to 1 every other day, now I'm down to 1 every 2 days...it's getting easier, thank goodness :)
  • edenruth
    edenruth Posts: 4
    O my I am feeling your pain! I have always LOVED coke! I was in the same boat where if I wouldn't drink one I would get a headache. There was no secret when I stopped drinking them. I just stopped. I would drink water when I wanted one and even then if I am still wanting one I just think is this really going to be as good as I want it to be? After I drink this will I be satisfied? If the answers are yes then ok I will drink one but only part. AND if I really really really need a soda I go for a sprite zero. No calories, caffeine, or sugar. Just a little thing that helped me out big time : )
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I drink A LOT of crystal light... or other brands if they have the flavor I want. The ice tea ones usually have no cals. I have also found that making fresh smoothies- fruit, yogurt,ice- keeps me full and so I am usually not thirsty. I am not sure what to do about the headaches because I never got them- but this is what I have switched to.
  • This is so me! I LOVE coke!! If I didn't drink coke, I would be ok and not be where I am today! I drink so much of it that I get massive headaches if I don't have it! I just started this site today and hope I can stick with it, I am misrable with my health!!! How did you stop drinking it? What was your replacement if any for the pop?

    I was the same way with Diet Coke, if I didn't drink it (or any diet soda) I would get really bad headaches. I decided to just deal with the headaches and take advil as needed for them as opposed to giving in. It took more than a week, but now I am fine! I started drinking A LOT of water, and if I need flavor I add a packet of Crystal Light to a bottle of water. I'll still drink a diet coke once in a while, but I feel soooo much better now that I don't fill myself with soda anymore!
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    Does anyone know how long it takes for the bloating soda gives you to go down? Or does that have to do with a ton of other factors, such as how much sodium and water you have per day per week?
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    Lol i remember when i was younger i was addicted to soda and i would deny it to no end then i started sports and coaches would not allow us to drink it. My favorite soda was coke but a few years ago i read this article how it decreases bone mass in women and i dropped soda all together plus it was giving me terrible acne
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