Trying to find ppl who need to lose 100 pounds or my



  • masterll
    masterll Posts: 11 Member
    They're a lot of us who need to shed 100+ lbs. Add me to the growing list of friends who can help keep you motivated. I've managed to loose 26 lbs since rejoining MFP in July. So far just by tracking what I eat, because I was over 300 lbs and it's hard to join a gym or do strenuous activities. (bad knees and ankles) Calories are key to loosing so you have to change your mind set about how much and what you eat. I'm not on a diet, i eat what i want, just in moderation so set your calorie goal and stick to it. I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day and do a little strength training mixed in now that I've lost those first 20 lbs.
    You have to start somewhere so why not right here where there are tons of people willing to support you. Good luck on your journey, it's all about making healthier choices to better your life.
  • foxflakes
    foxflakes Posts: 5 Member
    I need to lose 117 lb, feel free to request me!
  • norawaller
    norawaller Posts: 36 Member
    please add me. I started with needing to lose 115 lbs now down to about 100. definitely needs to be viewed as a lifelong lifestyle change. I repeat that mantra to myself every day!
  • cdurham1102
    cdurham1102 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi,my name is Carol and I'm a stay at home mom too. I need help to lose 100 lbs also. Please add me so we can get started losing this weight. . Thanks and have a great day.
  • Countrygirl2945
    Countrygirl2945 Posts: 3 Member
    I started out at 309 and I'm currently at 292. My goal is to lose 150 pounds in the next few years. I do the Low carb lifestyle as well. Please feel free to add me as a friend. My profile picture shows me at my current weight(I'm in the green).
  • arhodes62
    arhodes62 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I just recently joined MFP and have 100+ to lose. So far I am down 15 but a long way to go...... It's always great to have extra support in this journey :smile:
  • BarbaraJatmfp
    BarbaraJatmfp Posts: 463 Member
    MFP has a "200+ pounds to lose" message board. It has "Weight Watchers" in the name but that is where they started. Some of them do WW and some do calorie counting on MFP.

    Several of the people started dieting when they weighed over 300 pounds. One person weighed well over 400 pounds and is now down in the mid-200's. They have a lot of success and have experienced all of the struggles with dieting: starting, plateauing, regaining, recommitting, exercising, finding recipes, discovering new foods, etc. Whatever your diet plan is, you will be welcome there.

  • Mr_StMartin
    Mr_StMartin Posts: 19 Member
    Top of the morning, Cathy and all! I just arrived this morning and have exactly 200 pounds to lose. Sending you an add, Cathy, and anyone else, feel free to partake in my journey! Much Love,

  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    I've lost over 125 lbs. happy to help in any way
  • ennbee84
    ennbee84 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just joined mfp after doing slimming world for 6 months, hoping to find my mojo again. Ideally want to lose 100 lb, have lost 23lb so far
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    I started back in January and needed to lose 135 pounds. I am now 103 down without exercise doing LCHF and watching cals. Let me know if you need anything. also check out
  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! I was a member on here way back and I am just starting to come back on because I would really like to meet some new people and have accountability partners. I have gained weigh back and I know I can lose it again.", it's just been challenging.
    Anyway, I would love to meet new friends to share this journey with. I have about 80 lbs I would like to lose.
    Hope to hear from some of you soon :) thanks for reading. <3
  • pjohnson0787
    pjohnson0787 Posts: 42 Member
    HI everyone!
    I also need to lose 126 lbs to get to my goal of 200 (for the time being) I'm a 29 year old stay at home mom of 3. Looking for some friends similar to me that is active. I'm on here daily. Feel free to add me!
  • mama5432
    mama5432 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey dear. I am 106.5 kg (234 pounds) right now n its th heaviest i ever weighed. I m 5'3". Had 3 csections. So body is in very bad shape. Really wana reach my goal of 75 kgs i.e have to cut 31 kgs. Need ppl who r doing same struggle. It si my third time installing my fitness pal. Last two time i gradually stopped using app. And again started bingeing and gained more weight.
  • mgookin
    mgookin Posts: 92 Member
    Hello! All are welcome to add me.
    I am 26, currently 323 pounds. My dream weight would be back around 165 which was my smallest. This will be my second time on here. The first time around I gradually stopped logging because of the lack of support I have here at home. A lot of mocking that eventually got the best of me and I gained back most of the weight. I am just focusing on getting in all my steps for the day and logging daily with a weekly weigh in. Looking forward to many small victories this time around to keep me going! Today is day #1.
  • dinelli06
    dinelli06 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this. Lost 185lbs and kept it off for three years but now I'm back where i started and now need to lose at least 150lbs.

    Doing it on my own again.
  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    I have way more than a hundred to lose, it can be done i'm already down nearly 100, lots of it before joining here. 38 pounds down since i started using MFP.
    there is a group for those of us with lots to lose ...