Cloth Diaper sewing mama's??

Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
So I posted a thread about mama's who home school and I'm enjoying getting to meet other home schoolers but I'd also love to meet other mom's who use cloth diapers or sew them. I do them and use them.

Anyone else? Or am I crazy?


  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Been using and sewing cloth diapers for 2 years now :)
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    No you're not crazy. I used them. More work, yes, but saved money and helped my kids to potty train fairly quickly. This is not to say I didn't use disposables at all because I did. :)
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    I use both cloth and disposable. I am also a home birther and breast feeding momma :)
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    I use both cloth and disposable. I am also a home birther and breast feeding momma :)

    Whooo Hooo..another home birthing mama!! I love it.
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    Been using and sewing cloth diapers for 2 years now :)

    Oh, now I know i'm in good company. I love sewing and I love sewing diapers the most. LOL
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I don't currently cloth diaper but I am very interested in learning. My baby is 3 months old, I am currently staying home with her and my older two kids. Where do you find patterns?

  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    We have been using cloth for 3yrs now. Oldest has been out of diapers for a year but my ds is still using them! I haven't made my own though, not so good with a sewing machine.
    I'm also a homebirther, breastfeeder, and doula ;-) nice to see other crunch mommas here! Feel free to friend me
  • dstrbdangel
    I desperately wanted to make my own cloth diapers for my daughter who is now 2 1/2 but couldnt find a pattern.I guess next baby Ill have to get some more tips :)We want to try for a boy but arent ready yet :)
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    I desperately wanted to make my own cloth diapers for my daughter who is now 2 1/2 but couldnt find a pattern.I guess next baby Ill have to get some more tips :)We want to try for a boy but arent ready yet :)

    There are tons of patterns... If you "Google" Diaper sewing Diva's there is a forum. Lots of WAHM, many have created great patterns for you to use.