Is going to bed hungry damaging to weight loss?

I hope this isn't a stupid question. I few times a week I've met my calorie goals but have hunger pangs before bed. I don't want to eat therefore I drink some water and go to bed. Thoughts?



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It shouldn't damage your weight loss as long as you're eating at least 1200 cals a day.
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    - I do not think so. But...I never eat past 9...or try my very best. If you are really really hungry drink lots more water.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    You don't have to not eat before bed if you have calories left over. It's a myth that it matters what time you eat.

    Maybe you can try saving 100 calories or so for a small pre bed time snack like an apple.

    I never go to bed hungry or else I just can't sleep. And not sleeping is more detrimental to fitness then having a snack before bed ever will be.
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    I don't think it is a problem either. I remember talking to someone on MFP who went to bed because if they stayed up they would just eat. I thought I was the only one.
  • nthnglsts
    nthnglsts Posts: 7
    Hi Always Angel!
    I don't know if it is damaging to weight loss but I think it doesn't help you sleep or keep your blood sugar level. If I don't eat something, even a popsicle or some frozen yogurt or plain yogurt or fat free milk before bed I wake up at 2 am with a splitting headache. Everyone will tell you not to eat 3 hours before bed but I find if I eat something light like the above, an hour or so before it gets me through the night. Maybe someone will know more about this and post. I'd be interested in what people say.

  • Luv2Cook
    Luv2Cook Posts: 24 Member
    Add more protein to your diet. Protein will stay with you longer.
  • chelseamckell
    chelseamckell Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with Ziaki. Save 100 calories for a 9pm snack. Ideally, a protein snack. I just had a little lettuce wrap - a couple turkey slices, tomato slices, in a big lettuce leaf. Yummy, and great for pre-bed!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    do oz says eat at ant time dont go to bed hungry jusy keep some extra calories available. I have my snack at 10pm
  • JuJuB3ans
    JuJuB3ans Posts: 8
    I have tried the not eating before bed thing too. And I swear I can not sleep if all I'm thinking about is being hungry. And if I drink a lot of water trying to "curb" my hunger and do manage to fall asleep, I wake up a couple hours later to pee and guess what? I'M HUNGRY STILL! UGHHHHH! My advice, from Dr. OZ, is just don't eat carbs before bed, try to eat protein. I used to eat cereal every night before bed, that was a hard habit to break!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    I have a small dish of oatmeal with honey. Or a little warm milk with honey. I think they both help me feel satisfied and let me sleep through the night.
  • roraborealis
    Not necessarily. But you need to figure out what works for you. If it's just a little, then it's okay. If it starts interfering with your sleep, then it's going to set you back and you'll be causing undue stress on your body.

    Personally, I eat a lot of small meals, and I save some calories for a little while before bed. Whatever it is I eat before bed, though, always has casein in it so that it is released over a few hours. I don't go to bed or wake up hungry since I started doing that. Cottage cheese or a protein drink made with a quality casein mix are what I usually go for. My husband prefers a skim string cheese stick (also has casein protein) if he's still hungry. Casein becomes a gel-like substance in your stomach and can take a few hours to digest.

    I started my fitness program a while ago (16 pounds before I started using this website). It was slow going at first. But after I changed up how and when I eat, it became much easier and I'm dropping the weight easier.
  • chantalsantos
    they say you should wait 3 hours after eating before going to bed but theres times ur cleaning late and all that, so if you are really hungry and its bed time i herd that cottage cheese is good to eat, its easy and quick to digest, even its suppose to help you sleep, ur suppose to eat every 2-3 hours while ur awake, as long as its healthy you should be fine, if you dont like cottage cheese maybe yogurt, i'll have one of those single serving cups that are only 35 calories, and its holds me off:wink:
  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    I think being hungry at any time is bad...I understand that it's a diet, but you still need to eat! More fiber and protein will help.

    That being said, I almost always have something to eat before I go to bed. Usually a glass of milk or something else dairy-related. Definitely try to save a few calories for a small snack - but not empty carbs (no 100 calorie Oreo's!) - make sure it's something that'll make you satisfied :)
  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    I have tried the not eating before bed thing too. And I swear I can not sleep if all I'm thinking about is being hungry. And if I drink a lot of water trying to "curb" my hunger and do manage to fall asleep, I wake up a couple hours later to pee and guess what? I'M HUNGRY STILL! UGHHHHH! My advice, from Dr. OZ, is just don't eat carbs before bed, try to eat protein. I used to eat cereal every night before bed, that was a hard habit to break!

    OMG right?! I think I woke up for weeks straight at 3am to pee before I decided I had had enough of that!
  • alwaysangel
    alwaysangel Posts: 203
    Thanks for all of the quick responses! I Love this site/app!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chantalsantos
    true you will feel fuller longer with protein or fiber in ur diet
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    going to bed hungry... it will lower the lbs on the scale.. but most of that lb will be just muscle.. most pro bodybuilders wake up at exactly half point of their sleep to drink a protein shake or eat a chicken breast... because for first half the night (if you ate properly) will try to repair muscle tissiue from your work outs and grow the muscle... the other half the night your body is hungry so it starts to eat at your muscle...

    If you are trying to loose weight.. the more muscle you have, the more cals you burn, and when loosing fat and theres muscle underneath you will look leaner quicker..