Medifast? Nutrisystem? Anyone tried these?

aarynisabee Posts: 20
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I am looking into ordering a meal plan, like Medifast, Jenny Craig, or Nutrisystem. Has anyone ever tried any of these? If you have, did you like them? Did they work for you? What did you do after? Advice please :happy:


  • Ptarnal
    Ptarnal Posts: 8 Member
    i have tried jenny craig for 6 months,it did work where u have to exercise, but I felt it a bit pricey(food)
  • I tried nutrisystem. Some of their food was really good! However their customer service was really lacking. After I stopped the program they continued taking payments out of my bank account for three months! All in all the program was good though. I lost about 20 lbs in 2 months.
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    Nutrisystem worked for me, all in all it was about 300 bucks a month (had to buy fresh stuff/protein from the store). I did it for two months and lost 32 pounds, IT WORKS, stick to it. After that I came here and continue to lose just eating better and WRITING DOWN EVERYTHING I EAT! Hope all the best for you!
  • TessieDue
    TessieDue Posts: 8
    Lots of these work, but honestly, they don't teach you how to eat for life... I have lost almost 35lbs in 6 months by adjusting my eating habits. It can be hard to make the change yourself without the assistance, but it is well worth it! You can message me if you have questions...
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I tried Nutrisystem I did not care for the food if you try them go thru QVC very easy to work with and they guarantee the product so you deal with them if you dont like it you call QVC not nutrisystem for a refund
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I was on Nutrisystem for about five months when I was in grad school. The food was actually pretty good, and I lost 20 pounds without working out. So yes, technically, it did work for me.

    As some others have said, though, the issue with these programs is that they are not a sustainable approach to weight loss. They do not teach you anything about portion control or nutrition. They just teach you how to eat from a box. As soon as I stopped the program, I immediately gained back all of the weight and then some.

    I would recommend that you save your money. Nutrisystem is outrageously expensive (in addition to the boxed food, you need to buy dairy, fruits, and veggies), and unless you stay on the program forever, it is likely setting you up for failure. I have been light years more successful on MFP than I was on Nutrisystem, and this program has taught me how to eat in a healthier, more portion-conscious way.
  • I did really well with food replacment plans! I lost well with nutrisystem and as long as I kept working the program the weight came off. Then I had baby #1 and went off the deep end with food (not the plan's fault - MINE). After that I was a single mom and couldn't afford it plus it didn't see practical with a family - to make their food then eat my own. After that baby I did slimfast for a while and lost weight. Then had baby #2 lol. You see the trend! For me I think anything that sets portion control and takes my mind off food works and all of them have some real education and support if you actually work it - recipes, portion control techniques etc.., ways to wean you off the foods. With nutrisystem it was 13 years ago now so I don't know what the cost/quality/customer service is like now but I can say that if I could afford it right now I'd do it in a heartbeat!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    They are ripoffs and don't teach LIFESTYLE CHANGE, which is what you truly need.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I saw a lady at my work with a Medifast replacement "meal" - it was a bag of some chips and it was only 110 calories. If I was eating like that, I would starve and crave everything else.
    I think eating healthy and exercising is better than programs that provide you food, because then you know you can do it on your own.
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    I tried Medifast last year. You will lose weight, but it is not a good program. It is extremely calorie restrictive. You only eat between 800 - 900 calories a day. You eat their food 5 times a day and then eat 1 meal of your own. This meal can only be a single serviing of lean meat and 1 low carb veggie. They restrict your carbs to the few you get with their food. Some say that if you can get beyond the first 3 days, the hunger goes away. It didn't work for me. I stay with the diet for 5 or 6 weeks, but was starving the whole time. I lost 15 pounds, but put 20 back on when I came off the plan. I was so hungry that when I came off, I would stuff myself with anything I could find.

    You are better off losing the right way, by watching what you eat and exercising. These types of diets just don't teach you how to eat correctly when you come off the diet.
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    I did nutrisystem for a couple of months. It worked for the first couple of weeks, but I didn't have a lot to lose and it eventually came to a dead halt. I was very strict with the food, but I also wasn't exercising very much. My boyfriend did it at the same time and he actually used it longer than I did, but he had pretty much the same outcome.

    I don't think it's a bad program, but eventually I started to get a bad feeling about the fact that I was supposed to be eating food that had been sitting in my cupboard for a month. Literally, 30 days sitting around at room temp and I'm supposed to just nuke it? I figured I was eating preservatives out the wazoo.
  • LeslyW
    LeslyW Posts: 1
    I did ,medifast. The program and support were good and I lost 30 lbs. Over time I gained it back. I found the liquid diet to be helpful as a meal skipper.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    I tried Nutrisystem. I liked some of the food...but not all. I also ran into the problem that I do eat out a lot. Needed to learn how to make better choices in the resteraunts. On weeks where I did eat out a lot...had lots of extra food I was paying for. I do have slimfast powder that I use occasionally with milk and ice in the blender and make a thick breakfast smoothie...enjoy that.
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