Tell me 3 things to keep you on track...

maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I think I do best when I have a few mini goals to work on during the day to help me achieve my goals. Let me know what kinds of things you are working on to help yourself do this! The more concrete the better, i.e. instead of "Stay under calories for the day", something specific that will help you do that, like "Eat lean protein at each meal/snack to stay full longer."

The things I'm working on this week:

*Six servings of fruits and veggies a day (fancy lettuce in my fridge for salads and lots of berries to eat up!)
*NOT drinking my calories, getting my water in and if I do that I can have some unsweetened iced tea. Yum!
*Making a menu each evening for the following's day food, and figuring out the calories (pre-entering in the tracker)

I can't wait to see what you're doing to keep yourself on track this week!


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I pre plan chips allowed in the house, and If I dont go to my workout no computer time for me...
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    *walk a minimum of 5 miles on my walk 5 days out of the week*

    *try a new healthy luck / dinner recipe* kinda already working on this one, got plain greek yogurt for a sauce for some tilapia

    *wear spf 90 ever time I go out in the sun* not exactly fitness but staying nice and pale makes me feel pretty and that makes me want to push harder to lose the last of my weight
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    How do I keep on track?

    1. I aim to burn a minimum of 3.500 exercise calories a week...this equates to 1lb weight loss.

    2. I don't go over my daily calories allowance....if I do I make up for it on successive days during the week.

    3. I drink a minimum of 8 glasses water/green tea a day.

    Works for me.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Oooh I like it! For me this week:
    1. Some form of exercise daily, even if my knee hurts (took some time off for this, gained 2 lbs back). yoga/ dvds are ok...
    2. Eat three full meals a day, and only eat snack foods for snacks. I can do better!
    3. Daily weights (looking for my weight fluctuation pattern). I will not be sidetracked by a gain.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Awesome goals! I had some unexpected things happen today and ended up eating differently from what I planned. I need to get in a big ole salad to still get some more veggies in!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I eat protein right away in the morning, followed by a glass of water.
    I use wii fit to exercise and track my weight/bmi.
    I have a really strong need/desire to keep up with my 2 and 4 year old kids.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I think I do best when I have a few mini goals to work on during the day to help me achieve my goals. Let me know what kinds of things you are working on to help yourself do this! The more concrete the better, i.e. instead of "Stay under calories for the day", something specific that will help you do that, like "Eat lean protein at each meal/snack to stay full longer."

    The things I'm working on this week:

    *Six servings of fruits and veggies a day (fancy lettuce in my fridge for salads and lots of berries to eat up!)
    *NOT drinking my calories, getting my water in and if I do that I can have some unsweetened iced tea. Yum!
    *Making a menu each evening for the following's day food, and figuring out the calories (pre-entering in the tracker)

    I can't wait to see what you're doing to keep yourself on track this week!

    Nice topic, I've set my goals for the entire year. :)

    Daily Goal:
    1. Get to the gym have a great workout.
    2. Weekday: Hit calorie target and keep carbs under target or lower | Weekend: Carb-up eat something fun and eat good carbs

    Weekly Goal:
    1. Increase rep range for each core lift by one to two reps
    2. Lose 1 to 2 pounds

    Rolling Six Week Goal (this is continuous through October)
    1. Core Upper Body Lifts: Increase weight by 5 - 10lbs | Core Lower Body Lifts: Increase weight by 10 - 20lbs
    2. Evaluate body composition measurements

    2011 Goals:
    1. Hit 315lbson the Bench Press
    2. Hit 200 lbs on the Standing Shoulder Press
    3. Get back to 300lbs on Deadlift (rehabbing an injury that knocked me back on progress)
    4. Hit 10% bodyfat
  • Kaycurrier
    Kaycurrier Posts: 231
    I work a desk job which leaves me little time for excersize so I make it a personal goal to walk 8,000 steps a day either by taking the stairs through the offices, parking further away, or walking to deliver messages and scan papers as much as possile.

    Second goal is to drink 4 large water bottles at work a day (2 before lunch and 2 after)

    Third is to bring good crunches to work...instead of chips and cookies I am now known for my crunchy raw fruits and veggies, lol at least 4 servings at work!

    I also try to do 2 vegetarian days a week which makes me hing of different potiens to eat instead of meat!
  • Mzliv
    Mzliv Posts: 4 Member
    Those are great ideas. I'm working on making sure I eat two snacks between breakfast and lunch so I won't be so hungry at night, limiting my carbs, and measuring condiments
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
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