
I have gone back to training for about 2 'onths. Now.

Left photo 130kg. Right photo 118

My goal is just to get rid of that stomach hang. Been. Aiming around 105kg.

Thoughts ?

29 years old
Training 6 days heavy weights plus cardio (500-600 calorie burnt during) LISS
P280 C100 F75mzzseatblfwr.jpg


  • blueboy2526
    blueboy2526 Posts: 19 Member
    Don't change anything - you are obviously going in the right direction! Great work mate. Keep it up
  • daniel1987h
    daniel1987h Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for that, i have exactly 80 days to reach that "flat stomach" im just stressing out 1. due to time frame. 2. due to skin issues post losing the weight.
    I am lifting ridiculously heavy, and im putting on size pretty fast.

    Just timing + skin possibility messing with head.
  • blueboy2526
    blueboy2526 Posts: 19 Member
    Go easy on the weight - concentrate on form - focus on great diet - get enough rest........all the rest will just fall into place.
  • daniel1987h
    daniel1987h Posts: 8 Member
    My form is on point as it always has been, even though im only back in to it for 2 months, i have pretty much lifted on and off for a very long time (doesnt show any more)

    Do we forsee skin issue?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You just have to keep losing fat.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    My form is on point as it always has been, even though im only back in to it for 2 months, i have pretty much lifted on and off for a very long time (doesnt show any more)

    Do we forsee skin issue?

    No way to tell, really - there are too many possible personal variables. For some people it tightens back up, others have to deal with the loose skin. Only way to find out is keep on plugging away!

    As for the belly, just know that for a lot of men that's the last place that the fat stubbornly hangs on to - around the lower gut and love handles. There's no way to target or "spot reduce" it, just keep going until it's gone.
  • daniel1987h
    daniel1987h Posts: 8 Member
    I am going to continue the path and see where it leads me....
  • daniel1987h
    daniel1987h Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is now 105kg. so another 13kg from the photo on the right.
  • daniel1987h
    daniel1987h Posts: 8 Member
    Go easy on the weight - concentrate on form - focus on great diet - get enough rest........all the rest will just fall into place.

    i also apologise if my response to this seemed aggressive. i Tend to get on the defensive alot. My apologies.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Congratulations on the loss! As far as skin concerns, it really is hard to predict. The skin can also take a year to recover. At that point, you'll know if it's going to happen.

    I had twins and my skin could not recover. I had a tummy tuck after 18 years of floppy saggy skin.