Eat Less, Move More

Hi - I have actually been using myfitnesspal for a couple of months now and love it. It was hard for me to admit that my reasons for not being able to lose weight were really just excuses. Oh, I had some good ones - Fibromyalgia, Thyroid Disorder, mid-forties, works many hours. But once I started tracking the amount of calories and movement I did in a day, I was faced with the truth that I ate too much and didn't move enough. Since curbing my calories and getting my 3 days of 30 minutes, I have not only been losing pounds but also trimming. It was so very exciting to take my belt down 2 notches and move out of the "women's" section of clothes that I have been stuck in for the last 5 years. I'm sticking with this site and working towards the next 10 lb goal. :happy:


  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31
    that's really inspiring. too often our "reasons" really are just excuses