Putting it all together!

Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
I hate to say getting started, because let's face it I've been getting started one too many times. In all my years with my up and down weight I have learned numerous things about what's good, what's bad, what works what doesn't. In order to succeed I need to put it all together. My crazy life is never going to change, I'm never going to stop being social, and there are always going to be hiccups. Therefore I need to change, I need to take action, I have to STOP "getting started" and just keep going. So my efforts begin with making logging in everyday a priority and not only tracking my food and exercise but also adding a little post about what worked today and what gave me trouble. I'd love to have friends along this journey who maybe want the same things. I have a long way to go but I am tired of feeling the way I do!!!


  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I feel you girl.

    I feel like I've been almost a fraud all these years knowing what is healthy but not being able to put it all together or get it to actually work for me- I've done tons of research and gotten some great (and also terrible) advice along the way. I've sometimes been mystified at why what I do doesn't yield much results. I'm the girl that is always eating clean, going gluten free, then sugar free, then hiking a bunch, then working out with a personal trainer, yet always somehow overweight.

    However I THINK I've finally stumbled on what actually works for me but it does take discipline, effort, and logging/tracking every day. And it's going to be a bit of a struggle staying on track when life & stress get in the way- but at least I am FINALLY getting results! Have lost weight and more importantly lost fat & gained muscle over the past 3 weeks- It's only 4 pounds but it's really steady instead of fluctuating all over the place like I did before.

    Im definitely tired of starting over or failing and not being where I want to be physically. I'm ready to implement what I've finally found works for me and stick to it!

    I'll add you and hopefully we can motivate each other.

    Oh, FYI I don't keep my exercise on my diary because it throws off my calories but I do usually log it so it pops up on my feed and then I delete it.
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    Welcome to MFP, I've only been on here a little over a month. I think that you will find some awesome people on here that can help motivate you!!!
  • tomorrowistoday0000
    tomorrowistoday0000 Posts: 125 Member
    If you are serious and ready for results, feel free to add me for support. I love seeing people's transformation.
  • Hmeek22
    Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
    So as promised, yesterday went great as all 1st days do. I ate great and had wonderful exercise. I got prepared for today before bed which was helpful this morning. I had trouble sleeping last night so my morning work out didn't happen but I was able to walk at the park before work. (My workout video would have made me sweat requiring a shower which my sleeping in prevented time wise, but the weather this morning was perfect for a walk in the park. I am aiming toward my video this afternoon or while dinner is cooking.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Good job! I missed my training session this morning because my car wouldn't start! I'm going to the gym tonight after work to do weight lifting though - today is chest & biceps day of my 4 day split. Just started this new program last week- the legs day had me sore for 3 days afterwards! But I know that just means I'll be stronger next time :)
  • AmandaLynn91316
    AmandaLynn91316 Posts: 27 Member
    Good job!!
    I added you, I feel kind of the same way you do. I have always stayed slim but definitely struggled with weight the way it would look on me. :( I've "got started" a thousand times it feels like. I normally last two days, lol. This time I'm up to five days and starting to adjust to eating healthier and smaller portions. Keep going!! :)
  • Hmeek22
    Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
    I really appreciate those following along, surprising enough it keeps me motivated. Day 2 also good. I did my workout video and cut the grass after my daughter's appointment, logged over 13,000 steps for the day. But after 6 I was beat watched a movie and went up to read, fell asleep before 9:30. (I think my body was telling me something). Today so far so good.
  • Hmeek22
    Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
    I found that I have trouble with control on weekends, but that I still want to enjoy drinks with my friends. I'm going to try and focus on a little more water during these nights and maybe an extra workout beforehand. Sunday was a complete day of rest. I got 5000 ish steps and that is only because I had bowling league. My sleep got all messed up because of late nights and naps (I never take naps). So no early workout this morning. I did sign up for a 5k in December so back to my running plan today.
  • Hmeek22
    Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 9, it's frustrating but I am doing my best to keep going. I feel like I need to get over this hump. I have to keep going in the right directions to see results.
  • Laureleikosovich
    Laureleikosovich Posts: 14 Member
    You're doing well! Keep it up!