carmel282 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support

I've been doing this website for a little while now with my partner....and WOW is he doing so well!! Very proud of him!! Me - Not so much! I am trying to change everything about myself....and feel overwhelmed. I just feel stuck. I think its because I haven't seen results on the scales for a little while now. Maybe I'm not serious enought about it and need to sort that out or maybe I'm being unfair to msyelf and keep with it and it will all come together. Starting the C25 K programme tonight with my friend and entering all my calories to the daily diary so hopefully I will be able to get myself out of whatever this is ....



  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Good Luck!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you trying to do too much all at once? Each week, try to change one thing, and make that a habit. Then next week, make another improvement. Your body can become confused when you make a number of drastic changes all at once.

    I love the way you're happy for your partner's success - we all need supportive other halves!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    Myself and many other MFP members can assure you that if you log all your calories and all your exercise and stick with MFP's recommendations, you will definitely lose weight. And C25K is awesome!

    Good luck!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Good luck!

    If you take it seriously and really push yourself you'll see the weight and inches start falling.

    The past two months have been the first time I took anything with my weight seriously....and I'm going all out, workout 6-days a week 45-90 minutes, and I've seen GREAT results on the scales.

    Just make sure you do some strength training with your cardio!
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    I too am feeling frustrated! I am exercising. Sticking to my calorie goal (for the most part) never over 1500 and usually at 1200. I have not seen any loss. At all.
    I am trying to just focus on my fitness levels and improvements in that area and not worry about the scale. Even my measurements have stayed the same. I'm not sure what to do.
    I will just stick with it. That's all we can do and hopefully our bodies will start to recognize that it is okay and is normal and then they will start dropping the pounds.
    All the best! Don't give up...!!!
  • mikegailey
    mikegailey Posts: 2 Member
    I just started with myfitnesspal last night. Been going to the gym three times a week for nine months, and initially did really well... lost 28lbs. Recently I've put about 14 lbs back on, no change to gym routine, no change to eating habits that I'm aware of. So yes, this weight loss thing can be demoralising, but stick with it, you'll get there in the end, as will I.
  • foodfiend
    foodfiend Posts: 4
    Keep in mind that you might not see change on the scales but if you do measurements (eg waist) you should start seeing change. This is my motivation as I tend to increase in weight before I lose it due to muscle gain.
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    It can be overwhelming to start with. I found it easier to change my life one bad habit at a time.- First week all I did was quit drinking. Second, Added monitoring my food and so on. I also had 'consolidation' weeks where I just stuck to sticking to the changes I'd already made.

    Might help to break it down into small, achievable goals. Drink more water, walk an extra mile etc. After a couple of weeks each change becomes more like a habit or just part of your new lifestyle. Then introduce something new.

    Good luck xx
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Its always easy (and convenient at times) to fudge, cheat, and say "I'll just make this one of my cheat days". We are our worst critics, so you may be tired of the self berating your giving yourself. Just remember you didn't get to the current position & weight your are overnight, and it won't happen that quick also. Set small goals to reach your large goal. Be kind to yourself when you faulter, but hold yourself accountable (cause no one else will) for your choices. Understand that plateaus happen, sometimes for longer than you think they should; but often those just mean you need to change something you've been doing in intensity, amount, or weight to kick your metabolism in the butt to get moving. Good luck!
  • Sam426f
    Sam426f Posts: 47 Member
    Keep on trying, you will soon notice a difference. I find calorie counting works brilliantly for me, if you have a treat you are made aware of the impact it will have on your diet. I am also trying to exercise 5 days per week, between 30 - 60 mins per day. Good luck, keep on trying x:smile:
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Best of luck. Before I did anything on here, I sorted out my eating for a couple of weeks before adding in any significant exercise.

    It took me about 3-4 weeks to start losing, and then in that week, I lost 4lbs! I did lose inches in that time though, so I would measure yourself as well.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I agree with the poster that asked if you were trying to change things all at once.. that is hard and overwhelming. This week work on logging everything that crosses your lips. Measure and weigh everything do not eyeball . We in general tend to underestimate our calories by 40% and overestimate our fitness by 20%.. Thats a 60% swing so if you measure and weigh you are one step ahead. drink 8-10 glasses of water a day! and that is 8oz glasses! If you do those 2 things this week and stay within your nutritional goals and keep everything else the same you should see results. Do what every you have been doing for your exercise this week and then next week make sure you are getting cardio and strength training both in. In the coming weeks there are lots of tweaking that can be done but right now you need to see some results to keep you motivated.

    Friend me if you would Like as I will be glad to give you other tips as the weeks go along!

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