Losing weight with pcos

Does anyone else here suffer from pcos? I know it makes losing weight harder and the temptations harder to resist so I would really appreciate a good accountability buddy who goes through the same struggles I do. And also, any tips on how you lost weight with pcos?


  • Athomemermaid
    Athomemermaid Posts: 29 Member
    I went to the doctor today and she thinks I have PCOS. Got bloods done to test thyroid, testosterone etc and she also gave me metformin. For the last few months I've been calorie counting and I'm doing pretty good but have bearly lost anything. I'm pretty new but ild like to see what othere have to say.. feel free to add me.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (underwctive thyroid). I've lost 17lbs in the past few months by eating what I want but sticking to 1200 calories. I tried a low carb diet which is meant to help PCOS but I couldn't stick to it and it wasn't sustainable. The temptation and cravings sometimes are hard, but because I don't deprive myself and just fit it into my calories I've found I don't often crave anything, and if I do I eat it and start fresh again the next day as it's not often it happens. If I can do it, you can!
  • Nicole_kayy
    Nicole_kayy Posts: 88 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (underwctive thyroid). I've lost 17lbs in the past few months by eating what I want but sticking to 1200 calories. I tried a low carb diet which is meant to help PCOS but I couldn't stick to it and it wasn't sustainable. The temptation and cravings sometimes are hard, but because I don't deprive myself and just fit it into my calories I've found I don't often crave anything, and if I do I eat it and start fresh again the next day as it's not often it happens. If I can do it, you can!

    Do you know if there is a way to change the calorie budget on MFP?
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I was (finally) diagnosed with PCOS in April - after suffering from it for years on end. I'm on almost 2000 calories, but working out about 2 hours a day. I hope I can see results as soon as possible, because I'm going to Mauritius next year lol
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (underwctive thyroid). I've lost 17lbs in the past few months by eating what I want but sticking to 1200 calories. I tried a low carb diet which is meant to help PCOS but I couldn't stick to it and it wasn't sustainable. The temptation and cravings sometimes are hard, but because I don't deprive myself and just fit it into my calories I've found I don't often crave anything, and if I do I eat it and start fresh again the next day as it's not often it happens. If I can do it, you can!

    Do you know if there is a way to change the calorie budget on MFP?

    I know you can change your calories manually, but I'd stick to what MFP gave you. It gave me 1200 as I'm quite short (5'3). You don't want to be eating lower than you should as you may not be able to stick to it and may end up binging. But yeah, you can just type the number of calories you want to have on settings.
  • Nicole_kayy
    Nicole_kayy Posts: 88 Member
    I have been fighting pcos for years. I have gained more and more weight since my daughter's birth in 2011. I had a D&C done one month ago today, and decided I was going to really work at getting my weight and PCOS under control. I have cut carbs back to around 50-60 carbs a day and I am working out doing cardio dance and zumba 5 times a week. Since September 14th, I have dropped 20 lbs and 14.5 inches! I am also taking 1000mg a day of metformin, which took some getting used to because of the side effects, but since I have been eating better, the side effects aren't nearly as challenging. I still have 80 pounds to lose, and I know my loss is going to slow down alot, but I am determined and I think that I have finally found my key to this.

    I also dropped milk and most dairy products. I read several articles relating dairy to pcos issues and I do think there is something to it.

    That's great! I have tried cutting carbs for a while with no success. Good job finding what works for you, I need to be doing that!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I know many with PCOS who succeed, mainly it's just taking the deficit slowly, not too low, and consistency. Do whatever you can to keep stress down as that is what drives hunger up. Too much exercise, not enough sleep, too low of a deficit, not enough protein, depriving of carbs or fats or nutrients will all cause stress and drive up hunger. The strategy is actually very similar to a female maintaining a low body fat which is when hunger will be more intense, you have to walk a fine line, not too low on eating, but not so high that you counter act the slight deficit. Consistency and don't deprive. Check the weekly calorie chart in the phone app often, and the 30 day calorie chart in the web browser is helpful for a visual on the consistency. A nice line that varies a little but not the high spikes or the low dips. That is the key for you. If you do that and give it 60-90 days you will start seeing success for sure, if you really do it.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I just had surgery back in August to remove a large ovarian cyst. I have suffered from PCOS symptoms since I went off of the birth control pill in 2013. I went from being 5'8", 146lbs and in the best shape of my life to gaining 20 lbs seemingly overnight (in about 3 weeks). All of my hair started falling out, and I broke out in horrible acne. I've put on another 20lbs since over the past couple years. I weighed in this morning at 186. I agree with posters above that a) you have to keep stress down, and b) you HAVE to control this! I have found that if I try to have an "off" month where I just eat "whatever" and don't pay attention, it's not like it was prior to PCOS--I WILL gain, and it WILL be stubborn to come off.
  • acaldwell3590
    acaldwell3590 Posts: 15 Member
    I also have PCOS. I've been trying to manage it and lose weight for the past 4 years. I diet and lose a few pounds and let go a little and gain it all back in a short period of time so I give up. This time around I really want to make it work, I feel that my body is taking the hit from being big my whole life. I would love to connect with people who understand what a frustration this is.
  • tess77h
    tess77h Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2016

    ]Do you know if there is a way to change the calorie budget on MFP? [/quote]

    Go to home>settings>update diet/fitness profile then go to the bottom of that screen and enter how much you want to lose per week. That will change your total calories goal.
  • Nicole_kayy
    Nicole_kayy Posts: 88 Member
    I also have PCOS. I've been trying to manage it and lose weight for the past 4 years. I diet and lose a few pounds and let go a little and gain it all back in a short period of time so I give up. This time around I really want to make it work, I feel that my body is taking the hit from being big my whole life. I would love to connect with people who understand what a frustration this is.

    Exactly! I do the same thing. Hopefully it will be easier with us all here to help keep each other encouraged. I have a hard time trying to talk to my friends who don't have pcos about losing weight. Some tell me to just exercise more, which actually makes me feel worse (like I'm not trying). It seems like you understand what I'm talking about.