Did you notice pounds coming off OR smaller measurements in your first month or so?

I'm just wondering if y'all noticed a decrease on the scale first, or your clothes fitting differently, or smaller measurements after starting your journey of weight loss. I have only noticed a couple lbs lost so far (after 4 weeks), but my measurements are a little smaller. Any input?


  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    It took nearly 9 months for me to notice. A lot of my clothes had stretch/give in them and the change was so gradual it wasn't until I put on an old pair of shorts (profile picture) that it sunk in.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    I noticed the difference in the number on the scale.

    It didn't actually occur to me to measure myself until I was about 6 weeks in.

    I didn't particularly notice any differences in my clothing until I was about 16 weeks into it ... nor did I notice any difference until then when I looked in the mirror.

    But where I did see a difference after about 10 weeks was in photographs.
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    @KateTii So, you didn't see a difference on the scale at all? Or were you just not monitoring your actual weight much?
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I noticed the difference (as in REALLY noticed the difference) when my sweatpants fell off my *kitten* at the gym. :flushed:

    But even now, almost 17kg lost later, I still sometimes look in the mirror and think I haven't lost any weight. (down 2 clothing sizes btw and inching towards the 3...)
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I noticed the difference in the number on the scale.

    It didn't actually occur to me to measure myself until I was about 6 weeks in.

    I didn't particularly notice any differences in my clothing until I was about 16 weeks into it ... nor did I notice any difference until then when I looked in the mirror.

    But where I did see a difference after about 10 weeks was in photographs.

    I'm thing this is how I'm REALLY going to notice the difference. In photographs.
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    I noticed the difference (as in REALLY noticed the difference) when my sweatpants fell off my *kitten* at the gym. :flushed:

    OMG!!! lol... At least you looked good when they fell off! What an inspiration to the people working out!!!!!!! Hahahaha!
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    crissy976 wrote: »
    @KateTii So, you didn't see a difference on the scale at all? Or were you just not monitoring your actual weight much?

    I was weighing myself most days and could see the number on the scale getting lower, but I couldn't actually see the difference in the mirror.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    crissy976 wrote: »
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    I noticed the difference (as in REALLY noticed the difference) when my sweatpants fell off my *kitten* at the gym. :flushed:

    OMG!!! lol... At least you looked good when they fell off! What an inspiration to the people working out!!!!!!! Hahahaha!

    I was mortified especially since it was smack in the middle of a lesson with my trainer AND there were only guys around...

    In hindsight... it was absolutely HILARIOUS and I'm glad I made a joke of it - no graceful way to get out of that one.

    Thank you for the 'you looked good' part... but I'm technically still considered 'obese' by medical standards (BMI 30.4) and my health markers show it. :wink: But working on that one. :smiley:
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    I definitely noticed a difference in the scale first, but I also had a lot to lose. I was taking pictures every 20 pounds (and now every 10), but wasn't taking measurements until May of this year, after I'd lost almost half the weight I have to lose, because I really didn't want to know what those numbers were.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    In the first month I saw a difference in all three – – about 6 pounds on the scale, smaller measurements, and looser clothes. It might depend on how much you have to lose, and how tight your clothes are to begin with. My total weight loss goal is 25 to 30 pounds, and some of my clothes were already a little snug.
  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    I lost three pounds the first week, then nothing the second or third week, then maybe a pound the fourth week. But I did take my measurements all the way through and even the weeks I didn't see the scale move, I lost at least an inch from my waist and hips each week. Maybe because I HATE cardio and only did a little of that, but I love strength training and was lifting fairly heavy from the first day. My muscles were holding on to water because of the initial shock of working out, but I started to see consistent drops in the scale and in measurements after the 4th week. I went from a size 22W pants to a size 18W in those 4 weeks so I knew it was working.

    Everyone's body is different, and reacts differently to exercise at first. If you stick with it, eventually you will see both your weight and size decrease.
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    Thank you for the 'you looked good' part... but I'm technically still considered 'obese' by medical standards (BMI 30.4) and my health markers show it. :wink: But working on that one. :smiley:

    You'll get there! Keep up the good work hon!

  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    Stupidly I didn't think to measure myself in the first month of my diet, however I was losing 5-8Ibs a week (I was 290Ibs when I started)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I've been on track for 72 days... I made a decision to not weigh myself until day 125. On day 50 I had to get some pants ..and I went down a size. I thought it was vanity sizing until i purchases a pair of shorts and those were a size smaller also. In my mind.. I looked the same.. I think the changes are so gradual as someone mentioned.

    My goal "this time" is to not get obsessed over making progress NOW! kind of thing. It is nice to read these posts about how gradual it can be and how the mind doesn't see the changes.

  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    edited October 2016
    LynnBBQ72 wrote: »
    I lost three pounds the first week, then nothing the second or third week, then maybe a pound the fourth week. But I did take my measurements all the way through and even the weeks I didn't see the scale move, I lost at least an inch from my waist and hips each week. Maybe because I HATE cardio and only did a little of that, but I love strength training and was lifting fairly heavy from the first day. My muscles were holding on to water because of the initial shock of working out, but I started to see consistent drops in the scale and in measurements after the 4th week. I went from a size 22W pants to a size 18W in those 4 weeks so I knew it was working.

    Everyone's body is different, and reacts differently to exercise at first. If you stick with it, eventually you will see both your weight and size decrease.

    That's a great loss! And that's what I've kind of noticed, too, is that even though the scale isn't moving as much as I'd LIKE it to, my measurements are showing me the difference, as well as my clothes, and my body in the mirror looks a little different. It even "feels" different. So, I guess whatever I'm doing is working. lol
  • suarez73
    suarez73 Posts: 33 Member
    I've noticed both the scale and my clothes fitting a little differently. I notice subtle changes on my body. I think it depends on the person.
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been on track for 72 days... I made a decision to not weigh myself until day 125. On day 50 I had to get some pants ..and I went down a size. I thought it was vanity sizing until i purchases a pair of shorts and those were a size smaller also. In my mind.. I looked the same.. I think the changes are so gradual as someone mentioned.

    My goal "this time" is to not get obsessed over making progress NOW! kind of thing. It is nice to read these posts about how gradual it can be and how the mind doesn't see the changes.

    I totally agree with you! Great work in your progress! I like to get a feel for what other people are experiencing too so that I can compare my own experience and see if things are "normal." lol Or if I can be doing something different.
  • Red_Pill
    Red_Pill Posts: 300 Member
    Both. Sometimes on a cut I see changes in my physical daily.
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    I noticed it in everything: scale, measurements and clothing. I had dropped 11 lbs the first month. The first two weeks, my weight dropped 8 lbs and my workout tops were not as snug. I was able to notice it a whole lot just looking in the mirror. I kick myself in the butt because I didn't accurately measure my waist until 2 weeks in.

    But I think everyone is different because many reasons: different body types, where we tend to hold our weight, and if we are building muscle, to name a few.