Love made me fat!

Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
When I was looking for love, i was in good shape, I found love and low and behold, let the pounds begin, I lost my love and back on the road to fit..So I ask of you, was it laziness on my part or was it loves fault.. Hmm, If i stay single will I remain fit?


  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    When you meet someone you get so wrapped up in them. It hsppens! Just keep your focus on yourself first next time.
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    I think there is that level of comfort that everyone falls into. When I met my husband I was already in the process of losing weight. I countinued to do so and remained focused. I even manage to maintine a good weight through both of my pregnancies. I was very over weight and I always have the fear of putting the weight back on, and I wouldn't let anything or anyone derail me from that plan. Now that we are separated exercise is my go to. Helps me relieve stress and stay sane! Love can make us blind to certain things but we can always set clear goals and remain focused!
  • Baddogbeanie
    Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
    It was love that made me get into shape. I wanted to look good for my partner and I wanted him to be healthy too. Now the love died but I still think we should nurture what our partners enjoy. So was it the love or did you choose to spend time with her instead of the gym? Best of luck in your search :)

    I was so focused on us I lost sight of me and lost it all in the end.. Back on track, liking who I am and becoming what I want to be!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    It was food.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Was love ..sneaky *kitten* ..
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    It was probably busyness. Now that I'm engaged I have a lot of *kitten* going on and it interferes with things like fitness. However on that note I didn't get into fitness until my significant other did or well started constantly talking about it anyways. I think maybe if fitness and healthy eating were a priority for your love you would have worked on both together.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    Women crush mens goals... This is no surprise.

    He has it all right here... Never loose who you are, even in Love, (just a chemical response to dopamine in your brain) So like most addicts, nothing matter by that High.....
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    Women crush mens goals... This is no surprise.

    He has it all right here... Never loose who you are, even in Love, (just a chemical response to dopamine in your brain) So like most addicts, nothing matter by that High.....


    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm the opposite...I tend to stay in shape when I have someone to try to keep and get fluffy when no one is around to look nice for...
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    Caporegiem wrote: »
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    Women crush mens goals... This is no surprise.

    He has it all right here... Never loose who you are, even in Love, (just a chemical response to dopamine in your brain) So like most addicts, nothing matter by that High.....


    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    @km8907 Someone on MFP would have gotten it

  • roguewanderer40
    roguewanderer40 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to be a workout machine. boxing, military etc. When I married she was a psycho who thought me working out made her insecure because 1- i wasnt spending time with her (she never wanted to hike etc) 2- that i must be trying to look good for someone else!....Needless to say I ended up stopping working out to appease her and lbs piled on. gross.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    I'm the opposite...I tend to stay in shape when I have someone to try to keep and get fluffy when no one is around to look nice for...

    This should be the motto for all who are in a a relationship.

    Are there more people like you out there somewhere, and where can I find them. :)
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    PowerMan40 wrote: »
    Women crush mens goals... This is no surprise.

    He has it all right here... Never loose who you are, even in Love, (just a chemical response to dopamine in your brain) So like most addicts, nothing matter by that High.....


    Sorry about that, That was before coffee, made perfect sense when I wrote it... lol
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited October 2016
    Eating too much without sufficient exercise made you fat, those are life choices.
    You made a choice to slack off and get complacent.
    Same thing almost happened to me until I realized it.