My insanity results

UPDATE:Insanity wk 7 results
4rd fit test. I'm really hating these :P, lol

start of wk7, fit test july 11th
I sucked at some, and got better in other, oh well...

Switch Kicks: 60-- 73-- 63--65
Power Jacks: 37-- 47 -- 42--47
Power Knees: 70--100--104--110
Power Jumps: 35-- 28(did it the right way) --25--26 I HATE THESE
Globe Jumps: 9-- 11-- 11--9 f*&! this
Suicide Jumps: 11--16-- 16--14
Push- Up Jacks: 23--35-- 37--35
Low Plank Oblique: 32-- 37- 35-- 43 bouya!

Weigh/Body Stats

1day/1st fit test ---2nd fit test -- 3rd fit test- 4th fittest
Weight: 154.6 lbs-- 151.8- 145--142.6
Neck: 13"-- 13--13--12,75
Chest: 38.5"--38 --36--35.5
Bicep: 12"-- 12 --12--11.75
Waist: 36.25"-- 34.25--34--33
Hip: 40"-- 39--39--37
Thigh: 23"--22--22--22
calf: 15.5"--15.5 --15.5--15.5

so after 7wks, lost 12lbs & 10.75 inches

2 more wks-to go:drinker:


  • Bellum24
    Bellum24 Posts: 106 Member
    Keep up the good work!!!
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    Sheesh, this looks great, but complicated for me to understand. The bottom line is the right numbers are going up and the right ones are coming down. You must be very excited with all of these positive results. Keep up the good work.
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    kinda thinking about doing Insanity after I complete P90X so any thoughts, hints etc would be greatly appreciated. Also great job so far !!
  • Marieeve1976
    Amazing job my dear friend! I do the Insanity w/o but don't follow the program... too hard for me! You're the best, keep it up and rock it!!! :) The results are AWSOME! Too bad we lose some chest but hey, in exchange for losing some inches everywhere else, it's worth it!!!!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    This is awesome! My husband and I start Insanity tonight and I am looking forward to it. We have already done P90X, this will be an interesting change.