I have a plan and I'm looking for somebody to help me stick to it.

I have a huge problem when it comes to weekends. That problem is an impulse to eat at a certain place to excess every single Friday night. It's gotten to the point where I just need to cut it out because moderation doesn't work. I don't want to call it a food addiction or anything like that because I realize how scoffed at that phrase is ...

Anyway, my plan is that instead of going to "the bad place" on Friday nights, I want to start cooking my own "indulgence" meals which will be a lot better for me (mainly because it's made of real food although not necessarily very healthy). But, I would like to have a few people who can help me stay accountable for that. You know. People to remind me, ask what I'm cooking, etc. Anyone up for it? Add me!


  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    What did you cook last night?
  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there! I am just getting back on to this app and I am too looking for an accountability partner. I can relate to you by eating unhealthy foods... especially on weekends. I would love to chat more! Feel free to message me :)
    Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
  • fatkid1110
    fatkid1110 Posts: 20 Member
    I have the same problem. Lol
  • sandi_s
    sandi_s Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah weekends are my down fall.... so what did you have to eat today? Support and accountability is what I need the most.
  • cbalkenbush99
    cbalkenbush99 Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. I do well all week to stay within caloric goals, and then Friday night comes and all your friends are eating pizza... and lets be honest, you can't just eat one piece of pizza!
  • paperboy342
    paperboy342 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problem. Let's do this and stick to it!
  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe it is like it is in AA: Stay away from those friends who are indulging until we are stronger...There is no way I can go near a pizza parlor, ice cream parlor, or buffet, at least for the near future.
  • mandabrowning88
    mandabrowning88 Posts: 1 Member
    Im excatly the same would love a buddy so we can support each other feel free to add me and anyone else who wants a buddy
  • xashr1991
    xashr1991 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow I got busy and haven't even checked this! Thanks for the responses, and yes, weekends suck and it's definitely not possible to stop at one slice of pizza! Defnitely gonna have to try the AA route, haha. Maybe buy myself concert tickets instead of getting chips. (; I'm thinking of making some tacos, or maybe enchiladas this weekend. Definitely need to get to the grocery store soon.
  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    My plan for the week-end, now that it is here? Extra time to plan food and a grocery list for the next few days. Extra time to put in a little more physical activity (notice I didn't say "exercise"). Extra time to think about how I will feel better by even this time next week-end IF I stick to plans.
  • ashcakes72
    ashcakes72 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey add me. I really need the support also. I'm tired of trying and giving up.
  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    Are we sticking close to plan?