Medication nightmare!

Hi all :) My name is Violet and I could really do with some support,encouragement and kindness!
Unfortunately I have bipolar disorder :s which puts many obstacles on the path of trying to lose weight! Aside from the mood problems,depressive episode =no motivation,isolation,extreme lethargy,comfort eating etc,manic episode=CRAZY! :p So in comes the medication! Antipsychotics,mood stabilisers,anti anxiety and so on. I have always been floating between 9.5 and10.5 stones which I'm happy with,but since starting the antipsychotic around 2years ago I put on 3.5 stone! :o apparently these types of meds are notorious for this terrible weight gain,anyway after looking into it others having the same problem are saying it's impossible to lose any weight on them no matter how much diet and exercising you do! Please someone tell me they've had a different result or just add me to support each other! Thanks for reading! ;)<3


  • gillmores
    gillmores Posts: 16 Member
    :smile: Hi Violet

    I'm new on this app so keen for a motivational buddy too. Keen on adding you, but how?

    Cheers and keep it up
  • flamingonotpigeon
    Hi! I really don't know how to add friends?! :o
  • gillmores
    gillmores Posts: 16 Member
    Just figured out. Click on the persons hyperlinked name and then their photo. Then click on the tick in the right hand corner. This is on an iPhone and I'm not sure this is the right way but it works :)
  • maidenofthespis
    maidenofthespis Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Violet! I absolutely can relate on how meds can really mess up the balance you had on your body. I can definitely give you my support!
  • flamingonotpigeon
    Got it! Thanks gillmores!
    Thanks for commenting maidenofthespis :* message me anytime x