Pole dancing fitness..has anyone tried it????



  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    WARNING: IT'S ADDICTING!!! lol.I am another with a pole (actually two) at home and am self taught. I don't do it enough to look like a dancer, but it's o e hell of a workout...and you feel sexier too! = ) Im obsessed with it. It's all I can think of when I see any pole...street sign, tetherball,etc!! lol!!!

    There is no weight limit for pole dancing...whoever said that they are too big...you can totally do it! Look on youtube ..it's for girls of all sizes! = )

    And I haven't tried lil mynx, but I think the xpole and platinum stages are the best. I personally have the platinum stages portable one with a stage attched (great for parties). And the multipiece super pole which can spin or stay static. This one is my absolurte fave!!! Can hold lotssss and lotsss of crzay moves and weight and never budges! Best part...neither have to be drilled in//so no holes in the ceiling. Stay far far away from the peek a boo pr carmen electra or similar poles and stick with platinum/xpole/lil mynx. The others are just for looks and cannot hold the slightest bit of pressure.
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    I would think it worked great. You dont see to many over weight strippers.
  • UNCTarHeelGirl
    I never thought I'd have the guts to try pole dancing, but I took several classes and loved them. I got friends to start coming to class with me, and I even bought a pole from Lil' Mynx. There can be some bruising afterwards, but my arms & thighs would be sore the next day, so I knew I was getting a real workout. Definitely a fun and sassy way to work on toning. :wink:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I did one for my friends bach party that I planned, it was so much fun. I wish I could afford the time and money to do it regularly. It's hot, sweaty, and incredibly sexy.
  • CaveGal
    CaveGal Posts: 29 Member
    Im going to a pole dacing class at my gym tonight! And Im very excited and nervous at the same time haha Im worried my arms arent strong enough but I hope I'll be able to do some moves regardless
  • ColoradoCowgirl
    Sounds like a blast! Think I'll have to find some videos for my cross-training workout days! lol
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I love it!! I have two poles in my garage studio and one in the exercise room in the house!! it's such a good workout!
  • egeurin
    egeurin Posts: 10
    I started taking pole classes about a month and a half ago, but I only went twice a week and the studio didn't offer any other fitness/dance classes. They just recently changed their schedule to include a hip hop cardio class and zumba, though, so I've just decided to start going every day. L

    Your enjoyment of pole fitness at a studio is going to depend a lot on if you like your instructors and feel comfortable with them. All of the instructors at my studio are supportive, friendly, and make class a BLAST!

    When I first started, I couldn't lift myself up the pole, and I know I looked like a friggin idiot when I tried some of the tricks. But I was persistant! It took me a month to get myself able to climb the pole, and about 3 weeks to be able to do a plank more than once. You just have to keep trying - you will be sore, it's going to hurt a little at first (you WILL bruise a little and get pole burns), and you're going to feel silly, but if you keep at it you WILL be able to get better and better and stronger and stronger! Just know that everyone who isn't a beginner knows EXACTLY how you feel, and the other beginners aren't watching you anyways!

    As for results, because I didn't commit to going consistently until recently, I haven't really lost much weight. But I have gotten a lot stronger, I have more energy, and, most importantly, it got me to start exercising!!
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I take a class once a week with Aradia Fitness, and I LOVE it! It's soooo much fun, and at the classes I go to we do a lot of floor work as well as pole work. You start off learning a couple moves a week, adding to it every week, so you build a good foundation, and then add to it.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    If anyone in Houston ever reads this, i can get you in for a half price intro at the studio I go to. Just send a friend request and/or a message! I'm always looking for more excuses to go dance, lol!